Seminar by Professor B.L.S. Prakasa Rao

13:00-14:30 on Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013.

Admission Free,No Booking Necessary

ISM Seminar Room 4 (D312B)
Statistical inference for fractional diffusion processes

There are some time series which exhibit long-range dependence as noticed by Hurst in his investigations of river water levels along Nile river. Long-range dependence is connected with the concept of self-similarity in that increments of a self-similar process with stationary increments exhibit long-range dependence under some conditions.
Fractional Brownian motion is an example of such a process.
We discuss statistical inference for stochastic processes modeled by stochastic differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion. These processes are termed as fractional diffusion processes. Since fractional Brownian motion is not a semimartingale, it is not possible to extend the notion of a stochastic integral with respect to a fractional Brownian motion following the ideas of Ito integration. There are other methods  of extending integration with respect to a fractional Brownian motion. Suppose a complete path of a fractional diffusion process is observed over a finite time interval.
We will present some results on inference for such processes.
Some recent workon change-point problems will be discussed.