
2013年6月11日(火) 14:50-16:30

東京大学 経済学部新棟3階第3教室

Donald Richards (Penn State Univ. / 統計数理研究所 客員教授)

On the role of the hypergeometric functions of matrix argument in the age of electronic communications

This lecture is based on joint work with K. I. Gross, University of Vermont. The hypergeometric functions of matrix argument arose in theearly twentieth century from problems in mathematical statistics, in the study of multivariate statistical analysis and related random matrices; and in pure mathematics, specifically in analytic number theory. These functions subsequently have arisen in physics, chemistry, and in engineering, and in many other areas of mathematics.
In this talk, we will describe the recent appearance of these hypergeometric functions in electronic communications networks, notably the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) models that form the  basis of modern technology for the transmission of cell-phone signals.