News List
- 2024/12/18
11 statisticians from CAPMAS, Government of Egypt visited ISM
- 2024/11/12
Obituary : Emeritus Professor David Vere-Jones of the University of Wellington and Victoria
- 2024/10/31
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Research Center for Medical and Health Data Science)
- 2024/10/01
Outline 2024-2025 is published.
- 2024/09/19
Annual Report (in Japanese) published.
- 2024/07/31
An international conference "Data Oriented Astronomy" is now accepting applications.
- 2024/07/18
Announcement of the Awardee of the Fifth Akaike Memorial Lecture Award
- 2024/05/24
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Assistant Professor)
- 2024/04/18
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions (Research Center for Materials Informatics) [Application deadline: 17:00 on 24th May, 2024 JST]
- 2024/03/07
We are currently conducting a survey in the Tokyo metropolitan area. We appreciate your cooperation.
- 2024/02/13
This website will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance on February 20, from 11:00 to 17:00 JST.
- 2023/09/28
Science Council of Japan (SCJ) opinion paper "Statistical Science Education in Mathematics, Data Science, and AI Education at Universities," which ISM members helped prepare, has been published.
- 2023/09/19
Annual Report (in Japanese) published.
- 2023/09/14
This website will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance on September 15, from 17:00 to 18:00 JST.
- 2023/05/31
10 statisticians visit the ISM from the Egyptian Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics
- 2023/05/24
"Statistical Data Analysis Competition 2023" is now accepting applications.
- 2023/05/24
The 17th Data Business Creation Contest is now accepting applications.
- 2023/05/10
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Assistant Professor)
- 2022/10/12
Outline 2022-2023 is published.
- 2022/09/26
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Research Center for Medical and Health Data Science)
- 2022/09/07
Leading-DAT free online lectures (L-X1)"An Introduction to Graphical Models (1)" video is uploaded
- 2022/08/31
Annual Report (in Japanese) published.
- 2022/07/26
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Risk Analysis Research Center)
- 2022/07/11
Announcement of the Awardee of the Fourth Akaike Memorial Lecture Award
- 2022/06/30
Random Number Library service terminated
- 2022/06/14
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Full or Associate Professor)
- 2022/05/11
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Assistant Professor)
- 2021/12/23
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Risk Analysis Research Center)
- 2021/12/01
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Research Center for Medical and Health Data Science)
- 2021/10/28
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Data Science Center for Creative Design and Manufacturing)
- 2021/10/18
Announcement of the Awardee of Statistical Data Analysis Competition
- 2021/10/08
Outline 2021-2022 is published.
- 2021/09/30
Annual Report(in Japanese) published.
- 2021/09/13
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Risk Analysis Research Center)
- 2021/08/26
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Assistant Professor)
- 2021/08/12
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions (Data Science Center for Creative Design and Manufacturing)
- 2021/07/07
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Risk Analysis Research Center)
- 2021/05/11
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Assistant Professor)
- 2021/01/13
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Research Center for Statistical Machine Learning)
- 2020/12/04
Outline 2020-2021 is published.
- 2020/11/11
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Risk Analysis Research Center)
- 2020/09/18
Annual Report(in Japanese) published.
- 2020/09/16
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Data Science Center for Creative Design and Manufacturing)
- 2020/07/14
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Research Center for Statistical Machine Learning)
- 2020/07/10
[Press Release] Announcement of the Awardee of the Third Akaike Memorial Lecture Award
- 2020/06/02
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Risk Analysis Research Center)
- 2020/05/28
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Assistant Professor)
- 2020/04/14
List of events cancelled due to coronavirus concerns
- 2020/03/28
[Notice]Temporary admission restriction : In order to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus infection, visitors are temporarily restricted from entering the institute. Thank you for your cooperation so that you can refrain from unnecessary visits except for urgent cases.
- 2020/03/02
ISM Library will be temporarily closed to Non-ISM members in order to prevent COVID-19 infection.
- 2020/02/21
Statistical Mathematics Seminar postponed to prevent COVID-19
- 2020/02/03
Call for Application: Postdoctoral position (Center for Data Assimilation Research and Applications)
- 2020/01/16
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Research Center for Statistical Machine Learning)
- 2020/01/07
Activity Report (2017.4-2019.3) published.
- 2019/12/25
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Risk Analysis Research Center)
- 2019/10/31
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Risk Analysis Research Center)
- 2019/10/09
Outline 2019-2020 is published.
- 2019/09/10
Announcement of Job Openings in Technical Assistant
- 2019/09/06
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) invites applications for tenure-track assistant professor positions in Astroinformatics, Astrostatistics and/or related fields. The successful candidates are expected to develop these methodologies at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) for their first 5 years. The application deadline is November 29th, 2019, 5pm JST.
- 2019/08/27
Annual Report(in Japanese) published.
- 2019/08/02
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Full or Associate Professor)
- 2019/08/02
Announcement of Job Openings in Research Positions(Assistant Professor)
- 2019/02/08
Call for Postdoctoral Researcher(School of Statistical Thinking) [Application due: NLT Thursday, February 28, 2019]
- 2018/12/04
Call for Researchers on Materials Informatics [Application deadline:January 10, 2019]
- 2018/11/12
Call for Researcher on Research Center for Statistical Machine Learning [Application deadline:January 7, 2019]
- 2018/10/05
Outline 2018-2019 (PDF: 4,291KB) published.
- 2018/07/25
Annual Report(in Japanese) published.
- 2018/02/22
Call for Researchers on Materials Informatics [The application period will be closed when the position is filled]
- 2018/02/16
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed with the Korean Association for Survey Research (KASR)
Backnumber: 2012-2017
| 2004-2011