Obituary : Emeritus Professor David Vere-Jones of the University of Wellington and Victoria

Professor David Vere-Jones passed away on 31 October 2024. He was a pioneer in the theory and application of statistical seismology, especially in the integration of stochastic point processes with traditional descriptive statistical seismology, and he published a landmark book on the introduction to point processes and played a leading role in the global establishment of the field of statistical seismology.

Professor Vere-Jones was invited by Professor Hirotugu Akaike, former Director General of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (then Director of Research Division 5), and greatly supported and contributed to the establishment of the Statistical Seismology Group (now the Statistical Seismology Research Project, Risk Analysis Research Center) at the Institute and the development of the ETAS model and other models. He was particularly instrumental in chairing the External Evaluation Committee for the Statistical Seismology Research Project . Since then, he has dedicated himself to the development of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics as a member of the AISM Editorial Board and International Advisory Board. We express our deepest condolences to him.


The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Department of Fundamental Statistical Mathematics
Jiancang ZHUANG, Prof.