FAQ for the Visiting Professor Program for Foreign Researchers

Question I intend to acknowledge the Institute of Statistical Mathematics in a paper to be published. Is there any sample format for this purpose?
Answer Yes. Please find the following sample.
This work was partially supported by the visiting professor program of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM).



FAQ for ISM Cooperative Research Program for Foreign Researchers

Question I intend to acknowledge the Institute of Statistical Mathematics in a paper to be published. Is there any sample format for this purpose?
Answer Yes. Please find the following sample.
This study was partially carried out under the ISM Cooperative Research (Program yyyy-ISMCRP-nnnn).
Here “yyyy” must be replaced with fiscal year in which your program was carried out and “nnnn” must be replaced with your program number such as 2045.
Question I intend to apply to Cooperative Research. Let me know the application procedure.
Answer Please directly contact to Cooperative Research support staffs by e-mail.
E-mail: kyodo@ism.ac.jp