数学・数理科学と共に拓く豊かな未来 数学・数理科学と諸科学・産業の恊働による研究を促進するための「議論の場」を提供
項目 内容
研究集会等の名称 デジタル映像表現のための数理的手法
採択番号 2014E03
該当する重点テーマ 計測・予測・可視化の数理
キーワード コンピュータグラフィクス 、リー群とリー環 、流体力学 、離散微分幾何学 、レンダリング 、アニメーション 、モデリング
  • 個人
  • 落合 啓之
開催日時 2014/11/12 00:00 ~ 2014/11/14 00:00
開催場所 九州大学西新プラザ(福岡市早良区)



Wednesday 12 November


11:20-11:30 Opening address

[Invited Graphics Talk - Session chair: Dobashi Yoshinori]
11:30 – 12:30
A Geometric Approach to Elasticity, Contact, and Design
Eitan Grinspun (Columbia University)

[Geometry - Session chair: Miyuki Koiso]
14:00 – 14:30
Explicit Formula and Extension of the Discrete Power Function Associated with the Circle Patterns of Schramm Type
Hisashi Ando (Kyushu University), Mike Hay (INFN Sezione di Roma Tre), Kenji Kajiwara (Kyushu University) and Tetsu Masuda (Aoyama Gakuin University)

14:30 – 15:00
On Connectivity of Discretized 2D Explicit Curve
Fumiki Sekiya (Graduate University for Advanced Studies [SOKENDAI]), and Akihiro Sugimoto (National Institute of Informatics)

15:00 – 15:30
Probe-type Deformers
Shizuo Kaji (Yamaguchi University) and Gengdai Liu (OLM Digital, Inc.)

15:45 – 16:30
Computer Graphics and Minimal Surfaces
Shoichi Fujimori (Okayama University)

16:45 – 18:45
Poster presentations



Thursday 13 November


[Dynamics and simulation - Session chair: Yasuhide Fukumoto]
10:00 – 10:30
Fast Implicit Simulation of Flexible Trees
Jean-Marie Aubry (Weta Digital) and Xian Xiao (Weta Digital)

10:30 – 11:00
A Prior Reduced Model of Dynamical Systems
Haoran Xie (JAIST / JSPS Research Fellow), Zhiqiang Wang (Kent State University), Kazunori Miyata (JAIST), and Ye Zhao (Kent State University)

[Invited Graphics Talk - Session chair: Daisuke Tagami]
11:30 – 12:30
Computer Graphics and Digital Fabrication: Computational Challenges in Designing Virtual Models for Fabrication
Bernd Bickel (Disney Research)

[Epidermal and tomography - Session chair: Makoto Okabe]
14:00 – 14:45
Mathematical Model for Epidermal Homeostasis
Yasuaki Kobayashi (Hokkaido University), Masaharu Nagayama (Hokkaido University), Yusuke Sawabu (Hokkaido University), Satoshi Ota (Hokkaido University)

14:45 – 15:30
Sinogram Based Geometry Processing for CT Scanning
Yutaka Ohtake (The University of Tokyo), Hiromasa Suzuki (The University of Tokyo), Yukie Nagai (The University of Tokyo)

[Perception and rendering - Session chair: J.P. Lewis]
16:00 – 16:45
Computational Creation of a New Illusionary Solid Sign with Shading Effect
Akiyasu Tomoeda (Musashino University), Kokichi Sugihara (Meiji University)

16:45 – 17:15
Importance Sampling for Cloth Rendering under Environment Light
Kazutaka Mizutani (Wakayama University) and Kei Iwasaki (Wakayama University)

17:30 – 18:15
From Mathematical Study of Visual Information Processing in the Brain to Image Processing
Hitoshi Arai (The University of Tokyo)



Friday 14 November


[Animation and interpolation - Session chair: Yoshiyuki Ninomiya]
Skeleton-sheets Extraction using Shape Diameter Function
Roman Ďurikovič (Comenius University Bratislava) and Martin Madaras (Comenius University Bratislava)

10:30 – 11:00
Superresolution Principal Component Models by RKHS Sampling
J.P. Lewis (Victoria University and Weta Digital), Ken Anjyo (OLM Digital) and Taehyun Rhee (Victoria University)

[Invited Graphics Talk - Session chair: Ken Anjyo]
11:30 – 12:30
Advent of RGBD Images: Image Editing, Relighting and Compositing
Sunil Hadap (Adobe Research)

[Fluid Session Session chair: Hiroyuki Ochiai]
14:00 – 14:30
Fluid Volume Modeling from Ortho-View Images
Makoto Okabe (The University of Electro-Communications), Yoshinori Dobashi (Hokkaido University), Ken Anjyo (OLM Digital, Inc.), Takatsugu Yamaguchi (NHK) and Rikio Onai (The University of Electro-Communications)

14:30 – 15:00
Real-time Volume Visualization for Large-scale Grid-based Fluid Simulations on Distributed multi-GPU System
Un-Hong Wong (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Takayuki Aoki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Hon-Cheng Wong (Macau University of Science and Technology)

15:00 – 15:20 Closing




参加者数 数学・数理科学:55、 諸科学:7、 産業界:16、 その他:0


MEIS2014では、数学やCGの理論とその産業界への応用の色彩が前年度よりも強まった.例えばCG系の招待講演にはAdobe Research やDisney Researchからの応用研究についての発表もあった.CG側のテーマとしては、再生核ヒルベルト空間のアイデアに基づく一般的な補間方法に関する発表、物理現象のビジュアルシミュレーションに関する離散的アプローチなど、一般的な数理モデルへの展開が見られた.また、数学的色彩の濃いテーマとして、錯視や視覚情報処理に関する論文、CTデータ処理に関する幾何学的アプローチ、皮膚構造の数理モデル、離散ベキ関数や離散共形写像の研究などがあった. 







Closing Session では MEIS2015 についての開催と投稿スケジュール(予定)などについてアナウンスがあった.参加者からも、このシンポジウムの継続を望む声が多かった.

