


3.クロス表の表頭の数字は、原則として調査票上の回答肢の番号通りであるが、コーディングし直したものについては、追加コード、修正コードなどとして、それぞれの個所に特記した。 「その他」「D.K.」については、調査票に記されているコードについては、回答者が全くない場合も記した。

全体(JA)、性別(Male、Female)、10歳刻みの年齢別(-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-)、世代(二世、三世、四世、五世、その他)で集計した。 右端の整数はそれぞれに該当する回答者数である。


Q3. Are you currently---married, living together, widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never been married?
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Q4. What is (was) the ethnic background of your spouse?
Q5. What was the highest grade you completed in elementary or high school? (CODE EXACT GRADE)____________________
Q8. Last year (1997), were you employed, partially employed, unemployed, retired, not employed or in some other status?
Q10. IF ALREADY ANSWERED, CODE WITHOUT ASKING: Are (Were) you self-employed or do (did) you work for someone else?
Q12. Which of the following statements best describes your closest friends?
Q13. Think of your current three best friends. How many are Japanese Americans?
Q14. If you are employed, which one of the following statements best describes your coworkers or colleagues at the place where you work?
Q17. Overall, what is the ethnic makeup of the organizations that you belong to?
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Q18. (HAND R CARD Q18) How much do you feel a part of the Japanese American community in this area? A great deal, quite a bit, somewhat, very little, or not at all?
#3.1a (H62a) 
Q19. I would like to ask you a few questions about religion. Do you have any personal religious faith?
#3.1b (H62b) 
Q20. If yes, what religion is this?
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Q21. Are you a member of any particular church or temple?
- - -  
Q22. Does this church or temple have a predominantly Japanese American or non-Japanese American membership?
#3.2 (H63) 
Q23. Without reference to any of the established religions, do you think that a religious attitude is important or not?
#3.3 (H64) 
Q24. Some people say that although there are many different religions in the world, each with their own beliefs, their teachings really amount to the same thing. Would you agree with this or disagree?
Q25. Do you regularly read a Japanese American newspaper other than the Pacific Citizen (such as the North American Post or Hokubei Mainichi)?
- - -  
Q26. Do you attend at least one kenjinkai or kenjinkai-related event (e.g., a meeting, picnic), every year?
- - -  
Q27. I'm going to mention a number of different situations and I'd like you to tell me in which, if any, of them you see a difference between Japanese American and Caucasian ways of doing things. Do you see a difference in . . . . .
A. Day-to-day business activities
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Q27. I'm going to mention a number of different situations and I'd like you to tell me in which, if any, of them you see a difference between Japanese American and Caucasian ways of doing things. Do you see a difference in . . . . .
B. Social activities
- - -  
Q27. I'm going to mention a number of different situations and I'd like you to tell me in which, if any, of them you see a difference between Japanese American and Caucasian ways of doing things. Do you see a difference in . . . . .
C. Church-related activities
- - -  
Q27. I'm going to mention a number of different situations and I'd like you to tell me in which, if any, of them you see a difference between Japanese American and Caucasian ways of doing things. Do you see a difference in . . . . .
D. Dealings with family and relatives
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
A. Asian Food Store
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
B. Grocery Store
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
C. Restaurant
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
D. Medical Doctor
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
E. Dentist
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
F. Optometrist/Optician
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
G. Lawyer
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
H. Service Station/Garage
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
I. Drug Store
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
J. Insurance Agency
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
K. Other Retail Business
Q28. (HAND R CARD Q28) Here is a list of businesses and services. Which of these that you use are run by Japanese Americans and which are run by non-Japanese Americans? (Check both Col. 0 and Col. 1 if both apply).
L. Other Professional
- - -  
Q29. As an adult, how much discrimination have you experienced because of your Japanese background? Would you say none, a minimal amount, quite a bit, or a great deal?
- - -  
Q31. (HAND R CARD Q31) Currently, in areas like Los Angeles and San Francisco where Japanese American basketball teams and leagues are popular, there is controversy over whether youth of other ethnicities should be allowed to play. What is your feeling about this issue?
- - -  
Q33. If it becomes necessary for you to live in an assisted living or a nursing facility, would you prefer it be Japanese American or mainstream American?

Q35-Q50 Self-Administered Questions
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Q35. When I am with others, I express my true feelings rather than try to make others comfortable.
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Q36. I dislike being in organizations where the responsibility for leadership is unclear.
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Q37. When discussing issues, I tend to say the first thing that comes into my head.
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Q38. I find myself feeling more socially awkward when I am in the company of non-Japanese Americans than when in the company of Japanese Americans.
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Q39. When I am in a strange group, it takes me a long time to be able to express my thoughts.
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Q40. At times, I am overly concerned with trying to anticipate the needs of the other person.
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Q41. In meetings, I express my views regardless of whether others agree with them.
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Q42. I feel most socially at ease when I am in the company of fellow (Nisei/Sansei/Yonsei - your ENERATIONration).
- - -  
Q43. When in a group, which must make a decision, I am the type to try to find a position that everyone (or nearly everyone) can support.
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Q44. When working on a difficult task, I prefer working alone rather than in a group.
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Q45. I prefer groups where, to decide issues, everyone has their say and then votes as opposed to discussing things until a consensus is reached.
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Q46. I like working in groups where there is a clear leadership structure.
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Q47. A good leader always tries to achieve consensus with his or her followers rather than just telling them what to do.
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Q48. I prefer working in a group where everyone agrees on the decision rather than where decisions are made by majority vote.
- - -  
Q49. When I am with non-Japanese Americans, I tend to talk less than when I am with Japanese Americans.
- - -  
Q50. I feel more comfortable working with other people to solve a difficult problem rather than working on my own.

Q51. Would you say you are, on the whole, more inclined than the average American to respect your ancestors or less?
#4.10 (H12) 
Q52. If you had no children, would you think it desirable to adopt a child in order to continue the family line, even if there is no blood relationship? Or do you not think this is important?
Q53-1. (HAND R CARD Q53) During the last four weeks have you suffered from any of the following (READ EACH IN TURN)?
1. Headaches/migraines
Q53-2. (HAND R CARD Q53) During the last four weeks have you suffered from any of the following (READ EACH IN TURN)?
2. Backaches
Q53-3. (HAND R CARD Q53) During the last four weeks have you suffered from any of the following (READ EACH IN TURN)?
3. Nervousness
Q53-4. (HAND R CARD Q53) During the last four weeks have you suffered from any of the following (READ EACH IN TURN)?
4. Depression
Q53-5. (HAND R CARD Q53) During the last four weeks have you suffered from any of the following (READ EACH IN TURN)?
5. Insomnia
#2.8 (H18) 
Q54. If you were to get enough money to live as comfortably as you would like for the rest of your life, would you continue to work or would you stop working?
#7.24 (H20) 
Q55. (HAND R CARD Q55) Here are some of the things people usually take into account in relation to their work. Which one would you personally place first?
#2.4 (H22)  
Q56. (HAND R CARD Q56) There are all sorts of attitudes toward life. Which one of the following statements would you say comes closest to your way of life?
#2.3F (H23) 
Q57. (HAND R CARD Q57) How do you feel about the quality of life in the area where you live?
Q58-1. (HAND R CARD Q58) Using this scale, where '7' is "very important," and '1' is "not important at all," can you tell me how important each of the following is to you?
1.Your immediate family and children, if you have any
Q58-2. (HAND R CARD Q58) Using this scale, where '7' is "very important," and '1' is "not important at all," can you tell me how important each of the following is to you?
2. Career and work
Q58-3. (HAND R CARD Q58) Using this scale, where '7' is "very important," and '1' is "not important at all," can you tell me how important each of the following is to you?
3. Free time and relaxation
Q58-4. (HAND R CARD Q58) Using this scale, where '7' is "very important," and '1' is "not important at all," can you tell me how important each of the following is to you?
4.Friends and acquaintances
Q58-5. (HAND R CARD Q58) Using this scale, where '7' is "very important," and '1' is "not important at all," can you tell me how important each of the following is to you?
5.Parents, brothers, sisters, and other relatives
Q58-6. (HAND R CARD Q58) Using this scale, where '7' is "very important," and '1' is "not important at all," can you tell me how important each of the following is to you?
6. Religion and church
Q58-7. (HAND R CARD Q58) Using this scale, where '7' is "very important," and '1' is "not important at all," can you tell me how important each of the following is to you?
7. Politics
#2.3C (H28) 
Q59. (HAND R CARD Q59) All things considered, how satisfied are you with your family life-the time you spend and the things you do with members of your family? Just call off the letter which comes closest to your feelings.
#7.1 (H32) 
Q60. Some people say that with the development of science and technology, life becomes more convenient, but at the same time a lot of human feeling is lost. Do you agree with this opinion or do you disagree?
#4.5 (H33) 
Q61. In bringing up children of elementary school age, some people think they should be taught as early as possible that money is one of the most important things in life. Do you agree with this or not?
#8.1B (H34) 
Q62. Some people say that if we get outstanding political leaders, the best way to improve the country is for the people to leave everything to them, rather than for the people to discuss things among themselves. Do you agree with this, or disagree?
#2.1 (H35) 
Q63. If you think something is right, do you think you should go ahead and do it even if it is contrary to usual custom, or do you think you are less apt to make a mistake if you follow custom?
#7.2 (H36) 
Q64. Some people say that no matter how mechanized the world gets, nothing can reduce the richness of human feelings. Do you agree with this opinion, or do you disagree?
#4.30 (H37) 
Q65. Do you agree with the following statement: "Home is the only place where I can relax and feel good"?
#4.4 (H40) 
Q66. Suppose that a child comes home and says that he has heard a rumor that his teacher had done something to get himself into trouble, and suppose that the parent knows this to be true. Do you think it is better for the parent to tell the child the truth, or to deny it?
Q67. (HAND R CARD Q67) Imagine this situation. Mr. A was orphaned at an early age and was brought up by Mr. B, a kind neighbor. Mr. B gave him a good education, sent him to a university, and now Mr. A has become the president of a company. One day he gets a telegram saying that Mr. B, who brought him up, is seriously ill and asking if he would come at once. This telegram arrives as he is going to an important meeting, which will decide whether his firm is to go bankrupt or to survive. Which of the following things do you think he should do?
#5.1b (H42) 
Q68. (HAND R CARD Q68) The last question supposed that Mr. B had taken him in as an orphan in his youth and brought him up. Suppose that it was his real father who was seriously ill. Which would have been your answer then?
#2.5 (H43) 
Q69. (HAND R CARD Q69) Here are three opinions about man and nature. Which one of these do you think is closest to the truth?
#7.4 (H44) 
Q70. (HAND R CARD Q70) Please choose from among the following statements the one with which you agree the most.
#5.1d (H45) 
Q71-1. (HAND R CARD Q71) If you were asked to choose the two most important items listed on this card, which two would you choose?
[1.Respect for parents]
#5.1d (H45) 
Q71-2. (HAND R CARD Q71) If you were asked to choose the two most important items listed on this card, which two would you choose?
[2.Repaying people who have helped you in the past]
#5.1d (H45) 
Q71-3. (HAND R CARD Q71) If you were asked to choose the two most important items listed on this card, which two would you choose?
[3.Respect for the rights of the individual]
#5.1d (H45) 
Q71-4. (HAND R CARD Q71) If you were asked to choose the two most important items listed on this card, which two would you choose?
[4.Respect for the freedom of the individual]
#5.6h (H46) 
Q72. (HAND R CARD Q72) Whom do you consider more desirable as a person?
#2.2b (H47) 
Q73. (HAND R CARD Q73) Which of the two people described on this card would you like best?
Q74. (HAND R CARD Q74) Suppose that you are the president of a company. The company decides to employ one person, and then carries out an employment examination. The supervisor in charge reports to you saying, "Your relative who took the examination got the second highest grade. But I believe that either your relative or the candidate who got the highest grade would be satisfactory. What shall we do? " In such a case, which person would you employ?

#5.1c2 (H49) 
Q75. (HAND R CARD Q75) In the last question we supposed that the one getting the second highest grade was your relative. Suppose that the one who got the second highest grade was the son of parents to whom you felt indebted. Which person would you employ?
#5.6 (H50) 
Q76. (HAND R CARD Q76) Suppose you are working in a firm. Which of the following department chiefs would you prefer to work under?
#2.12 (H51) 
Q77. Would you say that most of the time, people try to be helpful, or that they are mostly just looking out for themselves?
#2.12c (H53) 
Q78. GENERATIONrally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?
Q79-1. (HAND R CARD 79) Using the answers on this card, would you tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (READ EACH IN TURN).
1. There are some illnesses that are better treated by methods that modern medicine does not recognize
Q79-2. (HAND R CARD 79) Using the answers on this card, would you tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (READ EACH IN TURN).
2. Some day science will permit the complete understanding of the functioning of the human mind
Q79-3. (HAND R CARD 79) Using the answers on this card, would you tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (READ EACH IN TURN).
3. Most of the social and economic problems we face today will be resolved by the advancement of science and technology
Q80-1. (HAND R CARD Q80) How likely do you think it is that we will see each of the following things in the next 25 years? Very likely, possible but not too likely, or not at all likely (READ EACH IN TURN).
1. A safe method for the long term storage or disposal of waste products from nuclear power plants
Q80-2. (HAND R CARD Q80) How likely do you think it is that we will see each of the following things in the next 25 years? Very likely, possible but not too likely, or not at all likely (READ EACH IN TURN).
2. A cure for common forms of cancer
Q80-3. (HAND R CARD Q80) How likely do you think it is that we will see each of the following things in the next 25 years? Very likely, possible but not too likely, or not at all likely (READ EACH IN TURN).
3. A cure for senility
Q80-4. (HAND R CARD Q80) How likely do you think it is that we will see each of the following things in the next 25 years? Very likely, possible but not too likely, or not at all likely (READ EACH IN TURN).
4. People living in space stations
Q81-1. (HAND R CARD Q81) Would you say that you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion towards each of the following ideas? (READ EACH IN TURN)
1. Democracy
Q81-2. (HAND R CARD Q81) Would you say that you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion towards each of the following ideas? (READ EACH IN TURN)
2. Capitalism
Q81-3. (HAND R CARD Q81) Would you say that you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion towards each of the following ideas? (READ EACH IN TURN)
3. Socialism
Q81-4. (HAND R CARD Q81) Would you say that you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion towards each of the following ideas? (READ EACH IN TURN)
4. Liberalism
Q81-5. (HAND R CARD Q81) Would you say that you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion towards each of the following ideas? (READ EACH IN TURN)
5. Conservatism
- - -  
Q82. (HAND R CARD Q82) In your unit, what qualifications should a good leader have? Please select the three most important ones.
- - -  
Q83 (HAND R CARD Q83) The next statements are comments made by two airline companies about airplane safety. Which one most closely reflects your feeling?
Q84. Have you ever visited Japan?
Q85. Have you ever lived in Japan for any length of time?
Q87. How well do you use Japanese?
- - -  
Q88. (HAND R CARD Q88) In which of these groups did your total annual family income (individual income if single or both spouses if married), from all sources, fall last year before taxes? Just tell me the number.
- - -  
Q89. Cooperativeness of R:
- - -  
Q90. During the interview, did the interviewee ask you to show him/her the questionnaire? (Not the cards but the actual questionnaire itself)?

