Forthcoming AISM Papers

The papers listed below have been accepted for publication in future issues of Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. Please note that this is a preliminary publication list and is subject to change.

Last Updated: (The following data is updated monthly)
Ordered by accepted date
Compound empirical Bayes interval estimation
.......... Wenhua Jiang and Cun-Hui Zhang
Penalized estimation for non-identifiable models
.......... Junichiro Yoshida and Nakahiro Yoshida
Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation and penalized estimation under non-standard conditions
.......... Junichiro Yoshida and Nakahiro Yoshida
A novel two-sample test within the space of symmetric positive definite matrix distributions and its application in finance
.......... Žikica Lukić and Bojana Milošević
Assessing the coverage probabilities of fixed-margin confidence intervals for the tail conditional allocation
.......... N.V. Gribkova, J. Su and R. Zitikis
Minimizing robust density power-based divergences for general parametric density models
.......... Akifumi Okuno
Simplified quasi-likelihood analysis for a locally asymptotically quadratic random field
.......... Nakahiro Yoshida
Estimation of value-at-risk by Lp quantile regression
.......... Peng Sun, Fuming Lin, Haiyang Xu and Kaizhi Yu
Hidden AR process and adaptive Kalman filter
.......... Yury A. Kutoyants
Improved confidence intervals for nonlinear mixed-effects and nonparametric regression models
.......... Nan Zheng and Noel Cadigan
Asymptotic expected sensitivity function and its applications to measures of monotone association
.......... Qingyang Zhang