Forthcoming AISM Papers

The papers listed below have been accepted for publication in future issues of Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. Please note that this is a preliminary publication list and is subject to change.

Last Updated: (The following data is updated monthly)
Ordered by accepted date
Compound empirical Bayes interval estimation
.......... Wenhua Jiang and Cun-Hui Zhang
Non-explicit formula of boundary crossing probabilities by the Girsanov theorem
.......... Yoann Potiron
Score test for unconfoundedness under a logistic treatment assignment model
.......... Hairu Wang, Yukun Liu and Haiying Zhou
Robust and efficient parameter estimation for discretely observed stochastic processes
.......... Rohan Hore and Abhik Ghosh
Semiparametric transformation models for survival data with dependent censoring
.......... Negera Wakgari Deresa and Ingrid Van Keilegom
On uniform consistency of nonparametric estimators smoothed by the gamma kernel
.......... Benedikt Funke and Masayuki Hirukawa
Mode-based estimation of the center of symmetry
.......... Jose E. Chacon and Javier Fernandez Serrano
Offline minimax Q-function learning for undiscounted indefinite-horizon MDPs
.......... Fengying Li, Yuqiang Li, Xianyi Wu and Wei Bai
A signed-rank estimator for nonlinear regression models when covariates and errors are dependent
.......... Hira L Koul and Palaniappan Vellaisamy
Selection-bias-adjusted inference for the bivariate Normal distribution under soft-threshold sampling
.......... Joseph B. Lang
Discussion of "Mode-based estimation of the center of symmetry"
.......... Hideitsu Hino
A way of eliminating a nuisance parameter with the plug-in method utilizing an independent sample
.......... George Tzavelas
Tuning parameter selection for the adaptive nuclear norm regularized trace regression
.......... Yiting Ma, Pan Shang and Lingchen Kong
Uniformly consistent proportion estimation for composite hypotheses via integral equations: "the case of Gamma random variables"
.......... Xiongzhi Chen
The family of multivariate beta copulas revisited
.......... Narcisse Agbangla, Jean-Francois Quessy and Louis-Paul Rivest
A distance covariance test of independence in high dimension, low sample size contexts
.......... Kai Xu and Minghui Yang