Contents of Vol.77, No.2

Listed below are the papers which will appear in the next issue of Ann. Inst. Statist. Math.  Pages are subject to change.

Confidence bounds for the true discovery proportion based on the exact distribution of the number of rejections
.......... Friederike Preusse, Anna Vesely and Thorsten Dickhaus (77, 191-216)
Comparison and equality of generalized ψ-estimators
.......... Mátyás Barczy and Zsolt Páles (77, 217-250)
Large-sample properties of multiple imputation estimators for parameters of logistic regression with covariates missing at random separately or simultaneously
.......... Phuoc-Loc Tran, Shen-Ming Lee, Truong-Nhat Le and Chin-Shang Li (77, 251-288)
Random mixture Cox point processes
.......... A. C. Micheas (77, 289-330)
Testing overidentifying restrictions on high-dimensional instruments and covariates
.......... Hongwei Shi, Xinyu Zhang, Xu Guo, Baihua He and Chenyang Wang (77, 331-352)