Research Center for Medical and Health Data Science

Medical and health data science and the center’s mission

    In recent years, expectations regarding data science have been growing in various fields, including medical and health sciences. These days, the application of deep learning and other cutting-edge AI technologies to the analysis of molecular/medical big data is widely expected to sharply accelerate the elucidation of biological and disease mechanisms, the development of medical technologies, including drug discovery, and the realization of precision medicine. In the meantime, we should not forget the critical role of obtaining solid evidence on medical technology from high-quality small data derived through careful study design and statistical inference. While it is considered that expectations regarding medical and health data science will continue to grow, the framework of data science has yet to be established to fully meet such expectations; hence there is a big gap to be filled. That is to say, the enhancement of education and research in medical and health data science is our great challenge for the future.
    The Research Center for Medical and Health Data Science was established in April 2018 based on research and researcher education in data science and on the network of Japanese and foreign researchers that the Institute of Statistical Mathematics has established over many years. The Center’s mission is to promote projects that enhance education and research in medical and health data science in Japan. It has been involved in a variety of educational and research activities thus far.

Educational and research activities

    In the area of education, the Center has been promoting the development of various educational programs, such as systematic education courses on theories and methods of statistical mathematics, biostatistics, theoretical epidemiology, and machine learning, topics that form the basis of medical and health data science. In addition, the Center has focused on open lectures and on-the-job-training, as well as e-learning materials to be shared with the research community.
    In the research sector, the Center has been actively working on a variety of projects, such as those involving statistical methodologies pertaining to advances in medical technology and healthcare, as well as research in public health and social medicine. Additionally, the Center is involved in big data analysis using cutting-edge machine learning and AI algorithms, and is performing studies on foundational mathematics and computer technologies.

Medical and Health Data Science

    Research Network All of the above projects are linked with the activities of the newly launched “Medical and Health Data Science Research Network.” This unique network comprises about 100, including related academic societies, universities, and research institutions in all parts of Japan, as well as hospitals and companies. The substantial advancement of medical and health data science depends on the organic collaboration of researchers in the fields of statistical mathematics and information science and those in the fields of medical and health science. The Center intends to make every possible effort to play an important part in bridging these fields.

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