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#2.7 The most important thing in life
What is the single most important thing in life for you? Please tell me one thing only. (Anything will do.)
(Free answer)

Target : Females 20s        
Ques. No.Life, heal th, selfChi ldFami lyAn- ces- torMon- ey, weal thLo ve, spir- it, hap- pi- nessWo rk, cred- itSta te, soci- etyOth- erD.K. Noth- ingTotal
XIII (2013)K10711421923113199( 74)
XII (2008)K912845-4243-31100( 100)
XI (2003)K10a7459-616111398( 69)
X (1998)K10a178342125325299( 95)
IX (1993)K10109371229312498( 143)
VIII (1988)K11141130-1352-2499( 166)
VII (1983)K13141035-1284216101( 226)
VI (1978)K32148250342310399( 259)
V (1973)K4116823043323110100( 418)
IV (1968)34238201728331599( 433)
III (1963)2928101818214219102( 380)
II (1958)29
21919114194419101( 359)
I (1953)*             
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics