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#2.7 The most important thing in life
What is the single most important thing in life for you? Please tell me one thing only. (Anything will do.)
(Free answer)

Target : VII (1983) City/Region/EducationCity/Region/Education
Life, heal th, selfChi ldFami lyAn- ces- torMon- ey, weal thLo ve, spir- it, hap- pi- nessWo rk, cred- itSta te, soci- etyOth- erD.K. Noth- ingTotal
2273026197223100( 988)
16832-225514699( 410)
30-3917124114174112100( 511)
40-4919935110176111100( 512)
50-5931726210184112102( 413)
60-6930922412183002100( 245)
70 and over25813719172415101( 165)
Males 20s
20628-4218176101( 184)
Males 30s16123823167214101( 239)
Males 40s206340917821299( 208)
Males 50s29425262272-198( 185)
Males 60s31426392141--99( 91)
Males 70+3051471216271599( 81)
Females 20s141035-1284216101( 226)
Females 30s1813431517101-99( 272)
Females 40s181236110175011101( 304)
Females 50s32926112142-1299( 228)
Females 60s291119414173-13101( 154)
Females 70+201113625182--5100( 84)
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics