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#2.7 The most important thing in life
What is the single most important thing in life for you? Please tell me one thing only. (Anything will do.)
(Free answer)

Target : XIII (2013) City/Region/EducationCity/Region/Education
Life, heal th, selfChi ldFami lyAn- ces- torMon- ey, weal thLo ve, spir- it, hap- pi- nessWo rk, cred- itSta te, soci- etyOth- erD.K. Noth- ingTotal
1844304194332100( 737)
Females1810451417111199( 854)
974119214351101( 150)
30-39101054-3142142100( 261)
40-491784812153321100( 250)
50-591874912173111100( 299)
60-69194460321221199( 316)
70 and over2882917202203100( 315)
Males 20s
123391918747-100( 76)
Males 30s12646-3183264100( 124)
Males 40s125511-175541101( 111)
Males 50s15751-3164211100( 123)
Males 60s20145-5223221101( 148)
Males 70+30529152223-5102( 155)
Females 20s711421923113199( 74)
Females 30s81561-211-111100( 137)
Females 40s22124513141111101( 139)
Females 50s2084721182111101( 176)
Females 60s1874811202212102( 168)
Females 70+26112919191112100( 160)
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics