Shuhei MANO


E-mail: smano at

The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
10-3 Midori-cho, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-8562, Japan

More information is available on my page in Researchmap.

Research Interests

I am mainly interested in the interplay between representations and combinatorial algorithms arising in stochastic and scientific computing. Recent topics include


  1. Direct sampling from conditional distributions by sequential maximum likelihood estimations. arXiv: 2502.00812
  2. Algebraic algorithm for direct sampling from toric models and hypergeometric functions, with Nobuki Takayama. arXiv: 2110.14922
  3. Asymptotic bias reduction of maximum likelihood estimates via penalized likelihoods with differential geometry, with Masayo Y. Hirose. arXiv: 2011.14747
  4. A measure-on-graph-valued diffusion: a particle system with collisions and its applications. Mathematics: Special Issue Random Combinatorial Structures,10: 4081 (2022)
  5. A nonparametric method to assess significance of events in search for gravitational waves with false discovery rate, with Hideyuki Tagoshi and Hirotaka Yuzurihara. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2021: 123F01 (2021)
  6. Parameter estimation of generalized beta distributions and its application to a historical tsunami magnitude dataset, with Masaaki Sibuya. Pioneering Works on Extreme Value Theory: In Honor of Professor Masaaki Sibuya, 1-25, Springer, 2021.



Last updated: February 5, 2025