Statistical Mathematics Seminars 2006
Sept. - Nov. , 2006

Date Title Speaker
Sept. 13 (Wed.) Listed stock company statistics 2005 in simplified pilot tabulation Hajime Ihara
Sept. 20 (Wed.) Iterated function systems and their application to statistics (Foreign visiting professor,
Univ. of Milan)
Stefano Iacus
Sept. 27 (Wed.) High-performance computing on large-scale time series analysis Seisho Sato
Oct.@ 4 (Wed.) A study on long-term hospitalization of psychiatric patients based on "Patient Survey" Toshiharu Fujita
Oct.@11 (Wed.) Waiting for a two-dimensional pattern occurrence Katuomi Hirano
Oct.@18 (Wed.) Multivariate Analysis with weigted variables Yasumasa Baba
Oct.@25 (Wed.) Trust in organizations: Time series and cross-national comparison Wataru Matsumoto
Nov.@ 8 (Wed.)* Problems of indirect questioning techniques Takahiro Tsuchiya
Nov.@15 (Wed.) Some statistical aspects of random packings and tessellations Masaharu Tanemura
Nov.@22 (Wed.) Estimating a common slope in the Tweedie generalized linear model using a conjugate analysis Toshio Ohnishi
Nov.@29 (Wed.) e-Learning on statistical science Koji Kanefuji

Place:Kenshuu-sitsu, the 2nd floor,
@@@@the annex ‚‚‚•‚‰‚Œ‚„‚‰‚Ž‚‡ of the Institute of Statistical ‚lathematics

@@@@* the auditorium room, the 2nd floor,
@ @@@ the main building of the Institute of Statisitical Mathematics
Time: 1:30-2:30 p.m.(Free)@@
1:00 p.m.

                                                                                   update: July 31, 2006