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Risk Analysis Research Center (RARC)

Statistical Seismology Research Project


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 PresentationsF Updated on 19 June 2024            à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: arrows_8-04  “ú–{Œê



26-31 May 2024@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024 , Hybrid(In-person and online), Japan Geoscience Union(JpGU), MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan.

Prof. Zhuang, Jiancang iProf. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2024). The ETAS model can explain both foreshock and the Båth Law, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2024. (Oral)


Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yano, K.*, Takahashi, A. and Kano, M. (2024). Objective clustering of GNSS velocities based on parallel translation and Euler-vector estimation for the identification of crustal blocks, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2024. (Poster)

Yano, K.*, Kano, M., Takabatake, T., Tanaka, Y. and Ohta Y. (2024). Noise characteristics in GNSS time series based on robust spectral analysis: (1) Description of robust spectral estimation, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 29 May 2024. (Poster)


Dr. Wu, Stephen iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Wu S.*, Otake, Y., Mizutani, D. Liu, C., Asano, K., Sato, N., Saito, T., Baba, H., Fukunaga, Y., Higo, Y., Kamura, A., Kodama, S., Metoki, M., Nakamura, T., Nakazato, Y., Shioi, A., Takenobu, M., Tsukioka, K. and Yoshikawa, R. (2024). Preliminary investigation of the application of large language models to geotechnical problems, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2024. (Oral)


Prof. Kato, Aitaro iProf. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Prof. of ISMj

Kato, A. (2024). Implications of fault-valve behavior illuminated by early aftershock evolutions, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 29 May 2024. (Invited)

Kato, A.*, Nakagawa, S., Kurashimo, Eiji. and Sakai, S. (2024). Foreshock sequence prior to the 2024 M7.6 Noto-Hanto earthquake, Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2024. (Oral)

Kato, A.*, Nakagawa, S., Kurashimo, Eiji. and Sakai, S. (2024). The long-lasting earthquake swarm leading up to the 2024 M7.6 Noto-Hanto earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2024. (Oral)


Dr. Tsuruoka, Hiroshi iAssociate Professor of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Kano, Y., Murotani, S., Satake, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2024). ERI Archive of Printed Station and Network Bulletins, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2024. (Poster)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

An, L.*, Enescu, B., Peng, Z. and González-Huizar, H. (2024). Dynamically triggered seismicity in Japan following the 2024 Mw7.5 Noto earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2024. (Oral)

Ishiyama, R.*, Enescu, B., Fukuyama, E., Yamashita, F. and Okubo, K. (2024). Development of a Modified Matched Filter Technique for Foreshock Detection in Large-Scale Laboratory Rock Friction Experiments, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2024. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Iwata, T. (2024). The background stress in the aftershock area of the@2000 Tottori Western earthquake estimated from stress rotation, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 30 May 2024. (Poster)


Prof. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka / Visiting Prof. of ISMj

Nanjo, K.* and Hori, T. (2024). Space and time changes in stress state and b-value off the coast of Tohoku and Hokkaido districts, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2024. (Oral)


Dr. Yamada, Masumi iAssociate Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Yamada, M.* and Xiao, Y. (2024). Performance of the Earthquake Early Warning System for the 2024 Noto Earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2024. (Poster)


Dr. Mitsui, Yuta iAssociate Prof. of Faculty of Science, Department of Geosciences, Shizuoka University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Mitsui, Y. (2024). Comparison of b-positive estimation with traditional method: A case study of aftershocks from magnitude-7 class earthquakes around the Japanese archipelago, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2024. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2024). Trends in Seismic Activity in the Noto Peninsula and Interpretation of Anomalous Activities in the Pre-M7.6 Period, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2024. (Oral)


Dr. Peng, Hong iProject Researcher of ISMj

Peng, H*., Wu, S. and Yamada, M. (2024). Constructing envelope functions of seismic intensity for the evaluation of EEW in Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2024. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2024). Inverse analysis of aftershock activities by non-stationary ETAS models based on inhomogeneous seismic catalogs immediately following major earthquakes, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2024. (Oral) 


Dr. Ishibe, Takeo iSenior Researcher of Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Ishibe, T.*, Terakawa, T., Hashima, A., Mochizuki, M. and Matsu'ura, R.S. (2024). Validating the Method of Estimating Rake Angles Using Regional Stress Field with the Wallace-Bott Hypothesis for Focal Mechanism Solutions, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2024. (Poster)


Dr. Nishikawa, Tomoaki iAssistant Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Yoshimura, R.*, Nishikawa, T. and Nishimura, T. (2024). Development of an earthquake swarm detection method using the ETAS model and AIC and its application to the offshore of the Boso Peninsula, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2024. (Oral)


Dr. Kano, Masayuki iAssistant Prof. of Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kano, M.*CYano, K., Tanaka, Y., Takabatake, T. and Ohta, Y. (2024). Noise characteristics in GNSS time series based on robust spectral analysis: (2) application to GEONET F5 solution, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 29 May 2024. (Poster)

Kano, M.*CTanaka, Y., Sato, D., Iinuma, T. and Hori, T. (2024). Data Assimilation for Fault Slip Monitoring and Short-Term Prediction of Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Slips: Application to the 2010 Long-Term SSE in the Bungo Channel, Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2024. (Poster)


Dr. Ueda, Taku iJSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Ueda, T.* and Nishimura, T. (2024). Spatial correlation of the rate of the shear strain energy density change and the number of declustered crustal earthquakes in Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2024. (Oral)


Dr. Aso, Naofumi iJunior Associate Professor of Tokyo University of Science / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Aso, N.*, Aso, M., Shelly, D.R. and Ide, S. (2024). Insights into the Mechanics of the Lower Crust from Focal Mechanisms of Low-Frequency Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2024. (Poster)


Niu, Yuanyuan iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Niu, Y*. and Zhuang, J. (2024). Bayesian non-parametric inference for the ETAS model, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2024. (Oral)


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16-20 March 2024@ 13th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei13), Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech),
Convention Center
, Shenzhen, China.

Prof.  Zhuang, Jiancang iProf. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2024). Explaining both foreshock and the Båth Law using the ETAS model, 13th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei13), Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech), Convention Center, Shenzhen, China, 17 March 2024. (Oral)

Guo, Y.*, Zhuang, J. and Zhang, H. (2024). Statistical modeling of 3D Seismicity and its correlation with fault slips along Major Faults in California, 13th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei13), Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech), Convention Center, Shenzhen, China, 17 March 2024. (Invited)

Petrillo, G.* and Zhuang, J. (2024). Magnitude correlation in earthquake triggering: Artifact or reality?, 13th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei13), Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech), Convention Center, Shenzhen, China, 17 March 2024. (Invited)

Xiong, Z.* and Zhuang, J. (2024). A study of changes in global background and clustering seismicity over the last two decades, 13th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei13), Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech), Convention Center, Shenzhen, China, 17-20 March 2024. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2024). Recent progress in ETAS models of heterogeneous seismic activity, 13th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei13), Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech), Convention Center, Shenzhen, China, 17 March 2024. (Invited)

Hainzl, S.*, Kumazawa, T. and Ogata, Y. (2024). Aftershock forecasts based on incomplete records of early aftershocks: Example of the 2023 SE Türkiye earthquake sequence, 13th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei13), Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech), Convention Center, Shenzhen, China, 17 March 2024. (Invited)


Dr. Ueda, Taku iJSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Ueda, T.* and Nishimura, T. (2024). Spatial correlation of the shear strain energy change and the number of declustered crustal earthquakes in Japan, 13th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei13), Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech), Convention Center, Shenzhen, China, 17 March 2024. (Oral)  


Niu, Yuanyuan iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Niu, Y. (2024). Bayesian nonparametric inference for the Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model, 13th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei13), Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech), Convention Center, Shenzhen, China, 17-20 March 2024. (Oral) 



1-15 December 2023@2023 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A & Online.

Prof. Zhuang, Jiancang iProf. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2023). Statistical Seismology Expanded: Observation, Modeling, Testing, and Forecasting I-IV (Poster and Oral sessions), 2023 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A. & Online, 14-15 December 2023. (Primary Convener)

Zhuang, J.* and Xiong, Z. (2023). Changes of global background and clustering seismicity during past twenty years, 2023 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A. & Online, 14 December 2023. (Poster)


Dr. Wu, Stephen iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Minson, S.E.*, Wu, S., Yano, K., Cochran, E.S., Parker, G.A. and Baltay, A. (2023). Towards Estimating Seismic Hazard Across an Area, 2023 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A. & Online, 14 December 2023. (Oral)


Prof. Kato, Aitaro iProf. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Prof. of ISMj

Kato, A.*, Shiomi, K., Yamamoto, Y. and Nakagawa, S. (2023). Space-time evolution of the aftershocks following the 2023 Earthquake Sequence in Southern Turkiye, 2023 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A. & Online, 14 December 2023. (Poster)


Dr. Yamada, Masumi iAssociate Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Yamada, M.*, Tamaribuchi, K., Wu, S. and Chen, D.Y. (2023). IPFx: extended integrated particle filter method for earthquake early warning and application to the international networks, 2023 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A. & Online, 12 December 2023. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Hainzl, S.*, Kumazawa, T. and Ogata, Y. (2023). Aftershock forecasts based on incomplete earthquake catalogs: ETASI model application to the 2023 SE Türkiye earthquake sequence, 2023 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A. & Online, 14 December 2023. (Poster)


Dr. Petrillo, Giuseppe iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Petrillo, G.* and Zhuang, J. (2023). Unveiling the Enigma of Earthquake Triggering: Debunking Magnitude Correlation Debates, 2023 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A. & Online, 15 December 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Peng, Hong iProject Researcher of ISMj

Peng, H.*, Wu, S. and Yamada, M. (2023). Constructing an empirical envelope function of seismic waveforms for the evaluation of EEW in Japan, 2023 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A. & Online, 12 December 2023. (Poster)


Dr. Nishikawa, Tomoaki iAssistant Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nishikawa, T. (2023). Comparison of statistical seismicity models of low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) and its implications for the mechanisms governing LFE activity, 2023 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A. & Online, 12 December 2023. (Invited)


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15 November 2023@Applied Statistics Symposium 2023, Online.

Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssociate Prof. of Graduate School of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S. (2023). Time series analysis using state space models, Applied Statistics Symposium 2023, Online, 15 November 2023. (Invited tutorial lecture)


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31 October – 2 November 2023@ 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan.

Prof. Zhuang, Jiancang iProf. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Xiong, Z. (2023). Detection of changes in global background and clustering seismicity, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral) 


Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yano, K.*, Takahashi, A. and Kano, M. (2023). Identifying crustal brocks using objective clustering of GNSS velocities via parallel translation and Euler vector, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Wu, Stephen iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Wu, S. (2023). Potential pathway to understanding earthquakes using a data-driven approach: learning from other informatics applications, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Invited Lecture)


Prof. Kato, Aitaro iProf. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Prof. of ISMj

Kato, A. (2023). Immediate aftershocks following the 2023 M6.5 earthquake in the Noto Peninsula, central Japan: Implication of fault valve model, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 31 October 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Poveda Brossard, V.*, Nishida, K. and Enescu, B. (2023). Ocean microseisms recorded by Cuban seismic stations: time variations and spectral features, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 31 October 2023. (Poster)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Iwata, T. (2023). Estimation of the temporal change of background stress based on the rate- and state-friction seismicity model, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 1 November 2023. (Poster)


Prof. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nanjo, K.Z.*, Yukutake, Y. and Kumazawa, T. (2023). Analysis of seismic activity off the coast of Ito, Shizuoka, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)

Nanjo, K.Z.*, Yamamoto, Y., Ariyoshi, K., Horikawa, H., Yada, S. and Takahashi, N. (2023). A study of earthquake detection capacity of DONET, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 1 November 2023. (Poster)


Dr. Yamada, Masumi iAssociate Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Yamada, M. (2023). To what extent are multiple earthquakes separable?, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 1 November 2023. (Oral)

Morinaga, M.* and Yamada, M. (2023). Application of an Earthquake Early Warning with the PLUM Method to the 2023 Türkiye-Syria Earthquake, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 1 November 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Mitsui, Yuta iAssociate Prof. of Faculty of Science, Department of Geosciences, Shizuoka University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Mitsui, Y. (2023). Estimation of the spatial distribution of the "internal friction coefficient" in the crust beneath the Japanese Islands, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 1 November 2023. (Oral)

Arai, R.* and Mitsui, Y. (2023). Numerical experiment on template matching and relative strength index based on noise analysis of high-rate GNSS data, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 31 October 2023. (Oral)

Kikuchi, Y.*, Mitsui, Y. and Kano, M. (2023). Attempt to comprehensive detecting intermediate-term slow slip events in the shallow part of the Suruga Trough, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 31 October 2023. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2023). Space-time changes of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake by the Point Process Models, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Petrillo, Giuseppe iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Petrillo, G.* and Zhuang, J. (2023). No Evidence of Magnitude Dependence in Earthquake Triggering, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 1 November 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Peng, Hong iProject Researcher of ISMj

Peng, H.*, Wu, S. and Yamada, M. (2023). Constructing an empirical envelope function of seismic waveforms for the evaluation of EEW in Japan, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 1 November 2023. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y.* and Kumazawa, T. (2023). Estimation of actual activity rate changes based on seismic catalogs with systematic missing measurements, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Ishibe, Takeo iSenior Researcher of Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Ishibe, T.*, Ogawa, Y., Tanaka, H., Kiuchi, R., Takahama, T., Sakamoto, K., Saijo, Y., Furumura, M. and Matsu'ura, R.S. (2023). Machine learning-based hypocenter determination using seismic intensity data, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)

Matsu'ura, R.S.* and Ishibe, T. (2023). The present status of the seismicity off the southeast coast of Hokkaido, where the relative quiescence started more than a decade ago, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Nishikawa, Tomoaki iAssistant Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nishikawa, T. (2023). Comparison of statistical seismicity models of low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs): Its implications for the mechanisms of the LFE activity, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)

Yoshimura, R.*, Nishikawa, T. and Nishimura, T. (2023). A preliminary attempt to develop an earthquake swarm detection method using the ETAS model and AIC, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Kano, Masayuki iAssistant Prof. of Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Tanaka, Y.* and Kano, M. (2023). Trial application of machine-learning-based phase detection to slow slip event signal in GNSS displacement time series, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)

Fukushima, R.*, Kano, M. and Hirahara, K. (2023). Physics-Informed Neural Networks for monitoring slow slip events in a spring-slider system, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)

Sagae, K.*, Kano, M. and Uchide, T. (2023). ETN Detector by Convolution Neural Network Using All S-net Stations, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Ueda, Taku iJSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Ueda, T.* and Nishimura, T. (2023). Shear strain energy change estimated by the current crustal deformation in Japan and spatial correlation with the crustal seismicity, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Aso, Naofumi iJunior Associate Professor of Tokyo University of Science / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Shibata, R.* and Aso, N. (2023). The characteristic of the rupture propagation of the crustal earthquakes in Japan, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 31 October 2023. (Poster)


Li, Yongbo iGraduate Student of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, China / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Li, Y.*, Zhuang, J. and Chen, S. (2023). A hypocentral version of the spherical space-time ETAS model, 2023 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama city, Japan, 2 November 2023. (Oral)


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3-7 September 2023   Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Hybrid Meeting. Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan.

Prof. Zhuang, Jiancang iProf. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2023). Filtering of renewal Hawkes processes and related statistical inference, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 6 September 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yano, K.* and Takahata, T. (2023). On divergences between spectral densities: a new aspect from divergences between probability densities, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 5 September 2023. (Oral)

Okudo, M.* and Yano, K. (2023). ”ñüŒ`‰ñ‹A‚¨‚æ‚єʉ»üŒ`ƒ‚ƒfƒ‹‚ւ̃xƒCƒYŠg’£„’è—ʂ̉ž, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 7 September 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Wu, Stephen iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Minami, M.*, Kawasaki, Y., Kawasaki, T., Matsui, T., Hashimoto, R., Wu, S. and Hirose, K. (2023). ƒpƒlƒ‹ƒfƒBƒXƒJƒbƒVƒ‡ƒ“F Šw‰ïEŠwEŠ¯’¡‚É‚¨‚¯‚鑽—l«‚ÌŒ»ó‚Æ‘½—l«„i‚Ì¡Œã‚ÌŽæ‚è‘g‚Ý, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 6 September 2023. (Organized Session)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssociate Prof. of Graduate School of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Tanikawa, S.*, Nomura, S. and Sano, S. (2023). Statistical analysis of car accidents by prefecture during the COVID-19 pandemic, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 6 September 2023. (Organized Session)


Dr. Mitsui, Yuta iAssociate Prof. of Faculty of Science, Department of Geosciences, Shizuoka University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Mitsui, Y. (2023). Stress Conditions beneath the Japanese Archipelago Probed by Background and Aftershock Seismicity, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 6 September 2023. (Organized Session)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2023). Statistical Characteristics of Spatiotemporal Transitions of Noto Peninsula Earthquake Swarms, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 4 September 2023. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2023). ’¼‰ºŒ^’nk‚ÌŠm—¦—\‘ª‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 6 September 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Nishikawa, Tomoaki iAssistant Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nishikawa, T.* and Nishimura, T. (2023). Development of a statistical seismicity model incorporating slow-earthquake activity: Application to the Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 6 September 2023. (Organized Session)


Dr. Kano, Masayuki iAssistant Prof. of Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kano, M.*, Yano, K., Tanaka, Y., Nakagawa, R. and Fukushima, R. (2023). Innovations in geodetic data analysis to realize a data-assimilation-based fault slip monitoring system, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 6 September 2023. (Organized Session)


Niu, Yuanyuan iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Niu, Y.* and Zhuang, J. (2023). A Bayesian non-parametric method of estimating the background intensity of ETAS model, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2023, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 6 September 2023. (Oral)


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7-10 June 2023@10th International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP2023), Porto Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Prof. Zhuang, Jiancang iProf. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2023). On extending the ETAS model, 10th International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP2023), Porto Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece, 8 June 2023. (Invited Lecture)


Niu, Yuanyuan iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Niu, Y. (2023). Second-order smoothness prior over the Delaunay Tessellation in Bayesian geophysical inversion, 10th International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP2023), Porto Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece, 9 June 2023. (Oral)


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24-25 May 2023@7th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process: Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting (IWEP7),
Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan.

Prof. Zhuang, Jiancang iProf. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2023). Evaluating earthquake forecasting models with likelihood based marginal and conditional scores, 7th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process: Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting (IWEP7), Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2023. (Invited Lecture)


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25 May 2023@ISTerre seminar, Institut des Sciences de la Terre(ISTerre), Grenoble, France.

Dr. Petrillo, Giuseppe iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Petrillo, G. (2023). Including stress relaxation in point-process model for seismic occurrence, ISTerre seminar, Institut des Sciences de la Terre(ISTerre), Grenoble, France, 25 May 2023. (Seminar)


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21-26 May 2023@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023 , Hybrid(In-person and online), Japan Geoscience Union(JpGU), MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan.

Prof. Zhuang, Jiancang iProf. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2023). Evaluating earthquake forecasting models with likelihood based marginal and conditional scores, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yano, K.* and Sei, T. (2023). Minimum information dependence modeling for analyzing the dependence in mixed-domain data: Application to the analysis of the dependence between source depths and focal mechanisms, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, 22 May 2023. (Online Poster)


Prof. Kato, Aitaro iProf. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Prof. of ISMj

Kato, A.*, Nakagawa, S., Fujita, K., Ichimura, T. and Nagao, H. (2023). A comprehensive earthquake catalog for the 2020 seismic swarm in the central Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Enescu, B.*, Furuya, K. and Matsumoto, T. (2023). Investigation of a possible relationship between crustal heat flow and aftershock parameters of inland sequences occurred in Japan after the year 2000, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2023. (Oral)

An, L.*, Grigoli, F. and Enescu, B. (2023). Off-shore Fault Geometry Revealed from Earthquake Locations Using Inland Seismic Stations: The Case of the 2022 Adriatic Sea Earthquake Sequence, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2023. (Oral)

Ishiyama, R.*, Enescu, B., Fukuyama, E. and Yamashita, F. (2023). Matched filter detection of foreshocks in a large-scale friction experiment, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, 22 May 2023. (Online Poster


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Iwata, T. (2023). Modification of an approach to estimating a spatial stress pattern to improve spatial resolution, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, 25 May 2023. (Online Poster)


Prof. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Nanjo, K. (2023). A demonstration experiment to evaluate online seismicity, using the Hierarchical Space-Time ETAS (HIST-ETAS) model: A preliminary report, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, 25 May 2023. (Online Poster)

Nanjo, K.*, Izutsu, J., Kamogawa, M., Hori, T. and Oike, K. (2023). Spatial variability of the response of the Nagano seismicity to the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, in Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2023. (Oral)

Nanjo, K.*, Ariyoshi, K., Yamamoto, Y., Horikawa, H., Yada, S. and Takahashi, N. (2023). Preliminary analysis of earthquake detection probabilities and completeness levels for the Dense Oceanfloor Network system for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (DONET), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, 23 May 2023. (Online Poster)

Nanjo, K.*, Yukutake, Y. and Kumazawa, T. (2023). A preliminary analysis of seismic activity off the coast of Ito, Shizuoka, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Yamada, Masumi iAssociate Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Yamada, M.* and Xiao, Y. (2023). Application of the Earthquake Early Warning Method to the 2023 Turkey–Syria Earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Mitsui, Yuta iAssociate Prof. of Faculty of Science, Department of Geosciences, Shizuoka University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Mitsui, Y.*, Oba, S., Naoi, M. and Yamada, T. (2023). Area-Displacement (A-D) relationship for earthquake, slow slip, and laboratory stick-slip, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, 22 May 2023. (Online Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2023). Statistical Characteristics of Spatiotemporal Transitions of Noto Peninsula Earthquake Swarms, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, 23 May 2023. (Online Poster)


Dr. Xiong, Ziyao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Xiong, Z.* and Zhuang, J. (2023). Global background earthquakes have shown a steady trend over the past twenty years, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Peng, Hong iProject Researcher of ISMj

Peng, H*., Wu, S. and Yamada, M. (2023). Constructing an empirical envelope function of seismic waveforms for the evaluation of EEW in Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, 24 May 2023. (Online Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2023). Diverse characteristics of seismic activity in comparison with spatio-temporal ETAS forecasts, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2023. (Oral) 


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Matsufura, M. (2023). Reconsideration of the energy balance in earthquake faulting –III: Rupture growth rate, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Ishibe, Takeo iSenior Researcher of Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsu'ura, R.S.*, Hashima, A. and Ishibe, T. (2023). Disappearance of the ETAS effect on the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan, ongoing since May 2011, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Nishikawa, Tomoaki iAssistant Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nishikawa, T. (2023). Comparison and improvement of statistical models for activity of low-frequency earthquakes, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Kano, Masayuki iAssistant Prof. of Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kano, M.*, Tanaka, Y., Iinuma, T. and Hori, T. (2023). Data assimilation for reproducing and predicting the fault slip behavior in the 2010 Bungo Channel long-term slow slip event, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, 26 May 2023. (Online Poster)


Dr. Ueda, Taku iJSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Ueda, T.* and Nishimura, T. (2023). The relationship between background seismicity rate and strain rate in and around the strain concentration zones in Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, 23 May 2023. (Online Poster)


Dr. Aso, Naofumi iJunior Associate Professor of Tokyo University of Science / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Aso, N.*, Aso, M., Shelly, D. and Ide, S. (2023). Deep Mechanics along the San Andreas Fault through Focal Mechanisms of Low-Frequency Earthquakes near Parkfield, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2023. (Oral)


Niu, Yuanyuan iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Niu, Y*. and Zhuang, J. (2023). Second-order smoothness prior over the Delaunay Tessellation and its application to gravity Bayesian inversion, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Hybrid, MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2023. (Oral)


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23–28 April 2023@ European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online.

Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Nanjo, K.*, Yukutake, Y. and Kumazawa, T. (2023). Volcanism of Mount Fuji activated by the 2011 Japanese large earthquakes, European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online, 27 April 2023. (Online Poster)


Dr. Petrillo, Giuseppe iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Petrillo, G.*, Zhuang, J. and Lippiello, E. (2023). Is the stress relaxation relevant for long term forecasting?, European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online, 26 April 2023. (Oral)


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13-14 March 2023@ Slow-to-Fast Earthquake Workshop in Taiwan, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yano, K. (2023). Recent advances of data science techniques in seismology, Slow-to-Fast Earthquake Workshop in Taiwan, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 14 March 2023. (Invited Lecture)


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28 February 2023@238th meeting of Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction, Hybrid,
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan Kanto Regional Survey Division, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2023). Prediction of crustal activity(1) - short-term probabilistic prediction and evaluation of crustal earthquakes, 238th meeting of Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction, Hybrid, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan Kanto Regional Survey Division, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 28 February 2023. (Oral)

Ogata Y. and Kumazawa T. (2023). Earthquakes in Turkey on February 6, 2023 (UTC), 238th meeting of Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction, Hybrid, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan Kanto Regional Survey Division, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 28 February 2023. (Oral)


Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yano, K. (2023). Development of seismic and geodetic event detection methods using multiple observation stations by artificial intelligence, 238th meeting of Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction, Hybrid, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan Kanto Regional Survey Division, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 28 February 2023. (Invited Lecture)


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3 February 2023@Research Meeting in FY2022:
Crustal Activity Monitoring Based on the Understanding of Recurrence Characteristics of Repeated Earthquakes
, Online.

Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssociate Prof. of Graduate School of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S. (2023). Short-term prediction of repeating earthquakes considering trends in interplate aseismic slip velocities, Research Meeting in FY2022: Crustal Activity Monitoring Based on the Understanding of Recurrence Characteristics of Repeated Earthquakes, Online, 3 February 2023. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2023). Background seismic activity and repeating earthquakes, etc., Research Meeting in FY2022: Crustal Activity Monitoring Based on the Understanding of Recurrence Characteristics of Repeated Earthquakes, Online, 3 February 2023. (Oral)



2 December 2022@ Statistics Across Campuses Seminar, Hybrid, University of New South Wales(UNSW), Sydney, Australia.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2022). Estimation, diagnostics, and extensions of nonparametric Hawkes processes, Statistics Across Campuses Seminar, UNSW Sydney, Australia (Hybrid), 2 December 2022. (Seminar)


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4-5 November 2022@JSPS Grant Aided Research Symposium on Theory and Methodology of Large-Scale Complex Data -New Developments and Applications to Related Fields-, Hybrid, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba City, Japan.

Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yano, K.* and Sei, T. (2022). Minimum information dependence modeling for mixed domain data, JSPS Grant Aided Research Symposium on Theory and Methodology of Large-Scale Complex Data -New Developments and Applications to Related Fields-, Hybrid, Tsukuba International Congress Center, 5 November 2022. (Oral)


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24-26 October 2022@ 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Si, Z. (2022). Bayesian merging of earthquake catalogs from multiple sources, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 25 October 2022. (Oral) 


Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yano K.* and Sei, T. (2022). Minimum information dependence modeling for analyzing the dependence in mixed-domain data: Application to the dependence analysis of focal mechanisms and depths, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 26 October 2022. (Poster)


Prof. Kato, Aitaro iProf. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Prof. of ISMj

Kato, A.*, Tsuruoka, H., Shinohara, M., Emoto, K., Kimura, T., Okamura, K. and Kikuchi, Y.  (2022). Detection of Low-Frequency Earthquakes by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 24 October 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nanjo, K.Z.*, Yukutake, Y. and Kumazawa, T. (2022). Detection of low-frequency earthquakes at Mount Fuji and statistical analysis, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 26 October 2022. (Poster)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssociate Prof. of Graduate School of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nomura, S.*, Uchida, N. and Ogata, Y. (2022). Short-term Forecast of Repeating Earthquakes Considering Spatiotemporal Aseismic Slip Rate along Plate Boundary, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 25 October 2022. (Invited Lecture)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2022). Analysis of the non-stationarity of the earthquake swarm activities in the Noto Peninsula, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 24 October 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Xiong, Ziyao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Xiong, Z.* and Zhuang, J. (2022). The research and application of the spherical space-time ETAS model, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 24 October 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Petrillo, Giuseppe iProject Researcher of ISMj

Petrillo, G.*, Zhuang, J. and Lippiello, E. (2022). Verification of Seismic Gap by means of physical and statistical models, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 25 October 2022. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2022). Retrospective Monitoring of the Area Surrounding the Showa Nankai Trough Earthquakes, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 24 October 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Ishibe, Takeo iSenior Researcher of Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Ishibe, T.*, Terakawa, T., Hashima, A., Mochizuki, M. and Matsu'ura, R. (2022). Validating the Method Estimating Fault Slip Angles by Using Regional 3D Stress Field with the Wallace-Bott Hypothesis –Application to the focal mechanism solutions of microearthquakes–, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 25 October 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Nishikawa, Tomoaki iAssistant Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nishikawa, T.*, Ide, S. and Nishimura, T. (2022). Slow Earthquakes in the Japan Trench, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 26 October 2022. (Poster)


Dr. Kano, Masayuki iAssistant Prof. of Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kano, M.* and Itoh, Y. (2022). Estimation of early postseismic slip following the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake by assimilating high-rate GNSS data, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 26 October 2022. (Poster)


Niu, Yuanyuan iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Niu, Y.* and Zhuang, J. (2022). Second-order smoothness prior over the Delaunay Tessellation and its application to gravity Bayesian inversion, 2022 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center, Sapporo city, Hokkaido, 25 October 2022. (Oral)


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17-21 October 2022@ 12th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei12), Institut des Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse,
Corsica, France.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2022). Evaluating earthquake forecasts with likelihood based marginal and conditional scores, 12th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei12), Institut des Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corsica, France, 21 October 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Iwata, T. (2022). A size distribution of deep low-frequency tremors in the Nankai Trough

zone: Modeling with a mixture distribution, 12th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei12), Institut des Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corsica, France, 17-18 October 2022. (Poster)


Dr. Xiong, Ziyao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Xiong, Z. (2022). The research on the spherical space-time ETAS model, 12th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei12), Institut des Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corsica, France, 19-20 October 2022. (Poster)


Dr. Petrillo, Giuseppe iProject Researcher of ISMj

Petrillo, G. (2022). Defining and testing the predictive efficacy of a realistic spring block model, 12th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei12), Institut des Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corsica, France, 19-20 October 2022. (Poster)


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5-7 October 2022@ 138th Meeting of the Geodetic Society of Japan, Hybrid, Kagoshima University Inamori Auditorium, Kagoshima city, Japan.

Dr. Kano, Masayuki iAssistant Prof. of Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kano, M. (2022). ‘ª’nƒf[ƒ^‚ÉŠî‚­’¾‚Ýž‚Ý‘Ñ‚É‚¨‚¯‚é’f‘w‚Ì–€ŽC“Á«‚Æ‚·‚ׂè‚Ì‘½—l«‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚錤‹†, 138th Meeting of the Geodetic Society of Japan, Hybrid, Kagoshima University Inamori Auditorium, 6 October 2022.( The 30th Tsuboi Prize Memorial Lecture)

Nakagawa, R.*CFukushimaCY., Kano, M., Yano, K. and Hirahara, K. (2022). GNSS ƒf[ƒ^‚Ö‚Ì[‘wŠwK‚Ì“K—p‚É‚æ‚é’ZŠú“ISSE‚Ì’f‘w‚·‚ׂ蒼ڄ’è, 138th Meeting of the Geodetic Society of Japan, Hybrid, Kagoshima University Inamori Auditorium, 5 October 2022.(Oral) 


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14-16 September 2022@ International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2022, Hybrid,
Nara Kasugano International Forum I-RA-KA, Nara city, Japan

Dr. Nishikawa, Tomoaki iAssistant Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nishikawa, T. (2022). Toward constructing a statistical model for slow earthquakes, International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2022, Hybrid, Nara Kasugano International Forum I-RA-KA, Nara city, Japan, 14 September 2022. (Poster) 


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11-14 September 2022@2022 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Online.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2022). Prediction and validation of short- to long-term earthquake probabilities in inland Japan using the hierarchical space-time ETAS and space-time Poisson process models, 2022 SCEC Annual Meeting, Online, 11-14 September 2022. (Poster) 


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4-8 September 2022   Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting. Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2022). Refining point-process models for seismicity: learning from residual analysis, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan, 7 September 2022. (Organized Session, Invited Lecture)


Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yano K. (2022). Predictive density in high/infinite dimensional models, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan, 6 September 2022. (Organized Session, Invited Lecture)

Sei, T.* and Yano, K. (2022). Minimum information dependence modeling for multi-domain data, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan, 5 September 2022. (Oral)

Okuno, A.* and Yano, K. (2022). A generalization gap estimation for overparameterized models via the Langevin functional variance, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan, 7 September 2022. (Oral)

Kurata S.*, Yamanaka Y., Yano K., Komaki F., Shiina, T. and Kato, A. (2022). ³‘¥‰»‚É‚æ‚é’nk”g‘¬“x„’踓x‚̉ü‘P‚Æ\‘¢•Ï‰»‚ÌŒŸo‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan, 5 September 2022. (Oral)


Prof. Kato, Aitaro iProf. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Prof. of ISMj

Kato, A. (2022). Data-driven discovery & monitoring of Slow-to-Fast earthquakes, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan, 7 September 2022. (Organized Session, Invited Lecture)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2022). On statistical methods applied to recent earthquake swarms, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting, 25 May 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Xiong, Ziyao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Xiong, Z.* and Zhuang, J. (2022). A spherical version of the space-time ETAS model, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan, 5 September 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Petrillo, Giuseppe iProject Researcher of ISMj

Petrillo, G.* and Zhuang, J. (2022). Bayesian earthquake forecasts based on the ETAS model, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan, 7 September 2022. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2022). A major earthquake has occurred! Real-time forecasting of subsequent earthquake, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan, 5 September 2022. (Oral)


Niu, Yuanyuan iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Niu, Y.* and Zhuang, J. (2022). Second-order smoothness prior over the Delaunay Tessellation and application on gravity Bayesian inversion, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting, Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan, 5 September 2022. (Oral)


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22-26 August 2022@ Electromagnetic Studies of Earthquakes and Volcanoes(2022 EMSEV), National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Nanjo, K.Z. (2022). Studies to evaluate seismicity using statistical methods, Electromagnetic Studies of Earthquakes and Volcanoes(2022 EMSEV), National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 22-26 August 2022. (Invited lecture) 


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1-5 August 2022@AOGS2022 VIRTUAL, 19th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS), Online.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2022). Stochastic Reconstruction: A Data-driven Method for Extending and Estimating Seismicity Clustering Models, AOGS2022 VIRTUAL, 19th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS), 2 August 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssociate Prof. of Graduate School of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2022). Cluster-based Foreshock Discrimination Models for Flexible Prediction Schemes, AOGS2022 VIRTUAL, 19th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS), 2 August 2022. (Oral)


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23 July 2022@Special Symposium of the Seismological Society of Japan entitled by A Major Earthquake has occurred! What's next after the warning 'Be careful during about a week?' -Subsequent Earthquakes and Temporary Information-, Online.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2022). How to obtain probabilities and scenarios of a large earthquake chain, Special Symposium of the Seismological Society of Japan entitled by A Major Earthquake has occurred! What's next after the warning 'Be careful during about a week?' -Subsequent Earthquakes and Temporary Information-, Online,
23 July 2022. (Invited Lecture)


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4-6 July 2022@Coarse-grained description for non-equilibrium systems and transport phenomena, CNR Main Conference Hall, Rome, Italy.

Dr. Petrillo, Giuseppe iProject Researcher of ISMj

Petrillo, G. (2022). Response of a granular sandwich to external vibrations: How to control the transmitted acoustic frequency, Coarse-grained description for non-equilibrium systems and transport phenomena, CNR Main Conference Hall, Rome, Italy, 5 July, 2022. (Invited Lecture)


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22 May - 3 July 2022@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022 , Hybrid(In-person and online), Japan Geoscience Union(JpGU),
MAKUHARI MESSE, Chiba City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2022). Refining the ETAS model: non-stationary background rate, hypocentral depth, source rupture geometry, and focal mechanism, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 25 May 2022. (Oral)

Han, P.*, Chen, H., Zhuang, J., Hattori K. (2022). Point-process modelling of earthquakes incorporating ULF seismo-magnetic anomalies, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 22 May 2022. (Invited Papers)


Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Toyama, R.*, Kurata, S., Yano, K. and Komaki, F. (2022). Clustering of Earthquake Event Data Based on Space-Time Point Process Model Using Nonparametric Bayesian Method, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 30 May 2022. (Poster)

Kurata, S.*, Yamanaka, Y., Yano, K., Komaki, F., Shiina, T. and Kato, A. (2022). On performance verification of seismic tomography using structural regularization, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 30 May 2022. (Poster)


Prof. Kato, Aitaro iProf. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Prof. of ISMj

Kato, A.*, Tsuruoka, H., Shinohara, M., Emoto, K., Kimura, T., Okamura, K. and Kikuchi, Y. (2022). Probe into Slow & Fast Earthquakes by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 27 May 2022. (Oral)

Ueda, T.* and Kato, A. (2022). Temporal and spatial variations in seismicity characteristics after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake estimated from HIST-ETAS model, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 3 June 2022. (Poster)

Shiina, T.*, Kano, M. and Kato, A. (2022). An MCMC approach for determining earthquake hypocenters around a structural boundary and its application to@aftershocks of the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 22 May 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Enescu, B.* and Furuya, K. (2022). Investigation of a possible relationship between aftershock parameters for sequences occurred inland Japan after 2000 and crustal heat fIow, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 29 May 2022. (Poster)

Ishiyama, R.*, Fukuyama, E. and Enescu, B. (2022). What do the time-variable friction parameters in laboratory experiments tell us about sliding dynamics?, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 24 May 2022. (Oral)

Petrescu, L.* and Enescu, B. (2022). Nearest-neighbour cluster analysis of intraslab seismicity in the Vrancea Seismic Zone, Romania, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 25 May 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nanjo, K.* and Yukutake, Y. (2022). A study on detection of low-frequency earthquakes at Mt. Fuji and data quality evaluation, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 2 June 2022. (Poster)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssociate Prof. of Graduate School of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Ide, S.* and Nomura, S. (2022). Preliminary forecasting model for tectonic tremor activity using a renewal process, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid,
2 June 2022. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2022). Changing features revealed from the non-stationary ETAS model in regional earthquake swarm activity of the Noto Peninsula, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 25 May 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Xiong, Ziyao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Xiong, Z.* and Zhuang, J. (2022). The research and application of the spherical spacetime ETAS model, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 25 May 2022. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y.  (2022). Prediction and validation of short- to long-term earthquake probabilities in inland Japan using the hierarchical space-time ETAS and space-time Poisson process models, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 25 May 2022. (Oral)

Shiomi, K.*, Omi, T., Ogata, Y. and Sawazaki, K. (2022) 5-year performance check for the real-time automatic system for aftershock forecasting, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Online Poster, 2 June 2022. (Oral and Poster) 


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Matsufura, M. (2022). Reconsideration of the energy balance in earthquake faulting-II: Evaluation of radiated seismic energy, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 27 May 2022. (Oral)

Terakawa, T.* and Matsu'ura, M. (2022). Tectonic stress fields estimated from long-term CMT data ranging over different periods, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 27 May 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Lei, Xinglin iSenior Researcher of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST) / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Sueyoshi, K.*, Kitamura, M., Lei, X. and Katayama, I. (2022). Experimental investigation on fault reactivation by water injection and the relationship between slip characteristics and injection rate, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 23 May 2022. (Oral)

Fujii, T.*, Sorai, M., Oikawa, Y., Lei, X. and Kitamura, M. (2022). Effects of geochemical reactions on a relationship between geomechanical and hydrological properties of caprocks in storing CO2 geological processes, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 23 May 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Ishibe, Takeo iSenior Researcher of Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Ishibe, T.* and Matsu'ura, R. (2022). periodicity Parameters Estimated From the Recent Repeating Earthquake Catalogs and Implication for Seismic Hazard Assessment, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 23 May 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Nishikawa, Tomoaki iAssistant Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nishimura, T.*, Nishikawa, T., Sato, D., Hiramatsu, Y. and Sawada, A. (2022). Crustal deformation associated with the earthquake swarm in the Noto Peninsula, central Japan, observed by GNSS, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 27 May 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Kano, Masayuki iAssistant Prof. of Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kano, M *, Ikeuchi, A., Nishimura, T., Miyazaki, S. and Matsushima, K. (2022). Potential of Megathrust Earthquakes along the Southern Ryukyu Trench Inferred from GNSS Data, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 3 June 2022. (Poster)

Shiina, T.*, Kano, M. and Kato, A. (2022). An MCMC approach for determining earthquake hypocenters around a structural boundary and its application to@aftershocks of the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Hybrid, 22 May 2022. (Oral)


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23-27 May 2022@ European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria & Online.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Taroni, M.*, Selva, J., Marzocchi, W. and Zhuang, J. (2022). Everything you always wanted to know about b-value* (*but were afraid to ask), European Geoscience Union(EGU) General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria & Online, 26 May 2022. (Oral)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


8 March 2022   “Œ‹ž‘åŠw’nkŒ¤‹†Š‹¤“¯—˜—pŒ¤‹†W‰ïu’nkŠˆ“®‚Ì“Œvƒ‚ƒfƒ‹‚Æ•¨—“IˆÓ–¡v, Online.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2022). Extensions of the spatiotemporal ETAS model and their applications, “Œ‹ž‘åŠw’nkŒ¤‹†Š‹¤“¯—˜—pŒ¤‹†W‰ïu’nkŠˆ“®‚Ì“Œvƒ‚ƒfƒ‹‚Æ•¨—“IˆÓ–¡v, Online, 8 March 2022. (Oral)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Nanjo, K. (2022). Ž©‘R’nk‚Ì’nkŠˆ“®‰ð͂ɂ‚¢‚Ä, “Œ‹ž‘åŠw’nkŒ¤‹†Š‹¤“¯—˜—pŒ¤‹†W‰ïu’nkŠˆ“®‚Ì“Œvƒ‚ƒfƒ‹‚Æ•¨—“IˆÓ–¡v, Online, 8 March 2022. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2022). Development of the ETAS model, “Œ‹ž‘åŠw’nkŒ¤‹†Š‹¤“¯—˜—pŒ¤‹†W‰ïu’nkŠˆ“®‚Ì“Œvƒ‚ƒfƒ‹‚Æ•¨—“IˆÓ–¡v, Online, 8 March 2022. (Oral).



6-17 December 2021@2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2021). Long-term earthquake forecasts for the Italy and California regions based on the epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model for short-term clustering, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 14 December 2021. (Poster)

Maita, E. and Zhuang, J.* (2021). Extended ETAS model by incorporating focal mechanisms, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 17 December 2021. (Poster)


Dr. Wu, Stephen iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Minson, S.E.*, Cochran, E.S., Wu, S., Saunders, J.K., Baltay, A, McBride, S.K., and Milner K. R. (2021). Shaking with a Chance of Warning, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 14 December 2021. (Oral)


Prof. Kato, Aitaro iProf. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Prof. of ISMj

Kato, A. (2021). Hierarchical and structural complexities on the diffuse fault system associated with the 2000 Tottori earthquake revealed by a hyperdense seismic observation, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 16 December 2021. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Enescu, B.*, Moldovan, I.A., Ionescu, C. and AFROS Team (2021), Analysis and Forecasting of Romanian Seismicity (AFROS) Project: Aim and Preliminary Results, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 14 December 2021. (Poster)

Enescu, B.*, Takeda, Y. and Miyazawa, M. (2021). Dynamic Triggering of Earthquakes in Volcanic and Geothermal Areas Before and After the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-oki Earthquake, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 16 December 2021. (Oral)

Ishiyama, R.*, Fukuyama, E. and Enescu, B. (2021). Estimation of Time-Variable Friction Parameters Using Machine Learning, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 15 December 2021. (Oral)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Nanjo, K.* and Yukutake, Y. (2021). A preliminary study on low-frequency earthquakes at Mt. Fuji, Japan, using the matched filter method, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 14 December 2021. (Poster)


Dr. Xiong, Ziyao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Xiong, Z.* and Zhuang, J. (2021). The research of spherical time-space ETAS model, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 17 December 2021. (Poster)


Niu, Yuanyuan iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Niu, Y.* and Zhuang, J. (2021). Estimation of Near-surface Density Based on Bayesian Method over the Delaunay Tessellation with Second-order Smooth Prior, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 15 December 2021. (Poster)


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14-16 October 2021@ 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2021). Long-term probability earthquake forecasts based on the ETAS model, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Oral) 


Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yano, K.* and Kano, M. (2021). /1 trend filtering based detection of short-term slow slip events from a GNSS array in southwest Japan, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Oral)

Kurata, S.*, Yamanaka, Y., Yano, K., Komaki, F., Shiina, T. and Kato, A. (2021). An earthquake tomography method for detecting of velocity discontinuities via structured regularization, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Oral)


Dr. Wu, Stephen iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Wu, S. (2021). A Bayesian framework for Earthquake Early Warning, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Invited Lecture)


Prof. Kato, Aitaro iProf. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Prof. of ISMj

Kato, A.*, Takeo, A. and Obara, K. (2021). Rapid tremor migration revealed by a dense seismic array in the western Shikoku, Japan, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 15 October 2021. (Oral)

Shiina, T.*, Kano, M., Kurata, S. and Kato, A. (2021). Estimation of depth-dependent variations in seismic velocity in the source area of the 2004 Mid-Niigata prefecture earthquake based on the MCMC approach, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Poster)

Kurihara, R.*, Kato, A., Kurata, S. and Nagao, H. (2021). Detection of deep low-frequency earthquakes by matched filter technique using the product of mutual information and correlation coefficient, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Oral)

Ueda, T.*, Kato, A., Johnson, C.W. and Terakawa, T. (2021). Seasonal variations in crustal seismicity and surface load estimated from GNSS displacement, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Oral)

Ishise, M.*, Kato, A., Sakai, S., Nakagawa, S. and Hirata, N. (2021). A New PHS slab Model beneath the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Based on 3-D P-wave, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Oral)

Motokoshi, T.*, Matsumoto, S., Iio, Y., Sakai, S. and Kato, A. (2021). Estimation of characteristics of the epicenter of double-couple earthquake and Non-double-couple earthquake in the focal area of the 2000 Western Tottori earthquake, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 16 October 2021. (Oral)

Doi, I.*, Maeda, T., Kato, A., Takeda, T. and Murao, H. (2021). To what extent can stationary seismic observation network detect small landslides using short-period seismic waves?, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 15 October 2021. (Oral)

Matsumoto, S.*, Mitsuoka, A., Iio, Y., Sakai, S. and Kato, A. (2021). Evaluating the crustal strength based on seismic moment tensor ratios, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Iwata, T.* and Hiramatsu, Y. (2021). Event size distribution of deep low-frequency tremors in the Nankai Trough modelled with a mixture distribution, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Oral)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nanjo, K.*, Izutsu, J., Orihara, Y. and Kamogawa, M. (2021). Seismicity pattern before and after the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Poster)

Nanjo, K.* and Yukutake, Y. (2021). A preliminary study on low-frequency earthquakes below Mt. Fuji: Creation of an earthquake catalog using the Matched Filter method and quality evaluation of the catalog, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Poster)


Dr. Xiong, Ziyao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Xiong, Z.* and Zhuang, J. (2021). The research of spherical time-space ETAS model, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y.* and Katsura, K. (2021). Modified estimation of the HIST-ETAS model for earthquake catalogs possessing long- and short-term incomplete data, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 15 October 2021. (Oral)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Terakawa, T.* and Matsufura, M. (2021). Three-dimensional tectonic stress field inferred from long-term data of seismicity with prior information, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Poster)


Dr. Nishikawa, Tomoaki iAssistant Prof. of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nishikawa, T.*, and Nishimura, T. (2021). Development of an ETAS model that explicitly incorporates the triggering effect of slow slip events on seismicity, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Oral)


Dr. Kano, Masayuki iAssistant Prof. of Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kano, M.*, Miyazaki, S., Ishikawa, Y. and Hirahara, K. (2021). Adjoint-based direct data assimilation of GNSS time series for understanding the current state of postseismic deformation and its short-term prediction following the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2021). Characteristics of earthquake swarm activity in central Nagano prefecture as seen from the time variation of background seismic activity estimated by the point process model, 2021 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 14 October 2021. (Oral)


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12-17 September 2021@2021 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Online.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y.*, Katsura, K. (2021). Modified estimation and forecasting of the hierarchical space-time ETAS (HIST-ETAS) model for earthquake catalogs in a wide area possessing long- and short-term incompleteness, 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Online, 12-17 September 2021. (Poster)


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5-9 September 2021   Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021: Online.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2021). A filtering formula for the renewal Hawkes process, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021: Online, 8 September 2021. (Oral)


Dr. Yano, Keisuke iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yano, K. and Iba, Y. (2021). Information criterion for predictive evaluation based on quasi- posterior distribution, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021: Online Meeting, 8 September 2021. (Oral)

Sei, T.* and Yano, K. (2021). Ŭî•ñƒRƒsƒ…ƒ‰ƒ‚ƒfƒ‹‚Æ‚»‚ÌŠg’£, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021: Online Meeting, 8 September 2021. (Oral)

Okuno, A.* and Yano, K. (2021). Dependence of variance on covariate design in nonparametric link regression, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021: Online Meeting, 8 September 2021. (Oral)

Kurata, S.*, Yamanaka, Y., Yano, K., Komaki, F., Shiina, T. and Kato, A. (2021). ’nk”g‘¬“x•s˜A‘±–Ê‚ÌŒŸo‚Ì‚½‚߂̃Xƒp[ƒX³‘¥‰»‚ÉŠî‚­’nk”gƒgƒ‚ƒOƒ‰ƒtƒB, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021, Online Meeting, 9 September 2021. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssociate Prof. of Graduate School of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nomura, S.* and Tanaka, M. (2021). Nonstationary renewal process for repeating earthquakes under aftershock triggering effects, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021: Online, 6 September 2021. (Oral)


Dr. Xiong, Ziyao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Xiong, Z.*, Zhuang, J. and Ogata, Y. (2021). A study on the spherical space-time ETAS model, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021: Online, 8 September 2021. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ISMj

Ogata, Y.* and Katsura, K. (2021). Spatio-temporal estimation of long-term evolution of the detection rates in addition to local missing rates of earthquakes immediately after major earthquakes in the JMA earthquake hypocenter catalog, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021: Online, 7 September 2021. (Oral)


Shen, Xun iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Shen, X.*, Zhuang, J. (2021). Sample-based Neural Approximation for Probabilistic Constrained Programs, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021: Online, 8 September 2021. (Oral)


Niu, Yuanyuan iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Niu, Y.* and Zhuang, J. (2021). Second-order smoothness prior over Delaunay tessellation, Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021: Online, 7 September 2021. (Oral)


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30 May - 6 July 2021@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, Japan Geoscience Union(JpGU).

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Xiong, Z. and Ogata, Y. (2021). A spherical version of the space-time ETAS model, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, 5 June 2021. (Poster) 

Han, P.*, Zhuang, J., Hattori, K., Chen, C-H., Febriani, F. and Chen, H. (2021). Assessing the potential earthquake precursory information in ULF magnetic data recorded in Kanto, Japan during 2000 – 2010: distance and magnitude dependences, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, 6 June 2021. (Invited Papers)


Dr. Wu, Stephen iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Yamada, M.*, Tamaribuchi, K. and Wu, S. (2021). IPFx: extended integrated particle filter method for earthquake early warning and visualization of its results with social networking service, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, 6 June 2021. (Oral)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nanjo, K.*, Ariyoshi, K., Takahashi, N., Yada, S., Yamamoto, Y. and Hori, T. (2021). A preliminary study on data quality characterization for the DONET seismic catalogue, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, 3 June 2021. (Poster)

Nanjo, K.*, Yukutake, Y. and Noda, Y. (2021). A study on detecting low-frequency earthquakes at Mt. Fuji, using the matched filter method: preliminary results, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, 4 June 2021. (Poster)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssociate Prof. of Graduate School of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nomura, S.* and Tanaka, M. (2021). Nonstationary Renewal Model for Forecasting Repeating Earthquakes under Aftershock-Triggering Effects, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, 5 June 2021. (Poster)


Dr. Xiong, Ziyao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Xiong, Z.* and Zhuang, J. (2021). A Bayesian approach to estimating the crustal strain-rate fields from GNSS data and application to data from Mainland China, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, 3 June 2021. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y.* and Katsura, K. (2021). Modeling space-time heterogeneities of hypocenter catalog, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, 3 June 2021. (Oral) 


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Matsufura, M. (2021). Reconsideration of the energy balance in earthquake faulting - I: The origin of the background stress field, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, 3 June 2021. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2021). Statistical analysis and its characteristics of the earthquake activity near the border of Nagano, Gifu and Fukui prefectures, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, 3 June 2021. (Oral)


Niu, Yuanyuan iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Niu, Y.* and Zhuang, J. (2021). Bayesian estimation method of near-surface density under irregular distribution of gravity network, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: Online, 3 June 2021. (Oral)


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19–30 April 2021@ European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2021: Gather Online.

Dr. Xiong, Ziyao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Xiong, Z.* and Zhuang, J. (2021). Crustal strain-rate fields estimated from GNSS data with a Bayesian approach and its correlation to seismic activity, European Geoscience Union(EGU) General Assembly 2021: Gather Online, 30 April 2021. (Oral)



18 December 2020   The 998-th DANWAKAI, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Web Meeting(Zoom).

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ueda, T.*, Kato, A., Ogata, Y. and Yamaya, L. (2020). Spatial variations in seismicity characteristics in and around the source region of the 2019 Yamagata-Oki Earthquake, Japan, The 998-th DANWAKAI, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Web Meeting(Zoom), 18 December 2020


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1-17 December 2020@2020 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Maita, E. (2020). Incorporating focal mechanisms into the ETAS model, 2020 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 11 December 2020. (Poster)


Dr. Wu, Stephen iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Minson, S.E.*, Cochran, E.S., Wu, S. and Noda, S. (2020). Evaluating the Usefulness of Earthquake Early Warning for a California Rail System, 2020 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 14 December 2020. (Poster)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Nanjo, K. (2020). Changes in stress state and seismicity pattern responsible for the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquakes, 2020 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 10 December 2020. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ueda, T.*, Kato, A., Ogata, Y. and Yamaya, L. (2020). Spatial variations in seismicity characteristics in and around the source region of the 2019 Yamagata-Oki Earthquake, Japan, 2020 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Online, 11 December 2020. (Oral)


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26 November 2020   The 229th web conference of Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2020). Short-, medium-, long-term and background-rate forecasts based on a hierarchical space-time ETAS model: Towards the development of automated forecasts (in Japanese), The 229th web conference of Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction, 26 November 2020. (Invited lecture)


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29-31 October 2020@ 2020 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Maita, E. (2020). Incorporating focal mechanisms into the ETAS model, 2020 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 31 October 2020.


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Ishiyama, R.*, Fukuyama, E. and Enescu, B. (2020). Temporally variable estimation of friction parameters using machine learning, 2020 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 31 October 2020.


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Cho, I.* and Iwata, T. (2020). Relationship between the upper limit of analyzable wavelength ranges of the SPAC method and the SNR (in Japanese), 2020 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 30 October 2020.


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2020). The Evolution of the ETAS Model and the Modeling of Causal Inference (in Japanese), 2020 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 31 October 2020. (Commemorative lectures from SSJ award recipients)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Noda, A.*, Saito, T., Fukuyama, E, Terakawa, T., Tanaka, S. and Matsufura, M. (2020). Shear strain energy changes caused by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence: Comparison with aftershock activity (in Japanese), 2020 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 29 October 2020.


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2020). Predictability of earthquake swarms with consideration of central nagano swarm events in 2020 (in Japanese), 2020 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Online, 31 October 2020.


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14-16 September 2020@ 2020 Annual Meeting of the Southern California Earthquake Center.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Maita, E. (2020). An ETAS model incorporated with focal mechanisms, 2020 Annual Meeting of the Southern California Earthquake Center, 14-16 September 2020. (Online Poster).


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y.* and Omi, T. (2020). Statistical monitoring and early forecasting of earthquake sequence: Case studies after the 2019 M6.4 Searles Valley Earthquake, California, 2020 Annual Meeting of the Southern California Earthquake Center, 14 September 2020. (Online Poster)

Ueda, T.*, Kato, A., Ogata, Y. and Yamaya, L. (2020). Spatial variations in seismicity characteristics in and around the source region of the 2019 Yamagata-Oki Earthquake, Japan, 2020 Annual Meeting of the Southern California Earthquake Center, 14 September 2020. (Online Poster)


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9-12 September 2020   2020 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Online.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2020). Visualizing Heterogeneities of Earthquake Hypocenter Catalogs: Modeling, Analysis, and Calibration, 2020 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Online, 10 September 2020.


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12-16 July 2020@ JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: Virtual, Japan Geoscience Union(JpGU)-American Geophysical Union(AGU).

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2020). Testing foreshock hypothesis against the ETAS model: why is it so difficult?, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: Virtual, 12-16 July 2020.

Yang, H.*, Zhou, P., Jiang, G., Wang, B. and Zhuang, J. (2020). Seismicity induced by the Hutubi Underground Gas Storage Facility, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: Virtual, 12-16 July 2020.


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nakano, S.*, Ueno, G., Nomura, S. and Murakami, D. (2020). Development of a "multilingual" data assimilation library, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: Virtual, 13 July 2020.

Yabe, S.*, Fukuchi, R., Hamada, Y., Ueki, K. and Nomura, S. (2020). Quantitative Logging Unit Classification with Hidden Markov Model, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: Virtual, 13 July 2020.


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nanjo, K. (2020). Changes in stress state associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquakes, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: Virtual, 16 July 2020.


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y.* and Omi, T. (2020). Statistical Monitoring and Early Forecasting of Earthquake Sequence: Case Studies after the 2019 M6.4 Searles Valley Earthquake, California, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: Virtual, 15 July 2020.

Ueda, T.*, Yamaya, L., Ogata, Y. and Kato, A. (2020). Different deformation styles in the source regions of the 2019 Yamagata-oki earthquake and the 1964 Niigata earthquake, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: Virtual, 12-16 July 2020.


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Matsufura, M.* and Terakawa, T. (2020). Decomposition of elastic potential energy and the meaning of the energetics-based failure stress criterion, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: Virtual, 16 July 2020.


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y. and Tsuruoka, H. (2020). Characteristics of Seismic Activity before and after the 2018 M6.7 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: Virtual, 15 July 2020.


Maita, Eri iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Maita, E.*and Zhuang, J. (2020). The character of the Focal mechanisms with Kagan angles in Japan area for the extended 2-D ETAS model, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: Virtual, 12-16 July 2020.


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14-17 January 2020   Hokudan 2020 International Symposium on Active Faulting,
Hokudan Earthquake Memorial Park, Nojima Fault Preservation Museum, Awaji City, Hyogo, Japan.

Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2020). Bayesian inference and forecast for aperiodicity parameters of recurret earthquakes under uncertain occurrence times, Hokudan 2020 International Symposium on Active Faulting, Hokudan Earthquake Memorial Park, Nojima Fault Preservation Museum, Awaji City, Hyogo, Japan,
16 January 2020. (Invited Lecture)



9-13 December 2019@2019 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Jia, K.*, Zhou, S., Jiang, C. and Zhuang, J. (2019). Spatiotemporal Evolution of Background Seismicity Rate and Stress Changes Inverted from Seismic Catalog in Changning Shalegas Hydraulic Fracturing Region, Sichuan Basin of China, 2019 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 10 December 2019. (Poster)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Nanjo, K. (2019). Seismicity prior to the July 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake, 2019 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 11 December 2019. (Poster)

Rundle, J., Turcotte, D., Crutchfield, J., Donnellan, A. and Nanjo, K. (2019). Earthquake and Tsunami Nowcasting and Forecasting Using Shannon Information Theory, 2019 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 10 December 2019. (Poster)


Dr. Guo, Yicun iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Guo, Y.*, Zhuang, J. and Ogata, Y. (2019). Spatial Heterogeneity of the Aftershock Productivity of the Kumamoto Earthquake Modeled by the Finite Source ETAS model, 2019 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 9 December 2019. (Poster)


Xiong, Ziyao iPh.D. Student of Department of Geophysics, Peking University, Chinaj

Xiong, Z.*, Zhuang, J. and Zhou, S. (2019). A Bayesian approach to estimating the strain rate from GPS Velocity observations and application to data from Mainland China, 2019 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 12 December 2019. (Poster)


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16-18 September 2019@ 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan.

Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2019). Bayesian inference for recurrent earthquake sequences with uncertain occurrence times (in Japanese), 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 18 September 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Iwata, T.* and Iio, Y. (2019). Estimation of the spatial stress pattern of San-in region: a preliminary analysis towards estimation with high spatial resolution (in Japanese), 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 18 September 2019. (Poster)

Fukahata, Y.*, Iwata, T. and Yoshida, K. (2019). Comparison of Stress Tensor Inversion Methods Using Seismological Data (in Japanese), 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 16 September 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nanjo, K. Z. (2019). Seismicity prior to the July 2019 southern California M7.1 earthquake (in Japanese), 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 16 September 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Guo, Yicun iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Guo, Y.*, Zhuang, J. and Ogata, Y. (2019). Spatial heterogeneity of aftershock productivity on the Kumamoto earthquake rupture modeled by the finite source ETAS model, 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 18 September 2019. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2019). High resolution seismicity models using interpolation with Delaunay triangulation (in Japanese), 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 18 September 2019. (Oral)

Ogata, Y. (2019). Bayesian modeling and visualization of spatiotemporal heterogeneity of hypocenter catalogs (in Japanese), 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 17 September 2019. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsufura, M.*, Terakawa, T. and Noda, A. (2019). Metrics for Aftershock Generation Based on the Energetics of Shear Faulting (in Japanese), 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 18 September 2019. (Oral)

Terakawa, T.*, Matsufura, M. and Noda, A. (2019). A new energetics-based failure criterion for understanding the spatial pattern of aftershocks (in Japanese), 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 18 September 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y. and Tsuruoka, H. (2019). Characteristics of seismic activity before and after the 2018 M6.7 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake, 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 16 September 2019. (Oral)


Xiong, Ziyao iPh.D. Student of Department of Geophysics, Peking University, China / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Xiong, Z.*, Zhuang, J. and Zhou, S. (2019). Comparison of Models of Long-term Seismic Hazard and with An Application to North China, 2019 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto City, Japan, 18 September 2019. (Poster)


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8-12 September 2019   2019 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Shiga University, Hikone Campus, Hikone City, Shiga, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj 

Zhuang, J. (2019). A filtering formula for the conditional intensity of the renewal Hawkes process, 2019 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Shiga University, Hikone Campus, Hikone City, Shiga, Japan, 9 September 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S. (2019). Path algorithms for clustered Lasso and OSCAR, 2019 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Shiga University, Hikone Campus, Hikone City, Shiga, Japan, 12 September 2019. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2019). Posterior distribution of number and locations of centers from coordinates of clustered spatial point patterns, 2019 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Shiga University, Hikone Campus, Hikone City, Shiga, Japan, 10 September 2019. (Oral)


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7 September 2019@ SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) CSEP(Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability) Workshop,
Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2019). SCEC CSEP Workshop on Operational Earthquake Forecasting during the Ridgecrest Sequence and CSEP2 Progress, CSEP Workshop, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 7 September 2019. (Invited discussion)


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27 August 2019@ Workshop on Hawkes processes in data science, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2019). A Filtering Formula for the Conditional Intensity of the Renewal Hawkes Process, Workshop on Hawkes processes in data science, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 27 August 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S. (2019). Modeling Heterogeneity and Non-stationarity of Recurrent Earthquakes, Workshop on Hawkes processes in data science, Workshop on Hawkes processes in data science, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 27 August 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Guo, Yicun iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Guo, Y. (2019). Spatial Heterogeneity of Aftershock Productivity on the Kumamoto Earthquake Rupture Modeled by the Finite Source ETAS Model, Workshop on Hawkes processes in data science, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 27 August 2019. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2019). 3D seismicity model beneath the Greater Tokyo Area, Workshop on Hawkes processes in data science, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 27 August 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T. (2019). Characteristics of Seismic Activity before and after the 2018 M6.7 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake, Workshop on Hawkes processes in data science, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 27 August 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iProject Associate Prof. of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyoj

Omi, T. (2019). Flexible Modeling of Point Processes, Workshop on Hawkes processes in data science, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 27 August 2019. (Oral) 


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18-21 August 2019@ 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Maita, E. (2019). Distributions of focal mechanisms in background seismicity and earthquake clusters in Japan, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Oral)

Jia, K.*, Zhou, S., Jiang, C. and Zhuang, J. (2019). Satiotemporal evolution of background seismicity rate and stress changes inverted from seismic catalog in Changning region, Sichuan Basin of China, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 19 August 2019. (Poster)

Han, P.*, Zhuang, J., Ogata, Y. and Hattori, K. (2019). Operational earthquake forecast incorporating multiple geophysical data, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Poster)

Chen, S.*, Li, H., Zhuang, J., Zhang, B. and Wang, L. (2019). A Bayesian approach of network adjustment for campaigned gravity survey: methodology and model test, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Poster)

Shcherbakov, R.*, Zhuang, J., Zoeller, G. and Ogata, Y. (2019). Bayesian Inference on the Magnitude of the Largest Expected Earthquake, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Poster)

Varini, E.*, Peresan, A. and Zhuang, J. (2019). Declustering algorithms and network theory for the topological inspection of earthquake sequences, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Poster)

Li, H.*, Zhang, B., Chen, S. and Zhuang, J. (2019). Bayesian assimilation inversion of gravity anomalies and parameters optimization, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 21 August 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2019). Spatial Distribution of Coefficients of Variation for Recurrence Intervals of Paleoearthquakes in Japan, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Enescu, B.*, Shimojo, K., Opris, A., Yagi, Y. and Zhuang, J. (2019). Remote triggering of earthquakes as a potential stress-meter: the case of the 2016 M7.3 Kumamoto earthquake in Japan, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 19 August 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Iwata, T.* and Iio, Y. (2019). An Application of a Bayesian estimation of spatial stress pattern to San-in region, Japan, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Poster)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nanjo, K.Z.*, Rundle, J.B. and Sakurada, T. (2019). Development of the earthquake nowcasting method with application to Japan, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 19 August 2019. (Poster)


Dr. Guo, Yicun iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Guo, Y.*, Zhuang, J. and Ogata, Y. (2019). Extended versions of the space-time ETAS model and application to the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2019). High resolution seismicity models using interpolation with Delaunay triangulation, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Oral)

Ogata, Y. (2019). Modeling, visualizing and calibrating heterogeneous hypocenter catalog, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Poster)

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B., Sawazaki, K. and Aihara, K. (2019). Results for real-time aftershock forecasting in Japan during recent two years, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Terakawa, T.*, Matsufura, M. and Noda, A. (2019). The change in the elastic strain energy due to the 1992 Landers earthquake and triggering mechanisms of aftershock activity, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 19 August 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Toda, S. (2019). Anomalies in wide seismicity before the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Poster)


Xiong, Ziyao iPh.D. Student of Department of Geophysics, Peking University, China / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Xiong, Z.*, Zhuang, J. and Zhou, S. (2019). Long-term earthquake risk in North China estimated from a modern catalogue, 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology(StatSei11), The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa, Japan, 20 August 2019. (Poster)


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18-19 June 2019@Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2019). Principles and methods for statistical analysis of seismicity, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Beijing, China, 18 June 2019. (Seminar)

Zhuang, J. (2019). History, applications and extensions of the space-time ETAS model, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Beijing, China, 19 June 2019. (Seminar)


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26-30 May 2019@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Makuhari Messe, International Conference Hall, Internationlal Exhibition Hall /
Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Maita, E. (2019). Distributions of focal mechanisms in background seismicity and earthquake clusters in Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2019. (Poster)

Xiong, Z., Zhuang, J.* and Zhou, S. (2019). Long-term earthquake risk in North China estimated from a modern catalogue, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2019. (Poster)

Hirata, N.*, Tsuruoka, H., Schorlemmer, D. and Zhuang, J. (2019). CSEP Japan results and future developments, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2019. (Oral)

Han, P.*, Zhuang, J., Ogata, Y. and Hattori, K. (2019). Earthquake probability forecast incorporating non-seismic data, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2019. (Oral)


Schorlemmer, D.*, Hirata, N., Cotton, F., Gerstenberger, M., Jordan, T., Marzocchi, W., Savran, W., Werner, M., Wiemer, S., Beutin, T., Jackson, D. D., Maechling, P., Mak, S., Nanjo, K., Ogata, Y., Rhoades, D., Tsuruoka, H., Weatherill, G., and Zhuang, J. (2019). Increasing Earthquake Forecast Testability - CSEP Future Developments, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2019. (Poster)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2019). Bayesian Inference and Forecast on Renewal Processes for Recurrent Earthquakes with Uncertain Occurrence Times, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 29 May 2019. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2019). Focal mechanisms of the aftershocks of the 2000 Western Tottori Earthquake inferred from P wave first-motion data and spatial stress pattern, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2019. (Poster)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nanjo, K.*, Miyaoka, K. and Yoshida, A. (2019). Assessment for a large earthquake occurrence on the northern side of the focal region of the 2011 off-Tohoku mega-thrust earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2019. (Oral)

Nanjo, K. (2019). An investigation into slow-slip detection capability of the Tokai Strainmenter Network, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2019. (Poster)

Nanjo, K.*, Rundle, J. and Sakurada, T. (2019). Earthquake nowcasting: further development and application to Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2019. (Poster)

Nanjo, K.*, Izutsu, J., Orihara, Y., Kamogawa, M. and Nagao, T. (2019). Seismicity and crustal deformation following the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2019. (Poster)


Dr. Guo, Yicun iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Guo, Y.*, Zhuang, J. and Ogata, Y. (2019). Extended versions of the space-time ETAS model and application to the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2019. (Invited lecture)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y.*, Katsura, K., Tsuruoka, H. and Hirata, N. (2019). High resolution space-time models forecasting 3D seismicity beneath the Greater Tokyo Area, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2019. (Invited lecture)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Matsufura, M. (2019). The seismic moment, stress drop, and strain energy release for the rupture of asperities, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2019. (Oral)

Terakawa, T.*, Matsufura, M. and Noda, A. (2019). The change in the elastic strain energy due to the 1992 Landers earthquake and triggering mechanisms of aftershock activity, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 29 May 2019. (Oral)


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15 May 2019@Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2019). Identifying the recurrence patterns of non-volcanic tremors using a 2D hidden Markov model, Academia Sinica, Institute of Statistical Sciences, Taipei City, Taiwan, 15 May 2019. (Seminar)


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14-17 May 2019@ 2019 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly(TGA), Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Taipei City, Taiwan.

    Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2019). Data missing in the Chichi earthquake sequence and stochastic replenishment, 2019 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly(TGA), Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Taipei City, Taiwan., 14 May 2019. (Oral)


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13 May 2019@Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2019). Identifying the recurrence patterns of non-volcanic tremors using a 2D hidden Markov model, Academia Sinica, Institute of Earth Sciences, Taipei City, Taiwan, 13 May 2019. (Seminar)


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10 May 2019@Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2019). Detection and replenishment of missing data in earthquake catalogs, National Central University, Department of Earth Sciences, Taoyuan City, Taiwan, 10 May 2019. (Seminar)


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7-12 April 2019@European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2019, Austria Center Vienna(ACV), Vienna, Austria.

    Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Peresan, A.*, Varini, E. and Zhuang, J. (2019). Capturing the complexity of earthquake sequences by different methods, European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2019, Austria Center Vienna(ACV), Vienna, Austria, 8 April 2019. (Oral) 


Schorlemmer, D.*, Hirata, N., Cotton, F., Gerstenberger, M., Marzocchi, W., Werner, M., Wiemer, S., Jordan, T., Beutin, T., Jackson, D., Maechling, P., Mak, S., Nanjo, K., Ogata, Y., Rhoades, D., Strader, A., Tsuruoka, H., Weatherill, G., Zhuang, J. and Savran, W. (2019). Increasing Earthquake Forecast Testability - CSEP Future Developments, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, Austria Center Vienna(ACV), Vienna, Austria, 8 April 2019. (Invited Lecture)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Borleanu, F.*, Petrescu, L., Enescu, B., Popa, M. and Radulian, M. (2019). Use of Double Difference seismic tomography to reveal seismicity and crustal structure patterns across the Eastern Carpathians, Romania, European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2019, Austria Center Vienna(ACV), Vienna, Austria, 9 April 2019. (Poster)

Gulia, L.*, Tormann, T., Rinaldi, A.P., Vannucci., G., Enescu, B. and Wiemer, S. (2019). The effect of a mainshock on the size distribution of the aftershocks, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, Austria Center Vienna(ACV), Vienna, Austria, 11 April 2019. (Poster)


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11-13 February 2019@ International Conference on "Data Science, Time Series Modeling and Applications"(ICMMA2018),
Meiji University, Nakano Campus, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

    Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2019). A Semi-parametric Spatiotemporal Hawkes-type Point Process Model with Periodic Background for Crime Data, International Conference on "Data Science, Time Series Modeling and Applications"(ICMMA2018), Meiji University, Nakano Campus, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, Japan., 13 February 2019.
 (Invited Lecture)



10-14 December 2018@2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU),
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Han, P. and Ogata, Y. (2018). Statistical testing of earthquake precursors and modelling strategies, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 10 December 2018. (Invited lecture)

Peng, Z.*, Neves, M., Daniels, C., Zhu, L., McClellan, J-H. and, Zhuang, J. (2018). Seismic Detection of Very Early Aftershocks Following the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield Earthquake, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 10 December 2018. (Poster)

Zhou, P.*, Yang, H., Wang, B. and Zhuang, J. (2018). Seismological investigations of potentially induced earthquakes near the Hutubi underground gas storage, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 12 December 2018. (Poster)

Jia, K.*, Zhou, S., Zhuang, J., Jiang, C. and Guo, Y. (2018). Did the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake trigger the occurrence of the 2017 Mw 6.5 Jiuzhaigou earthquake in Sichuan, China?, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 13 December 2018. (Poster)

Shcherbakov, R.*, Zhuang, J. and Ogata, Y. (2018). Bayesian Framework for Constraining the Magnitude of Extreme Aftershocks, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 14 December 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2018). Bayesian estimation and forecast for recurrence intervals of uncertain occurrence times from paleoearthquakes, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 10 December 2018. (Poster)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Enescu, B.*, Shimojo, K., Opris, A., Yagi, Y. and Zhuang, J. (2018). Triggering and Decay Characteristics of Dynamically Activated Seismicity in Japan, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 11 December 2018. (Oral)

Borleanu, F., Enescu, B.*, Petrescu, L. Popa, M. and Radulian, M. (2018). Crustal structure of the Eastern Carpathians (Romania) region as revealed by double-difference seismic tomography, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 12 December 2018. (Poster)

Peng, H.*, Enescu, B., Lin, A. and Shiomi, K. (2018). Investigating the Seismicity Before and After the 2018 M6.1 Osaka Earthquake, Japan, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 13 December 2018. (Poster)


Dr. Guo, Yicun iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Guo, Y.*, Zhuang, J., Hirata, N. and Zhou, S. (2018). Heterogeneity of Direct Aftershock Productivity of the Mainshock Rupture, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 14 December 2018. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2018). Modeling and visualizing space-time heterogeneities of hypocenter catalogs, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 10 December 2018. (Invited (Poster))

Ogata, Y.*, Katsura, K., Tsuruoka, H. and Hirata, N. (2018). 3D ETAS based model for predicting seismicity beneath the Greater Tokyo Area, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 10 December 2018. (Oral)

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B., Sawazaki, K. and Aihara, K. (2018). Real-time operational aftershock forecasting in Japan, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 12 December 2018. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Noda, A.*, Saito, T., Fukuyama, E., Terakawa, T. and Matsufura, M. (2018). Estimation of gradual stress changes before the 2016 Mw7.0 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 11 December 2018. (Oral)


Maita, Eri iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Zhuang, J.* and Maita, E. (2018). Combining focal mechanisms into the ETAS model, 2018 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU) Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington,DC, U.S.A., 13 December 2018. (Poster)


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18 October 2018@Center for Data Science and Service Research, Tohoku University, 
Data Science Workshop
, Tohoku University, Sendai City, Japan.

    Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2018). Hawkes models in social and natural sciences: estimation, diagnostics, and extensions, Data Science Workshop, Center for Data Science and Service Research, Tohoku University, Sendai City, Japan, 18 October 2018. (Invited Seminar)


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9-11 October 2018@2018 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Big Palette Fukushima, Koriyama City, Fukushima, Japan.

Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2018). Bayesian Forecast with the BPT Model for Japanese Paleoseismic Catalog and its Predictive Performance Based on Numerical Experiences (in Japanese), 2018 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Big Palette Fukushima, Koriyama City, Fukushima, Japan, 10 October 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2018). Estimation of focal mechanisms on the basis of the spatial stress pattern inferred from P-wave first motion data (in Japanese), 2018 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Big Palette Fukushima, Koriyama City, Fukushima, Japan, 10 October 2018. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2018). Statistical Seismology and Physics of Seismic activity (in Japanese), 2018 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Big Palette Fukushima, Koriyama City, Fukushima, Japan, 10 October 2018. (Invited lecture)

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B., Sawazaki, K. and Aihara, K. (2018). Real -time aftershock forecasting after the 2018 Northern Osaka earthquake (in Japanese), 2018 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Big Palette Fukushima, Koriyama City, Fukushima, Japan, 9 October 2018. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsufura, M.*, Noda, A. and Terakawa, T. (2018). Theoretical Background of the Wallace-Bott Hypothesis (in Japanese), 2018 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Big Palette Fukushima, Koriyama City, Fukushima, Japan, 11 October 2018. (Oral)

Noda, A.*, Saito, T., Fukuyama, E., Terakawa, T. and Matsufura, M. (2018). Interseismic stress accumulation and release estimated from elastic/inelastic strain analysis in Beppu-Shimabara graben (in Japanese), 2018 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Big Palette Fukushima, Koriyama City, Fukushima, Japan, 11 October 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., and Toda, S. (2018). Anomalies in wide seismicity before the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (in Japanese), 2018 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Big Palette Fukushima, Koriyama City, Fukushima, Japan, 9 October 2018. (Oral)


Zhang, Shengfeng iPh.D. Student of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, China / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Zhang, S.*, Zhuang, J. and Jiang C. (2018). Next one-day aftershock forecasting generated by ETAS model and R-J model, 2018 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Big Palette Fukushima, Koriyama City, Fukushima, Japan, 9 October 2018. (Oral)


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25-28 September 2018  10th ACES(APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Science) International Workshop,
Hotel & Resorts MINAMIAWAJI, Minamiawaji City, Hyogo, Japan.

Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsufura, M. (2018). History of ACES Activity, 10th ACES(APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Science) International Workshop, Hotel & Resorts MINAMIAWAJI, Minamiawaji City, Hyogo, Japan, 25 September 2018. (Oral)

Matsufura, M. (2018). Two Different Representations of Moment Tensor and the Energetics of Shear Faulting, 10th ACES(APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Science) International Workshop, Hotel & Resorts MINAMIAWAJI, Minamiawaji City, Hyogo, Japan, 26 September 2018. (Oral)


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21-23 September 2018  International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2018(SlowEQ2018), ACROS Fukuoka, Fukuoka City, Japan.

Buckby, Jodie iPhD Student of Otago Univeristy (Department of Mathematics and Statistics), New Zealandj

Buckby, J.*, Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Obara, K. and Takeo, A. (2018). Classification of non-volcanic tremor observations, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2018, ACROS Fukuoka, Fukuoka City, Japan, 21-23 September 2018. (Poster)


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9-13 September 2018@2018 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Chuo University, Korakuen Campus, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj 

Zhuang, J.* and Mateu, J. (2018). A semi-parametric spatiotemporal Hawkes-type point process model with periodic background for crime data, 2018 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Chuo University, Korakuen Campus, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 13 September 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S. (2018). Automatic segmentation of rating classes via the generalized fused lasso, 2018 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Chuo University, Korakuen Campus, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 12 September 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Guo, Yicun iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Guo, Y. (2018). Modelling and forecasting three-dimensional-hypocentre seismicity in the Kanto region, 2018 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Chuo University, Korakuen Campus, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 13 September 2018. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2018). Exploring magnitude forecasts of the next earthquake, 2018 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Chuo University, Korakuen Campus, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 13 September 2018. (Oral)


Maita, Eri iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Maita, E. (2018). Extension of ETS model with focal mechanism, 2018 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Chuo University, Korakuen Campus, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 13 September 2018. (Oral)


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8-12 September 2018
CSEP(Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability) Workshop / 2017 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting,
Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj 

Zhuang, J. (2018). Perspectives from CSEP Japan, SCEC Workshop on Predictive Skill Across Tectonic Settings and Planning CSEP 2.0, CSEP Workshop, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 8 September 2018. (Invited talk)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2018). SCEC Workshop on Predictive Skill Across Tectonic Settings and Planning CSEP 2.0, CSEP Workshop, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 8 September 2018. (Invited discussion)

Ogata, Y.*, Katsura, K., Tsuruoka, H. and Hirata, N. (2018). 3D models of seismicity beneath the Greater Tokyo Area, 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 8-12 September 2018. (Poster)


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2-7 September 2018@ The European Seismological Commission 36th General Assembly, Mediterranean Conference Center(MCC), Valletta, Malta.

    Schorlemmer, D.*, Werner, M., Marzocchi, W., Jordan, T., Ogata, Y., Jackson, D., Mak, S., Rhoades, D., Gerstenberger, M., Hirata, N., Strader, A., Taroni, M., Wiemer, S., Zechar, J. and Zhuang, J. (2018).
Increasing earthquake forecast testability-CSEP future developments, The European Seismological Commission 36th General Assembly, Mediterranean Conference Center(MCC), Valetta, Malta, 4 September 2018. (Oral)


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10 August 2018@ Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2018). Studies of Seismic Activity and Forecasting based on the ETAS models, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, RIKEN Kansai Branch at Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International(ATR), Soraku-gun, Kyoto, Japan, 10 August 2018. (Invited lecture)


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16 July 2018@Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2017). Critical zone of the branching crack model for earthquakes: inherent randomness, earthquake predictability, and precursor modeling, National Central University, Department of Earth Sciences, Taoyuan City, Taiwan, 16 July 2018. (Seminar)


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26-29 June 2018@5th Institute of Mathematical Statistics(IMS), Asia Pacific Rim Meeting(IMS-APRM 2018),
National University of Singapore, Singapore.

    Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2018). Detection and replenishment of missing data in marked point processes, 5th Institute of Mathematical Statistics(IMS), Asia Pacific Rim Meeting(IMS-APRM 2018), National University of Singapore, Singapore, 26 June 2018. (Oral)


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19-21 June 2018@2nd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics(EcoSta 2018), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

    Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2018). Clustering models for earthquake occurrences and extensions, 2nd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics(EcoSta 2018), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 21 June 2018. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Wu, Stephen iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Wu, S.*, Liu, Y., Ng, M. and Tanaka, M. (2018). Application of multi-domain clustering to C. elegans neural network analysis, 2nd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics(EcoSta 2018), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 20 June 2018. (Invited lecture)


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3-8 June 2018@15th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Hawaii Convention Centre, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ishibe, T.*, Miyazawa, M., Ogata, Y., Tsuruoka, H. and Satake, K. (2018). Seismicity rate change in Japan following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, 15th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Hawaii Convention Centre, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A., 7 June 2018. (Poster)


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25-27 May 2018@ International Symposium on Earthquake Forecast / 5th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process ~Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting~(ISEF-IWEP5), Chiba University (Nishi-Chiba Campus), Chiba City, Japan.

    Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Matsufura, M. and Han, P. (2018). Critical zone of the branching crack model for earthquakes: inherent randomness, earthquake predictability, and precursor modelling, International Symposium on Earthquake Forecast / 5th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process ~Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting~(ISEF-IWEP5), Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2018. (Invited lecture)

Han, P.*, Hattori, K. and Zhuang, J. (2018). On the precursory information in ULF seismo-electromagnetic phenomena, International Symposium on Earthquake Forecast / 5th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process ~Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting~(ISEF-IWEP5), Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2018. (Invited lecture)

Wang, T.*, Zhuang, J., Bebbington, M. and Kato, T. (2018). Precursory signals from GPS data for short-term earthquake forecasts: signal processing and assessment, International Symposium on Earthquake Forecast / 5th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process ~Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting~(ISEF-IWEP5), Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2018. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2018). Statistical features and cluster-based discrimination of foreshocks, International Symposium on Earthquake Forecast / 5th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process ~Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting~(ISEF-IWEP5), Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2018. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nanjo, K. (2018). A global model of earthquake forecasting using spatiotemporal variation of b-value, International Symposium on Earthquake Forecast / 5th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process ~Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting~(ISEF-IWEP5), Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2018. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2018). Probability forecasts of a large earthquake by combination of statistical characteristics and anomalies of seismic activity, International Symposium on Earthquake Forecast / 5th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process ~Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting~(ISEF-IWEP5), Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2018. (Invited lecture)

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B., Sawazaki, K. and Aihara, K. (2018). Real-time short-term earthquake forecasting after a large earthquake in Japan, International Symposium on Earthquake Forecast / 5th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process ~Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting~(ISEF-IWEP5), Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2018. (Poster)


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20-24 May 2018@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Makuhari Messe, International Conference Hall, Internationlal Exhibition Hall /
Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Guo, Y., Hirata, N. and Tsuruoka, H. (2018). A 3D-hypocentral ETAS model for the Japan CSEP project and initial results, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2018. (Poster)


Schorlemmer, D.*, Hirata, N., Cotton, F., Gerstenberger, M., Marzocchi, W., Werner, M., Wiemer, S., Jordan, T., Beutin, T., Jackson, D.D., Mak, S., Nanjo, K., Ogata, Y., Rhoades, D., Tsuruoka, H. and Zhuang, J. (2018). Increasing Testability, Expanding Possibilities. Some CSEP Future Developments, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2018). Foreshock Discrimination and Short-Term Mainshock Forecast Based on Magnitude Differences and Spatio–Temporal Distances, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Wu, Stephen iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Yamada, M.*, Saito, J., Hayashimoto N. and Wu, S. (2018). How to improve earthquake early warning for multiple simultaneous earthquakes: example of January 5 2018 event, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Opris, A., Enescu, B.*, Yagi, Y. and Zhuang, J. (2018). Triggering and Decay Characteristics of Dynamically Activated Seismicity in Southwest Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2018. (Oral)

Shimojo, K., Enescu, B., Yagi, Y.* and Takeda, T. (2018). Nucleation Process of the 2011 Mw 6.2 Northern Nagano earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2018. (Poster)

Matsukawa, H., Yagi, Y.*, Kasahara, A. and Enescu, B. (2018). Stress Release and Rebuilding Processes of Mega-thrust Earthquake and Periodic Slowslip Detected by Focal Mechanism Patterns, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2018). Stress rotation found in the aftershock area of the 2000 Western Tottori Earthquake and its temporal variation, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka
 / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISM

Nanjo, K.* and Yoshida, A. (2018). b-value analysis for low-frequency earthquakes beneath Mt. Fuji, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2018. (Oral)

Nanjo, K.* and Yoshida, A. (2018). A b-value map based on seismicity of the Nankai Trough subduction zone, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y. and Toda, S. (2018). Wide seismic anomalies before the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2018. (Oral)


Dr. Guo, Yicun iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Guo, Y.*, Zhuang, J. and Hirata, N. (2018). Heterogeneity of direct aftershock productivity of the main shock rupture, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2018. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y.*, Katsura, K., Tsuruoka, H. and Hirata, N. (2018). Exploring Magnitude Forecasting of the Next Earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2018. (Oral)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Matsufura, M.*, Noda, A. and Terakawa, T. (2018). Reconsideration of moment tensor: two different representations and their physical meanings, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2018. (Oral)

Noda, A.*, Saito, T., Fukuyama, E. and Matsufura, M. (2018). Crustal stress accumulation and release estimated from elastic/inelastic strain analysis: the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2018. (Oral)


Maita, Eri iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Maita, E.* and Zhuang, J. (2018). Incorporating focal mechanisms into the ETAS model, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2018. (Oral)


Zhang, Shengfeng iPhD Student of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, China / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Zhang, S.*, Zhuang, J., and Jiang, C. (2018). One-day forecasts generated by the ETAS and Reasenberg-Jones models for the aftershocks following the 2017 Linzhi, Tibet, MS6.9 earthquake, China, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2018. (Oral)


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16 May 2018@Workshop on the Challenges of the Continental Earthquake Science Experiments(CESES):
Science, Technology and Coordination
, Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing, China.

Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Enescu, B. (2018). Earthquake triggering and interaction, based on study-cases in Japan, Workshop on the Challenges of the Continental Earthquake Science Experiments(CESES): Science, Technology and Coordination, Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing, China, 16 May 2018. (Invited lecture)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2018) Toward probability forecasting of large earthquakes, Workshop on the Challenges of the Continental Earthquake Science Experiments(CESES): Science, Technology and Coordination, Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing, China, 16 May 2018. (Invited lecture)


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12-14 May 2018@ International Conference for the Decade Memory of the Wenchuan Earthquake with the 4th International Conference on Continental Earthquakes, Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2018). Critical zone of the branching crack model for earthquakes: inherent randomness, earthquake predictability, and precursor modelling, International Conference for the Decade Memory of the Wenchuan Earthquake with the 4th International Conference on Continental Earthquakes, Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 12 May 2018. (Invited lecture)

Zhuang, J. (2018). Data missing of the Wenchuan aftershock sequence in the catalog and stochastic replenishment, International Conference for the Decade Memory of the Wenchuan Earthquake with the 4th International Conference on Continental Earthquakes, Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 13 May 2018. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Kumazawa, T. (2018). Background rates of swarm earthquakes that are synchronized with volumetric strain changes, International Conference for the Decade Memory of the Wenchuan Earthquake with the 4th International Conference on Continental Earthquakes, Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 13 May 2018. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2018). On recent ETAS research progress for seismicity, International Conference for the Decade Memory of the Wenchuan Earthquake with the 4th International Conference on Continental Earthquakes, Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 13 May 2018. (Invited lecture)


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22 March 2018@ISM Symposium on Environmental Statistics 2018, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S. (2018). Spatial distribution of coefficients of variation for earthquake recurrence intervals in Japan, ISM Symposium on Environmental Statistics 2018, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 22 March 2018. (Invited lecture)


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5-6 March 2018@ 32nd Information-Based Induction Sciences and Machine Learning(IBISML),
Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan.

Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.*, Watanabe, M. and Oguma, Y. (2018). Classification of Intra-Week and Intra-Day Walking Patterns and Their Effect on Body-Composition Changes Using A Hierarchical Model, 32nd Information-Based Induction Sciences and Machine Learning(IBISML), Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan, 5 March 2018. (Oral)


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22 February 2018@ International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Random Fields,
Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S. (2018). Modeling heterogeneity and non-stationarity of earthquake recurrence cycles, International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Random Fields, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 22 February 2018. (Invited lecture)



11-15 December 2017@2017 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU),
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, U.S.A.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Guo, Y., Murru, M., Falcone, G. and Tinti, E. (2017). Heterogeneity of direct aftershock productivity in the focal zones of large earthquakes and other clustering features of seismicity in Italy during 2005 to 2016, 2017 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, U.S.A., 13 December 2017. (Oral)

Wang, D.*, Kawakatsu, H., Zhuang, J., Mori, J.J., Maeda, T., Tsuruoka, H. and Zhao, X. (2017). Automated Determination of Magnitude and Source Length of Large Earthquakes, 2017 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, U.S.A., 15 December 2017. (Poster)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nanjo, K.* and Yoshida, A. (2017). A systematic investigation into b values prior to coming large earthquakes, 2017 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, U.S.A., 14 December 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Han, Peng iAssistant Prof. of  Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Southern University of Science and Technology, China / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Han, P.*, Hattori, K. and Zhuang, J. (2017). Assessment of precursory information in seismo-electromagnetic phenomena, 2017 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, U.S.A., 12 December 2017. (Poster)


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30 November - 1 December 2017@ ISI-ISM-ISSAS Joint Conference Tokyo 2017, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.
ISI(Indian Statistical Institute) of India
ISM(Institute of Statistical Mathematics a) of Japan,
ISSAS(Institute of Statistical Science Academia Sinica) of Taiwan

Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2017). Spatial Pattern of Coefficients of Variation and Bayesian Forecasts for Recurrence Intervals of Earthquakes in Japan, ISI-ISM-ISSAS Joint Conference Tokyo 2017, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 30 November 2017. (Oral)


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27 November - 1 December 2017@Workshop on Frontiers in Studies of Earthquakes and Faults,
           Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech), Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2017). Stress field in the aftershock area of the 2000 Western Tottori Earthquake estimated by a Bayesian stress inversion analyzing P-wave first motion data, Workshop on Frontiers in Studies of Earthquakes and Faults, Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech), Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 30 November, 2017. (Poster)


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25-27 October 2017@2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan,
Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Guo, Y., Murru, M., Falcone, G. and Taroni, M. (2017). An extensive study of clustering features of seismicity in Italy during 2005 to 2016, 2017@Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 26 October 2017. (Oral)

Wang, D.*, Kawakatsu, H., Zhuang, J., Mori, J., Maeda, T., Tsuruoka, H. and Zhao, X. (2017). Automated Determination of Magnitude and Source Length of Large Earthquakes, 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 26 October 2017. (Oral)


Schorlemmer, D.*, Hirata, N., Cotton, F., Gerstenberger, M., Marzocchi, W., Werner, M., Wiemer, S., Jordan, T., Beutin, T., Jackson, D., Nanjo, K., Ogata, Y., Rhoades, D., Tsuruoka, H., Yu, J. and Zhuang, J. (2017). Increasing Testability - Expanding Possibilities: Some CSEP future developments, 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 26 October 2017. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2017). CSEPŽŸ¢‘ãƒvƒƒWƒFƒNƒg‚̈ê“W–] (in Japanese), 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 26 October 2017. (Oral)

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B., Sawazaki, K. and Aihara, K. (2017). Forecasting aftershocks using the Hi-net real time hypocenter catalog (in Japanese), 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 26 October 2017. (Poster)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Opris, A., Enescu, B.*, Yagi, Y. and Zhuang, J. (2017). Triggering and Decay Characteristics of Dynamically Activated Seismicity in Southwest Japan, 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 26 October 2017. (Poster)

Shimojo, K.*, Enescu, B., Yagi, Y. and Takeda, T. (2017). 2011”N’·–쌧–k•”‚Ì’nk(Mw 6.2)‚ÌŠjŒ`¬‰ß’ö (in Japanese), 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 26 October 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2017). P”g‰“®ƒf[ƒ^‚ÉŠî‚­‰ž—Íê‚Ì‹óŠÔƒpƒ^[ƒ“„’èF‰ž—͔䄒è‚ÌŽŽ‚Ý (in Japanese), 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 25 October 2017. (Oral)

Cho, I.* and Iwata, T. (2017). ”÷“®ƒAƒŒƒCƒf[ƒ^‚ð—p‚¢‚½ó•”‘¬“x\‘¢‚̃xƒCƒYƒCƒ“ƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“–@‚ÌŠJ”­ (in Japanese), 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 25 October 2017. (Poster)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2017). “ú–{‚ÌŠˆ’f‘wƒJƒ^ƒƒO‚ɑ΂·‚éBPTƒ‚ƒfƒ‹‚Ì“KØ‚È„’è‚Æ—\‘ª‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä (in Japanese), 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 26 October 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center, ROISj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., and Tsuruoka, H. (2017). 2016”NŒF–{’nk”­¶‘OŒã‚Ì‹ãB’n•û’nkŠˆ“®‚Ì“_‰ß’öƒ‚ƒfƒ‹‚É‚æ‚é‰ðÍ (in Japanese), 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 26 October 2017. (Oral)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsufura, M.*, Noda, A., Miyauchi, T. and Sato, T. (2017). Š®V¢ŠC¬’i‹u‚̬ˆö‚Æ’nk”­¶ŽžŠú—\‘ª‰Â”\ƒ‚ƒfƒ‹ (in Japanese), 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 27 October 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Nanjo, Kazuyoshi iProject Associate Prof. of Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nanjo, K.* and Yoshida A. (2017). Forecasting aftershocks using the Hi-net real time hypocenter catalog (in Japanese), 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 27 October 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Guo, Yicun iPost-doctoral fellow of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Guo, Y.*, Hirata, N. and Zhuang, J. (2017). Modeling and forecasting seismicity in the Kanto region by using a 3D ETAS model, 2017 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Kagoshima City, Japan, 26 October 2017. (Poster)


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23-25 October 2017@Waseda International Symposium, Waseda University, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2017). Extensions of the self-exciting model and causality analysis for seismicity, Waseda International Symposium, Waseda University, Nishi-Waseda Campus, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 24 October 2017. (Invited lecture)


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15-17 October 2017@2017 Annual Meeting of Chinese Geoscience Union(CGU), Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2017). An extensive study of clustering features of seismicity in Italy during 2005 to 2016, 2017 Annual Meeting of Chinese Geoscience Union(CGU), Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, 16 October 2017. (Invited lecture)


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9-13 September 2017
CSEP(Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability) Workshop / 2017 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting,
Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Guo, Y., Murru, M., Falcone, G. and Tinti, E. (2017). Clustering features of seismicity in Italy during 2005 to 2016, 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 9 September 2017. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2017). 3D spatial models for seismicity beneath greater Tokyo region, CSEP Workshop: Informing Earthquake Debates with CSEP Results, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 9 September 2017. (Invited lecture)

Ogata, Y. (2017). Exploring magnitude forecasts of the next earthquakes, CSEP Workshop: Informing Earthquake Debates with CSEP Results, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 9 September 2017. (Invited lecture)

Ogata, Y. (2017). On secular spatial seismicity, 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 9 September 2017. (Poster)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S. (2017). Short-term forecasts by foreshock discrimination, CSEP Workshop: Informing Earthquake Debates with CSEP Results, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 9 September 2017. (Invited lecture)


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3-6 September 2017@2017 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Nanzan University, Nagoya City, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2017). Delaunay triangulation for smoothing seismicity models, 2017 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Nanzan University, Nagoya City, Japan, 5 September 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2017). Short-term earthquake forecast model using foreshock discrimination and aftershock decay, 2017 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Nanzan University, Nagoya City, Japan, 5 September 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2017). Monitoring of the Seismicity before and after the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake with Point Process Models, 2017 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Nanzan University, Nagoya City, Japan, 5 September 2017. (Oral)


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8-10 August 2017@2017 Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies(IFCS 2017),
Tokai University, Takanawa Campus, Minato-ku Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S., Watanabe, M. and Oguma, Y. (2017). Classification of in-week and -day patterns in ambulatory activity and body composition change, The 2017 Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies(IFCS-2017), Tokai University, Takanawa Campus, Minato-ku Tokyo, Japan, 8 August 2017. (Oral)


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30 July – 4 August 2017@ Joint Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy(IAG) and the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earthfs Interior(IASPEI) (IAG-IASPEI 2017),
            Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan.


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Opris, A.*, Enescu, B. and Yagi, Y. (2017). Investigation of remote earthquake triggering after the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake, IAG-IASPEI 2017, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 1-2 August 2017. (Poster) 


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2017). The spatial distribution of the stress ratio in the aftershock area of the 2000 Western Tottori Earthquake, IAG-IASPEI 2017, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 1-2 August 2017. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Matsufura, M.*, Nomura, S., Ogata, Y. and Uchida, N. (2017). Reciprocal relationship between seismically estimated slip rates and geodetically estimated slip-deficit rates at plate interfaces: Physical interpretation and logical consequence, IAG-IASPEI 2017, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 1 August 2017. (Oral)

Noda, A.* and Matsufura, M. (2017). Frictional strength of plate interfaces inferred from numerical simulations of stress fields for oceanic plates: Application to the North American-Pacific plate interface off northeast Japan, IAG-IASPEI 2017, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 1 August 2017. (Oral)


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16-21 July 2017@61st International Statistical Institute(ISI) World Statistics Congress(ISI2017),
Mansour Eddahbi Hotel & Palais des Congrès, Marrakech, Kingdom of Morocco.

    Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2017). Modelling earthquake clustering and stochastic reconstruction, 61st International Statistical Institute(ISI) World Statistics Congress(ISI2017), Mansour Eddahbi Hotel & Palais des Congrès, Marrakech, Kingdom of Morocco, 19 July 2017. (Invited lecture)


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15-17 June 2017@1st International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics(EcoSta 2017),
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.

    Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Mateu, J. (2017). Semi-parametric estimates of long-term background trend, periodicity, and clustering effect for a Hawkes point process, 1st International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics(EcoSta 2017), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 17 June 2017. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2017). Spatial distribution of coefficients of variation and Bayesian forecasts for recurrence intervals of earthquakes, 1st International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics(EcoSta 2017), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 17 June 2017. (Invited lecture)


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26-27 May 2017@4th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process ~Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting~
(IWEP4 2017)
, Chiba University (Nishi-Chiba Campus), Chiba City, Japan.

    Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Ogata, Y. (2017). Evaluation Methods of Earthquake Forecasts and earthquake predictions, 4th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process 2017 -Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting- (IWEP4 2017), Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2017. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Han, Peng iPost-Doctoral Research Fellow of Chiba University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Han, P.*, Hattori, K., Zhuang, J. and Ogata, Y. (2017). Statistical modeling of earthquake temporal occurrences incorporating seismo-magnetic data, 4th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process 2017 -Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting- (IWEP4 2017), Chiba University, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2017. (Oral)


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22-26 May 2017@ JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Makuhari Messe, International Conference Hall, International Exhibition Hall /
Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Guo, Y., Murru, M., Falcone, G., Taroni, M. and Console, R. (2017). An extensive study of clustering features of seismicity in Italy during 2005 to 2016, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2017. (Oral)

Guo, Y.*, Hirata, N. and Zhuang, J. (2017). Statistical characteristics of seismicity in the Kanto region detected by the 3D-ETAS model, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Enescu, B.*, Shimojo, K., Opris, A. and Yagi, Y. (2017). Remote triggering of earthquakes as a possible stress-meter: the case of the 2016 M7.3 Kumamoto mainshock, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2017. (Oral)

Tormann, T.*, Gulia, L., Staudenmaier, N., Petruccelli, A., Enescu, B. and Wiemer, S. (2017). Current frontiers in spatio-temporal b-value analysis, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2017. (Invited lecture)

Shimojo, K.*, Enescu, B., Yagi, Y. and Takeda, T. (2017). Nucleation Process of the 2011 Mw6.2 Northern Nagano Earthquake, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2017. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2017). HIST-ETAS models - revisited with emphasis on background seismicity, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2017. (Oral)

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2017). Short-term forecast by foreshock discrimination models using magnitude frequency and spatio-temporal features of seismic clusters, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan,
24 May 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2017). Development of a method to estimate spatial stress pattern from P-wave first motion data: an application to a real dataset, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2017. (Oral)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Matsufura, M.*, Noda, A., Terakawa, T. and Fukahata, Y. (2016). Nucleation Process of the 2011 Mw6.2 Northern Nagano Earthquake, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2017. (Oral)

Noda, A.* and Matsufura, M. (2017). Frictional strength of the plate interface off northeast Japainferred from the simulation of oceanic plate stress, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Han, Peng iPost-Doctoral Research Fellow of Chiba University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Han, P.*, Zhuang, J., Hattori, K. and Ogata, Y. (2017). Earthquake modeling incorporating non-seismic data, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2017. (Oral)

Han, P.*, Zhuang, J. and Hattori, K. (2017). Assessing the potential earthquake precursory information in ULF magnetic data recorded in Kanto, Japan during 2000 – 2010, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2017. (Oral)


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23-28 April 2017@European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2017, Austria Center Vienna(ACV), Vienna, Austria.

    Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Guo, Y., Murru, M., Falcone, G., Taroni, M. and Console, R. (2017). An extensive study of clustering features of seismicity in Italy during 2005 to 2016, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2017, Austria Center Vienna(ACV), Vienna, Austria, 25 April 2017. (Oral) 

Chen, S.*, Liao, X., Ma, H., Zhou, L., Wang, X. and Zhuang, J. (2017). The network adjustment aimed for the campaigned gravity survey using a Bayesian approach: methodology and model test, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2017, Austria Center Vienna(ACV), Vienna, Austria, 26 April 2017. (Poster)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


21 April 2017@Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2017). Replenishment of missing data in the observation of earthquake sequences, Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing, China, 21 April 2017. (Seminar)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


27 February - 1 March 2017@Waseda International Symposium, Waseda University, Nishi-Waseda Campus, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2017). Forecasting of a large earthquake – An outlook of the research, Waseda International Symposium, Waseda University, Nishi-Waseda Campus, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 28 February 2017. (Invited lecture)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


20-24 February 2017@10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Wang, T. (2017). On the biased estimate of earthquake clustering parameters caused by short-term aftershock missing, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 22 February 2017. (Oral)

Wang, T.*, Zhuang, J. Obara, K., Tsuruoka, H. and Buckby, J. (2017). A 2D hidden Markov model for the recurrence patterns of non-volcanic tremors, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Poster)

Guo, Y.*, Zhuang, J. and Hirata, N. (2017). Aftershock productivity imaging on main shock fault plane by seismicity triggering modelling, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Poster)

Yin, F.*, Zhuang, J. Jia, K., Jiang, C. and Han, L. (2017). A Study on Seismicity in the Yunnan Region by Using Multidimental Stress Release Model, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Poster)

Shcherbakov, R.*, Zhuang, J. and Ogata, Y. (2017). The Magnitude of the Extreme Aftershock, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 22 February 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Tormann, T.*, Wiemer, S., Enescu, B. and Woessner, J. (2017). Evolution of earthquake rupture potential along active faults, inferred from seismicity rates and size distributions, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 22 February 2017. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2017). Towards the implementation of the probability forecast of large earthquakes, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Invited lecture)

Ogata, Y.*, Katsura, K., Tsuruoka, H. and Hirata, N. (2017). Predicting seismic activity beneath the Greater Tokyo Area, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Poster)

Tsuruoka, H.* and Ogata, Y. (2017). Development of Seismicity Analysis software: XETAS, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Poster)

Strader, A.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, N., Tsuruoka, H. and Schorlemmer, D. (2017). Resolving Stress Singularities: a Retrospective Japan Rate-and-State Aftershock Forecast, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Poster)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2017). Mixture of a rate- and state-dependent seismicity and the ETAS models and its application to earthquake swarms, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center, ROISj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y. and Tsuruoka, H. (2017). Statistical Monitoring of the Seismicity before and after the Kumamoto Earthquakes, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Oral)


Dr. Han, Peng iProject Researcher of ISMj

Han, P.*, Zhuang, J., Hattori, K. and Ogata, Y. (2017). Preliminary study of earthquake models incorporating seismo-electromagnetic data, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Poster) 


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2017). Statistical Discrimination of Foreshocks and Real-time Mainshock Forecasting, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Poster)


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iProject Assistant Prof. of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B., Sawazaki K. and Aihara, K. (2017). Feasibility of automatic real-time aftershock forecasting in Japan, 10th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei10), Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 February 2017. (Oral)



19-22 December 2016@2016 The 10th ICSA International Conference on Global Growth of Modern Statistics in the 21st Century,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2016). Nonparametric Modelling of Spatiotemporal Crime Data, 2016 The 10th ICSA International Conference on Global Growth of Modern Statistics in the 21st Century, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 19 December 2016. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center, ROISj

Kumazawa, T. (2016). Modeling Earthquake Anomalies: Application of ETAS (Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence) Model and Its Improvement, 2016 The 10th ICSA International Conference on Global Growth of Modern Statistics in the 21st Century, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 19 December 2016. (Invited lecture)


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12-17 December 2016@2016 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2016). Probability forecasts based on multiple seismicity anomalies: Case of the M7.3 Kumamoto earthquake of 2016, 2016 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 13 December 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Yagi, Y.*, Okuwaki, R., Enescu, B., Kasahara, A., Miyakawa, A. and Otsubo, M. (2016). Rupture process of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in relation with the thermal structure around Aso volcano, 2016 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 12 December 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2016). A Bayesian Approach to Estimate a Spatial Stress Pattern from P-wave First Motion Polarities, 2016 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 15 December 2016. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center, ROISj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y. and Tsuruoka, H. (2016).  Statistical Monitoring of the Seismic Activities before and after the Kumamoto Earthquakes, 2016 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2016. (Poster)


Dr. Han, Peng iProject Researcher of ISMj

Han, P.*, Zhuang, J., Hattori, K. and Ogata, Y. (2016). An interdisciplinary approach for earthquake modelling and forecasting, 2016 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 13 December 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2016). Real-time Mainshock Forecast by Statistical Discrimination of Foreshock Clusters, 2016 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 13 December 2016. (Poster)


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24-26 October 2016@Waseda International Symposium, Waseda University, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y.*, Katsura, K., Tsuruoka, H. and Hirata, N. (2016). Models for seismic activity beneath the Greater Tokyo Area, Waseda International Symposium, Waseda University, Nishi-Waseda Campus, Shinjuku Tokyo, Japan, 25 October 2016. (Invited lecture)


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15-18 October 2016@2016 Annual Meeting of Chinese Geoscience Union(CGU), Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Guo, Y. and Zhou, S. (2016). On the extensions of the Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence model, 2016 Annual Meeting of Chinese Geoscience Union(CGU), Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, 18 October 2016. (Invited lecture)


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5-7 October 2016@2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2016). Data completeness of the Kumamoto sequence in the JMA catalog and its influence to estimation of ETAS parameters, 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 6 October 2016. (Oral)

Wang, D.*, Kawakatsu, H., Zhuang, J., Mori, J., Maeda, T., Tsuruoka, H. and Zhao, X. (2016). Automated Determination of Magnitude and Source Extent of Large Earthquakes, 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 5 October 2016. (Poster)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Enescu, B.*, Shimojo, K., Opris, A. and Yagi, Y. (2016). Remote triggering of seismicity at Japanese volcanoes following the 2016 M7.3 Kumamoto earthquake, 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 5 October 2016. (Oral)

Shimojo, K.*, Enescu, B., Yagi, Y. and Takeda, T. (2016). Nucleation Proccss of the 2011 Mw6.2 Northem Nagano Earthquake (in Japanese), 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 5 October 2016. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2016). Probability forecast of the 2016 Kumamoto M7.3 earthquake (in Japanese), 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 6 October 2016. (Oral)

Ishibe, T.*, Ogata, Y., Tsuruoka, H. and Satake, K. (2016). Correlation between the co-seismic Coulomb stress changes and seismicity rate changes for three megathrust earthquakes (in Japanese), 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 5 October 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2016). Spatial pattern of stress tensor inferred from P-wave first motion data (in Japanese), 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 7 October 2016. (Oral)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsufura, M.* and Noda, A. (2016). Interplate frictional strength in subduction zones: Theoretical constraint (in Japanese), 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 6 October 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center, ROISj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kato, A. and Tsuruoka, H. (2016). Statistical Analysis of the Earthquake Swarms following the Mie offshore Earthquake (M6.1) (in Japanese), 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 5 October 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Han, Peng iProject Researcher of ISMj

Han, P.*, Zhuang, J. and Hattori, K. (2016). Possible coupling of multiple pre-earthquake phenomena of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake (Mw9.0), 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 7 October 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2016). Main Shock Probability Forecast of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake by Foreshock Discrimination Models (in Japanese), 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 5 October 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iProject Assistant Prof. of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B., Sawazaki, K. and Aihara, K. (2016). Forecasting aftershocks using the Hi-net real time hypocenter catalog (in Japanese), 2016 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya City, Japan, 5 October 2016. (Poster)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


4-7 September 2016@2016 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2016). Detection and replenishment of missing data in marked point processes, 2016 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa City, Japan, 6 September 2016. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2016). 2016”NŒF–{’nk(M7.3)‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éŠm—¦—\‘ª–â‘è(in Japanese), 2016 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa City, Japan, 6 September 2016. (Invited lecture)

Ogata, Y.*, Katsura, K., Tsuruoka, H. and Hirata, N. (2016). ‚RŽŸŒ³‹óŠÔ‚Ì’nkŠˆ“®ƒ‚ƒfƒ‹(in Japanese), 2016 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa City, Japan, 7 September 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center, ROISj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2016). ŒF–{’nk‘OŒã‚Ì‹ãB’n•û’nkŠˆ“®‚Ì“_‰ß’öƒ‚ƒfƒ‹‚É‚æ‚é‰ðÍ(in Japanese), 2016 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa City, Japan, 5 September 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Han, Peng iProject Researcher of ISMj

Han, P.*, Zhuang, J. and Hattori, K. (2016). Statistical investigations of electromagnetic phenomena associated with earthquakes, 2016 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa City, Japan, 6 September 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.*, Ogata, Y., Uchida, N. and Matsufura, M. (2016). ‹ÇŠ•s˜A‘±ƒXƒvƒ‰ƒCƒ“‚ð—p‚¢‚½‘¾•½—mƒvƒŒ[ƒg’¾‚Ýž‚Ý‘¬“x‚ÌŽž‹óŠÔ•ª•z‚Ì„’è(in Japanese), 2016 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa City, Japan, 7 September 2015. (Oral)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


30 July – 4 August 2016@2016 Joint Statistical Meetings(JSM), McCormick Place, Chicago, U.S.A.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Mateau, J. (2016). Semiparametric Estimates of the Long-Term Background Trend, Periodictiy, and Clustering Effect in Crime Data, 2016 Joint Statistical Meetings(JSM), McCormick Place, Chicago, U.S.A., 1 August 2016. (Oral)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


20-23 July 2016@2016 International Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Modeling from Statistical, Machine Learning and Engineering perspectives(STM2016), Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Mateau, J. (2016). Semi-parametric estimates of the long-term background trend, periodicity, and clustering effect in crime data, 2016 International Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Modeling from Statistical, Machine Learning and Engineering perspectives(STM2016), Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 22 July 2016. (Invited lecture)


Prof. Zhou, Shiyong iProf. of School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Zhou, S. (2016). Description of The Earthquake Hazard Insurance Frame in China, 2016 International Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Modeling from Statistical, Machine Learning and Engineering perspectives(STM2016), Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 21 July 2016. (Invited lecture)


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19-22 July 2016@ International Symposium: Crustal Dynamics 2016: Unified Understanding of Geodynamic Processes at
Different Time and Length Scales
, Takayama City Cultural Hall, Takayama City, Japan.

    Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2016). A Statistical approach to estimate a spatial stress pattern from P-wave first motion polarity data : its development and a numerical simulation, Crustal Dynamics 2016: Unified Understanding of Geodynamic Processes at Different Time and Length Scales, Takayama City Cultural Hall, Takayama City, Japan, 22 July 2016. (Poster) 


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22-26 May 2016@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe, International Conference Hall, Internationlal Exhibition Hall / APA Hotel & Resort Tokyo bay Makuhari, Chiba City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Wang, T. (2016). Correcting biases in the estimates of earthquake clustering parameters caused by short-term missing of aftershocks, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2016. (Poster)

Segkou, M.* and Zhuang, J. (2016). Optimized physics-based earthquake forecasts for inland Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Tormann, T., Wiemer, S., Enescu, B.* and Woessner, J. (2016). Evolution of earthquake rupture potential along the Pacific Plate off Japan, inferred from seismicity, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2016. (Invited lecture)

Yamagami, Y., Enescu, B.* and Yagi, Y. (2016). Investigating the relationship between slow-slip events and tremor in the Shikoku region, Southwest Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2016. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y.*, Katsura, K., Tsuruoka, H. and Hirata, N. (2016). 3D spatial models for seismicity beneath Kanto region, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2016. (Invited lecture)

Ishibe, T.*, Ogata, Y., Tsuruoka, H. and Satake, K. (2016). Testing the Coulomb stress triggering hypothesis for great subduction earthquakes using abundant focal mechanisms, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2016. (Invited lecture)

Strader, A.E.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, N., Tsuruoka, H. and Schorlemmer, D. (2016). Resolving Stress Singularities: a Retrospective Japan Rate-and-State Earthquake Forecast, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2016). Development of a method to estimate spatial stress pattern from P-wave first motion data: a preliminary numerical simulation, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2016. (Poster)

Iwata, T. (2016). Change in b-values following the three M6 or 7-class earthquakes in the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2016. (Poster)

Cho, I.* and Iwata, T. (2016). An examination of the relation between the distribution of microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical spectral ratios and the F distribution (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2016. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Matsufura, M.*, Noda, A. and Fukahata, Y. (2016). Deformation rates of island-arc crust estimated from seismic, geodetic, and geomorphic data,
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, APA Hotel & Resort Tokyo bay Makuhari, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Assistant Prof. of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, K., Maeda K. and Kobayashi, A. (2016). Some development on predicting earthquake swarms using volumetric strain records, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2016. (Poster)

Kato, A.*, Fukuda, J., Kumazawa, T. and Nakagawa, S. (2016). Accelerated nucleation of the 2014 Iquique, Chile Mw 8.2 Earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Han, Peng iProject Researcher of ISMj

Han, P.*, Hattori, K. and Huang Q. (2015). Spatiotemporal characteristics of the geomagnetic diurnal variation anomalies prior to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake (Mw9.0), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan,25 May 2016. (Invited lecture)

Han, P.*, Hattori, K. and Zhuang, J. (2016). Assessment and optimization of the potential earthquake precursory information in ULF magnetic data registered at Kanto, Japan during 2000 – 2010, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2016). A Bayesian prediction for active faults using spatial similarity of variation of recurence intervals (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 23 May 2016. (Oral)


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iProject Assistant Prof. of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B., Sawazaki, K. and Aihara, K. (2016). Impact of automatic catalog quality on real-time aftershock forecasting, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2016. (Oral)


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16-17 May 2016@2016 International Workshop on Earthquake Precursors, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Taipei, Taiwan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2016). Testing Significance of Non-Seismicity Precursors Against Earthquake Clustering Models Instead of Against Complete Randomness, 2016 International Workshop on Earthquake Precursors, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 17 May 2016. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Han, Peng iProject Researcher of ISMj

Han, P. (2016). On the Feasibility of Short-Term Earthquake Prediction Based on ULF Magnetic Data, 2016 International Workshop on Earthquake Precursors, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 16 May 2016. (Invited lecture)


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28 April 2016@RIKEN iTHES - Tohoku AIMR - Tokyo IIS Joint Symposium on New Horizon of Mathematical Sciences,
RIKEN Wako campus, Suzuki Umetaro Hall, Wako City, Saitama.

Dr. Omi, Takahiro iProject Assistant Prof. of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T. (2016). Probabilistic aftershock forecasting: A Bayesian statistical approach (in Japanese), RIKEN iTHES - Tohoku AIMR - Tokyo IIS Joint Symposium on New Horizon of Mathematical Sciences, RIKEN Wako campus, Suzuki Umetaro Hall, Wako City, Saitama, 28 April 2016. (Invited lecture) 


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20-22 April 2016@2016 Seismological Society of America(SSA) Annual Meeting, Peppermill, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A.

    Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2016). Improved estimation of temporal variation in earthquake detectability with time-dependent smoothness constraint, 2016 Seismological Society of America(SSA) Annual Meeting, Peppermill, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A., 21 April 2016. (Poster) 


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17-22 April 2016@European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2016, Austria Center Vienna(ACV), Vienna, Austria.

    Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2016). Spatial Distribution of the Coefficient of Variation and Bayesian Forecast for the Paleo-Earthquakes in Japan, European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2016, Austria Center Vienna(ACV), Vienna, Austria, 19 April 2016. (Oral) 


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31 January - 2 February 2016@ISI-ISM-ISSAS 2016 Joint Conference, Institute of Statistical Science Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, K., Maeda K. and Kobayashi, A. (2016). Analysis of earthquake occurrence rates modulated by volcanic activities, ISI-ISM-ISSAS Joint Conference 2016, Institute of Statistical Science Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 31 January 2016. (Invited(Poster))


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15 January 2016@ISM Symposium on Environmental Statistics 2016, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2016). Weighted likelihood estimators for point processes and application in detecting spatial variations of seismicity clustering characteristics, ISM Symposium on Environmental Statistics 2016, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 15 January 2016. (Oral)


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14-18 December 2015@2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Wang, T., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2015). Identifying spatiotemporal migration patterns of non-volcanic tremors using hidden Markov models, 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2015. (Poster)

Guo, Y.*, Zhuang, J., Zhou, S. and Gao, Y. (2015). An improved space-time ETAS model for inverting the rupture geometry from seismicity triggering, 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 18 December 2015. (Poster)

Chu, A.* and Zhuang, J. (2015). Multiple linear regression models to fit magnitude using rupture length, rupture width, rupture area, and surface displacemen, 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 18 December 2015. (Poster)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Saade,M.*, Montagner, J-P., Roux, P., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B. and Wang, Q. (2015). Monitoring of Seismic Anisotropy at the Time of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Earthquake, 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 17 December 2015. (Poster)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2015). Mixture of a seismicity model based on the rate-and-state friction and ETAS model, 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 18 December 2015. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Noda, A.*, Takahama, T., Ohba, T., Ito, T. and Matsufura, M. (2015). Interpretation of crustal deformation following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake by the combined effect of afterslip and viscoelastic stresss relaxation, 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 15 December 2015. (Poster)

Fukahata, Y.* and Matsufura, M. (2015). Formation of island arc-trench system due to plate subduction on the basis of elastic dislocation theory, 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, K., Maeda, K. and Kobayashi, A. (2015). Analysis of Changing Swarm Rate using Volumetric Strain, 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 14 December 2015. (Poster)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2015). Spatial Distribution of the Coefficient of Variation for the Paleo-Earthquakes in Japan, 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 15 December 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Han, Peng iPost-Doctoral Research Fellow of Chiba University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Han, P.*, Hattori, K. and Zhuang J. (2015). ULF Seismo-electromagnetic Studies in Kanto, Japan: Progress and Challenges, 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2015. (Invited lecture)


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26-28 October 2015@2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2015). Detecting spatial variations of earthquake clustering characteristics via weighted likelihood estimates, 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 26 October 2015. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2015). Anomalies in space-time aftershock activity and their interpretations (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 26 October 2015. (Oral)

Tsuruoka, H.* and Ogata, Y. (2015). Development of Seismicity Analysis Tool: XETAS (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 26 October 2015. (Poster)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Shimojo, K.*, Enescu, B., Yagi, Y. and Takeda, T. (2015). Foreshocks of the 2011 Mw6.2 Northern Nagano earthquake (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 26 October 2015. (Poster)

Opris, A.*, Enescu, B., Yagi, Y., Tanaka, S. and Shiomi, K. (2015). The 2011 M6.4 Shizuoka earthquake sequence: triggering process investigation (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 26 October 2015. (Poster)

Yamagami, Y.*, Enescu, B. and Yagi, Y. (2015). Investigating the relationship between slow-slip events and seismicity in the Hyuga-nada region, SW Japan (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 26 October 2015. (Poster)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2015). Improvement of a seismicity model based on rate-and-state friction law: mixture with the ETAS model (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 26 October 2015. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsufura, M.*, Noda, A. and Fukahata, Y. (2015). Crustal deformation cycles associated with the occurrence of megathrust earthquakes in subduction zones (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 27 October 2015. (Oral)

Sato, T.*, Higuchi, H., Miyauchi, T., Endo, K., Tsumura, N., Ito, T., Noda, A. and Matsufura, M. (2015). The source model of the 1703 Genroku Earthquake and the recurrence interval of large earthquakes along the Sagami Trough (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 27 October 2015. (Oral)

Noda, A.* and Matsufura, M. (2015). Interpretation of seafloor geodetic observations after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake by afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 26 October 2015. (Oral)

Noda, A.*, Takahama, T., Ohba, M., Ito, T. and Matsufura, M. (2015). Afterslip distribution of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake inferred from the sequential inversion of GPS data using a viscoelastic model (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 27 October 2015. (Poster)

Fukahata, Y.*, Nishimura, T. and Matsufura, M. (2015). Characteristics of far-field crustal deformation following a megathrust earthquake due to viscoelastic stress relaxation (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 26 October 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, K., Maeda, K. and Kobayashi, A. (2015). Earthquake Swarms Rates in Izu East Region modulated by Volumetric Strain (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 26 October 2015. (Oral)

Kato, A.*, Nakagawa, S., Igarashi, T., Kumazawa, T. and Hirata, N. (2015). New insights into spatial-temporal evolution of seismicity provided from matched filter technique, 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 28 October 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2015). Foreshock Discrimination with Probability Density Ratio Estimation and its Implementation for Short-term Forecast (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 27 October 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iResearch Fellowship of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B., Sawazaki, K. and Aihara, K. (2015). Forecasting aftershocks based on the Hi-net catalog 2 (in Japanese), 2015 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe City, Japan, 26 October 2015. (Poster)


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12-16 September 2015@2015 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2015). Foreshock probability forecasting, 2015 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 13-15 September 2015. (Poster)

Strader, A.E.*, Tsuruoka, H., Hirata, N., Ogata, Y., Schorlemmer, D. and Jackson, D.D.  (2015). Resolving Stress Singularities: a Rate-and-State Japan Earthquake Forecast, 2015 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 13-15 September 2015. (Poster)


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iResearch Fellowship of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B., Sawazaki, K. and Aihara, K. (2015). Aftershock forecasting by using the Hi-net automatic hypocenter catalog in Japan, 2015 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 13-15 September 2015. (Poster) 


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6-9 September 2015@2015 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Okayama University, Okayama City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2015). Detection of spatial varations of earthquake clustering characteristics via weighted likelihood estimators, 2015 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Okayama University, Okayama City, Japan, 8 September 2015. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProject Researcher of Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo / Emeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2015). Long-term earthquake prediction in and around Japan by a hierarchical Bayesian space-time point process model (in Japanese), 2015 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Okayama University, Okayama City, Japan, 8 September 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, K., Maeda, K. and Kobayashi, A. (2015). Predicting the Earthquake Swarms Rates in Izu Region by Volumetric Strain (in Japanese), 2015 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Okayama University, Okayama City, Japan, 9 September 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2015). Short-term earthquake forecast model with logistic discrimation of foreshocks (in Japanese), 2015 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Okayama University, Okayama City, Japan, 7 September 2015. (Oral)


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10-16 August 2015@9th ACES(APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation) International Workshop,
Sofis Jinyuan Hotel, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2015). Features of the earthquake source process simulated by Vere-Jones' branching crack model, 9th ACES(APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation) International Workshop, Sofis Jinyuan Hotel, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 10 August 2015. (Oral)


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2-7 August 2015@Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS) 12th Annual Meeting, Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore.

Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2015). Evaluation of temporal variation in earthquake detectability with time-dependent smoothness constraint, Asia Oceania Geoscience Society(AOGS) 12th Annual Meeting, Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore, 7 Aug 2015. (Poster)


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13-17 July 2015@2015 International Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Modeling from Statistical, Machine Learning and Engineering perspectives(STM2015) and Workshop on Complex systems Modeling and Estimation Challenges in big data (CSM2015), Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2015). Weighted likelihood estimators for point processes, 2015 International Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Modeling from Statistical, Machine Learning and Engineering perspectives(STM2015) and Workshop on Complex systems Modeling and Estimation Challenges in big data(CSM2015), Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 15 July 2015. (Invited lecture)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2015). Point process modelling: Tutorial with some topics in statistical seismology, 2015 International Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Modeling from Statistical, Machine Learning and Engineering perspectives(STM2015) and Workshop on Complex systems Modeling and Estimation Challenges in big data (CSM2015), Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 15 July 2015. (Invited lecture)


Prof. Zhou, Shiyong iProf. of School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Zhou, S. (2015). Earthquake hazard prediction based on seismicity smulation, 2015 International Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Modeling from Statistical, Machine Learning and Engineering perspectives(STM2015) and Workshop on Complex systems Modeling and Estimation Challenges in big data(CSM2015), Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 15 July 2015. (Invited lecture)


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14-18 June 2015@9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2015). Detecting spatial variations of earthquake clustering parameters via maximum weighted likelihoods estimates, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 15 June 2015. (Oral)

Wang, T.*, Zhuang, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2015). Hidden Markov Modeling of Sparse Time Series from Non-volcanic Tremor observations, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 15 June 2015. (Invited lecture)

Guo, Y.*, Zhuang, J. and Zhou, S. (2015). An improved ETAS model for inverting the rupture geometry from seismicity triggerring, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 15 June 2015. (Poster)

Zechar, J.D.*, Rierola, M. and Zhuang, J. (2015). A parimutuel gambling perspective to compare probabilistic seismicity forecasts and deterministic eartquake predictions, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 17 June 2015. (Poster)

Falcone, G.*, Murru, M., Console, R., Marzocchi. W. and Zhuang, J. (2015). Retrospective forecast of ETAS model with daily parameters estimate, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 17 June 2015. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2015). Reviews on the pre- and post-seismicity of the Tohoku-Oki mega-earthquake, and future long-term forecasts, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 17 June 2015. (Invited lecture)

Tsuruoka, H.* and Ogata, Y. (2015). Development of Seismicity Analysis software: TSEIS – ETAS module implementation, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 17 June 2015. (Poster)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2015). Development of a Bayesian method to estimate a fault slip distribution of a large earthquake from the spatial aftershock distribution and rate- and state friction law: inclusion of information on magnitude as a prior distribution, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 15 June 2015. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, K., Maeda, K. and Kobayashi, A. (2015). Predicting changing rates of swarm activity by volumetric strain changes, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 15 June 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Wang, Min-Zhen iProject Researcher of ISMj

Wang, M.* and Zhuang, J. (2015). On the focal mechanism distributions of background seismicity and triggered seismicity in the Japan region, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 15 June 2015. (Poster) 


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iResearch Fellowship of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Enescu, B., Sawazaki, K. and Aihara, K. (2015). Toward automatic aftershock forecasting in Japan, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 17 June 2015. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Han, Peng iPost-Doctoral Research Fellow of Chiba University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Han, P.*, Hattori, K. and Zhuang, J. (2015). Assessment of optimal short-term earthquake forecasts based on ULF seismo-magnetic data, 9th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei9), Arcona Hotel am Havelufer, Potsdam, Germany, 17 June 2015. (Poster)


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9-12 June 2015@Spatial Statistics: Emerging Patterns, University of Avignon, Avignon, France.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2015). Weighted likelihood estimators for point processes, Spatial Statistics: Emerging Patterns, University of Avignon, Avignon, France, 12 June 2015. (Oral)


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24-28 May 2015@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2015). Detecting spatial variations of earthquake clustering parameters via maximum weighted likelihoods estimates, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Tormann, T., Enescu, B.*, Woessner, J. and Wiemer, S. (2015). Randomness of megathrust earthquakes implied by rapid stress recovery after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2015. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2015). Forecasting seismicity after the Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2015. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2015). Inference of a slip distribution from aftershock data and friction law:  a Bayesian model with a prior of magnitude (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2015. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Matsufura, M. (2015). Interpretation of multiple earthquake cycles based on the slip- and time-dependent fault constitutive law (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2015. (Oral)

Noda, A.*, Miyauchi, T., Sato, T. and Matsu'ura, M. (2015). Modeling and simulation for the development of Holocene marine terraces in the Boso peninsula (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2015. (Oral)

Fukahata, Y.* and Matsu'ura, M. (2015). Characteristics of island arc deformation due to steady plate subduction (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 27 May 2015. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, K., Maeda, K. and Kobayashi, A. (2015). Predicting changing rates of swarm activity by volumetric strain (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S. (2015). Real-time Classifier of Foreshocks Using Probability Density Ratio Estimation, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iResearch Fellowship of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, Y. and Aihara, K. (2015). Forecast uncertainty in aftershock forecasting, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2015. (Oral)


Dr. Han, Peng iPost-Doctoral Research Fellow of Chiba University / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Han, P.*, Hattori, K. and Zhuang, J. (2015). Assessment of optimal short-term earthquake forecasts based on ULF seismo-magnetic data,
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2015. (Oral)

Han, P.*, Hattori, K. and Zhuang, J. (2015). Statistical Analysis of ULF Seismo-Magnetic Phenomena in Kanto, Japan, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan,26 May 2015. (Oral)


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24 March 2015@Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2015). Statistical models to describe the spatio-temporal patterns of earthquakes: Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model and related models, School/Workshop on Fluctuations, Slow Dynamics and Internal Time in Complex Critical Systems, Geibunkan, Kurashiki City, Okayama, 24 March 2015 (Invited lecture).


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17 March 2015@Workshop on simulation visualization in data assimilation, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2015). Visualization of seismic activity through statistical models (in Japanese), Workshop on simulation visualization in data assimilation, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 17 March 2015. (Invited lecture)  


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13-14 March 2015@2015 Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Applied Statistics, Shiran Kaikan Inamori Hall, Kyoto University, Kyoto City, Japan.

 Dr. Wang, Min-Zhen iProject Researcher of ISMj

Wang, M.*, Zhuang, J., Enescu, B. and Wang, D. (2015). Determining actual nodal planes and analyzing the correlation between earthquake sizes and rake angles, 2015 Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Applied Statistics, Shiran Kaikan Inamori Hall, Kyoto University, Kyoto City, Japan, 14 January 2015. (Poster) 


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13-15 January 2015@Hokudan 2015 International Symposium on Active Faulting,
Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Awaji City, Japan.

 Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2015). Spatial variation on earthquake interevent time distribution in Japan, Hokudan 2015 International Symposium on Active Faulting, Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Awaji City, Japan, 15 January 2015. (Invited lecture) 


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15-19 December 2014@2014 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2014). Foreshock probabilities and the Båth law under the ETAS model, 2014 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2014. (Oral)

Falcone, G.*, Murru, M., Zhuang, J. and Console, R. (2014). Short-term earthquake probabilities during the L' Aquila earthquake sequence in central Italy, 2009, 2014 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2014. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2014). Comparing foreshock characteristics and foreshock forecasting in observed and simulated earthquake catalogs, 2014 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2014. (Invited lecture)

Ogata, Y. (2014). Real-time foreshock probability forecasting experiments in Japan, Southern California and whole globe, 2014 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2014. (Poster).


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Yagi, Y.*, Okuwaki, R., Enescu, B. and Hirano, S. (2014). Rupture process of the 2014 Iquique Chile Earthquake in relation with the foreshock activity, 2014 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 17 December 2014. (Poster)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2014). Estimation of completeness magnitude with a Bayesian modeling of daily and weekly variations in earthquake detectability, 2014 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 19 December 2014. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, K., Maeda, K. and Kobayashi, A. (2014). Predicting offshore swarm rate changes by volumetric strain changes in Izu Peninsula, Japan, 2014 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 19 December 2014. (Poster)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.*, Ogata, Y. and Uchida, N. (2014). Space-time renewal model for repeating earthquakes and slow slip before and after the major earthquakes in the northeastern Japan subduction zone, 2014 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 19 December 2014. (Poster)


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iResearch Fellowship of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, Y. and Aihara, K. (2014). Can we forecast 1-month span aftershock activity from the first day data after the main shock?, 2014 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2014. (Poster)


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2-5 December 2014@5th Symposium on Polar Science, National Institute of Polar Research(NIPR), Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T.* and Kanao, M. (2014). The annual variation in teleseismic detection capability at Syowa Station, Antarctica: a statistical analysis including the effect of air temperature, National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 3 December 2014. (Oral)


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24-26 November 2014@2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Wang, D. and Matsu'ura, M. (2014). Similarities between Vere-Jones' branching crack model and earthquake source process, 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 26 November 2014. (Oral)

Wang, M., Zhuang, J.*, Enescu, B. and Wang, D. (2014). Determining the actual nodal plane and analyzing the correlation between earthquake sizes and rake, 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 24 November 2014. (Poster)

Guo, Y.*,  Zhuang, J. and Zhou, S. (2014). Inverting rupture geometry from triggering, 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 25 November 2014. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2014). A prospect of earthquake prediction research (in Japanese), 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 25 November 2014. (Oral)

Tsuruoka, H.* and Ogata, Y. (2014). Implementation of ETAS functions to Tools for Seismicity (TSEIS) (in Japanese), 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 25 November 2014. (Poster)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Shimojo, K.*, Enescu, B., Yagi, Y. and Takeda, T. (2014). Fluid-driven seismicity activation in Northern Nagano Region after the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-oki Earthquake (in Japanese), 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 25 November 2014. (Oral)

Okada, C.*, Enescu, B. and Yagi, Y. (2014). Remotely triggered seismicity in Kyushu Region, Japan (in Japanese), 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 24 November 2014. (Poster)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssociate Prof. of College of Community Development, Tokiwa University / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2014). Weekly variation in earthquake detection capability and completeness magnitude in the JMA catalogue (in Japanese), 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 24 November 2014. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsufura, M.* and Noda, A. (2014). Tectonics of the south Kanto region and potential interplate earthquakes (in Japanese), 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 24 November 2014. (Oral)

Fukahata, Y.* and Matsufura, M. (2014). Essential causes of island arc deformation due to steady plate subduction (in Japanese), 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 24 November 2014. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, K., Maeda, K. and Kobayashi, A. (2014). Prediction of the background seismicity rate for the earthquake swarm@activities in Izu region (in Japanese), 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 24 November 2014. (Poster)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.*, Ogata, Y. and Uchida, N. (2014). Space-time renewal process model for repeating earthquakes and slow slip in the northeastern Japan subduction zone (in Japanese), 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 26 November 2014. (Oral)


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iResearch Fellowship of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Sawazaki, K., Aihara, K. and Enescu, B. (2014). Forecasting aftershocks based on the Hi-net catalog (in Japanese), 2014 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center, Niigata City, Japan, 25 November 2014. (Oral)


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20-23 October 2014@2014 Annual Meeting of Chainese Union of GeoScience, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Wang, D. and Matsuura, M. (2014). Similarities between Vere-Jones' branching cracking model and the earthquake source process, 2014 Annual Meeting of Chainese Union of GeoScience, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, 21 October 2014. (Invited lecture)


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13-16 September 2014@2014 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2014). Semi-critical mode of marked Hawkes processes, 2014 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 16 September 2014. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y.* and Tanaka, U. (2014). Searching for locations of parents from superposed clusters (in Japanese), 2014 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 14 September 2014. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, K., Maeda, K. and Kobayashi, A. (2014). Estimating background seismicity by a regression model from crustal deformation: Forecasting earthquake swarms in volcanic regions (in Japanese), 2014 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 14 September 2014. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2014). Estimation of spatial distribution for aperiodicity of recurrence intervals on active faults in Japan (in Japanese), 2014 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 14 September 2014. (Oral)


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iResearch Fellowship of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, Y. and Aihara, K. (2014). Bayesian approach for probabilistic forecasting of aftershock activity (in Japanese), 2014 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 15 September 2014. (Oral) 


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7-10 September 2014@2014 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A..

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Wan, D. and Matsuura M. (2014). Similarities between Vere-Jones' branching crack model and earthquake source process, 2014 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 7-10 September 2014. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2014). Foreshock probability forecasting, 2014 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 7-10 September 2014. (Poster)

Tsuruoka, H. and Ogata, Y.* (2014). OEF and CSEP in Japan, SCEC CSEP/USGS/GEM Workshop: Next Steps for Testing Operational Earthquake Forecasts and Seismic Hazard Models (by invitation only), 2014 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 6 September 2014. (Invited lecture)

Ogata, Y. (2014). Panel Discussion for ComCat Overview and Real-Time DATA, SCEC CSEP/USGS/GEM Workshop: Next Steps for Testing Operational Earthquake Forecasts and Seismic Hazard Models (by invitation only), 2014 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 6 September 2014. (Panel Discussion)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, Y., Maeda, K., and Kobayashi, A. (2014). Predicting Offshore Swarm Rate Changes by Volumetric Strain Changes in Izu Peninsula, Japan, 2014 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 7-10 September 2014. (Poster)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj 

Nomura, S. (2014). Space-time Renewal Model for Repeating Earthquakes and Slip-rate History in the Northeastern Japan Subduction Zone, 2014 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 7-10 September 2014. (Poster)


Dr. Omi, Takahiro iResearch Fellowship of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, Y. and Aihara, K. (2014). Bayesian forecasting of aftershocks by ETAS model, 2014 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 7-10 September 2014. (Poster) 

Omi, T. (2014). Immediate aftershock forecasting after a strong earthquake, SCEC CSEP/USGS/GEM Workshop: Next Steps for Testing Operational Earthquake Forecasts and Seismic Hazard Models (by invitation only), 2014 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A., 6 September 2014. (Invited lecture)


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1 September 2014@Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2014). A prospect of earthquake prediction research (in Japanese), ERI Seismic Activity Seminar, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 1 September 2014. (Seminar)


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24-29 August 2014@Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology,
Istanbul Convention & Exhibition Centre, Istanbul, Turkey.

Varini*, E. and Ogata, Y. (2014). Statistical modelling for identificaion of earthquake clusters, Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul Convention & Exhibition Centre, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-29 August 2014. (Poster) 


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28-31 July 2014@2014 International Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Modeling from Statistical, Machine Learning and Engineering perspectives(STM2014) and Workshop on Complex systems Modeling and Estimation Challenges in big data (CSM2014), Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

 Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISM / Project Researcher of ERI, University of Tokyoj

Ogata, Y. (2014). Modeling of temporal and spatial non-homogeneity for space-time earthquake databases, 2014 International Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Modeling from Statistical, Machine Learning and Engineering perspectives(STM2014) and Workshop on Complex systems Modeling and Estimation Challenges in big data(CSM2014), Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 29 July 2014. (Invited lecture) 


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28 July – 1 August 2014@Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS) 11th Annual Meeting, Royton Sapporo Hotel, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan.

 Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S. (2014). Real-time classifier of foreshocks using kernel logistic regression, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS) 11th Annual Meeting, Royton Sapporo Hotel, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan, 30 July 2014. (Invited lecture) 


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8-11 June 2014@Varenna Workshop on Operational earthquake forecasting and decision making, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Varenna L.C., Italy.

     Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2014). Evaluating earthquake predictions by using the gambling score, Varenna Workshop on Operational earthquake forecasting and decision making, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Varenna L.C., Italy, 8-11 June 2014. (Poster) 


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28 April-2 May 2014@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, PACIFICO YOKOHAMA, Yokohama City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Zhou, S. (2014). Modelling the effect of fault geometry on earthquake triggering, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, PACIFICO YOKOHAMA, Yokohama City, Japan, 2 May 2014. (Oral)

Guo, Y, Zhuang, J.* and Wang, D. (2014). Similar Characteristics between the earthquake source process and Vere-Jones' Branching model, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, PACIFICO YOKOHAMA, Yokohama City, Japan, 28 April 2014. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2014). Foreshocks and short-term forecasting: comparisons between real seismicity and synthetic catalogs, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, PACIFICO YOKOHAMA, Yokohama City, Japan, 2 May 2014. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y., Kimura, K., Maeda, K. and Kobayashi, A. (2014). Estimating earthquake swarms in volcanic regions (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, PACIFICO YOKOHAMA, Yokohama City, Japan, 1 May 2014. (Oral)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISM)

Matsufura, M.*, Noda, A., Terakawa, T. and Fukahata, Y. (2014). Tectonic stress fields in subduction zones governed by frictional strength of plate interfaces (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, PACIFICO YOKOHAMA, Yokohama City, Japan, 30 April 2013. (Oral)

Noda, A.* and Matsu'ura, M. (2014). Sequential inversion of GPS time series data to estimate spatiotemporal change in interplate coupling (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, PACIFICO YOKOHAMA, Yokohama City, Japan, 30 April 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iVisiting Researcher of ISMj

Iwata, T. and Kanao, M. (2014). The annual variation in the teleseismic detection capability at Syowa Station, Antarctica, (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, PACIFICO YOKOHAMA, Yokohama City, Japan, 30 April 2014. (Poster)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iVisiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2014). Spatial Variation on Recurrence-time Distribution of Paleoearthquakes and Its Influence for Long-term Forecast (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, PACIFICO YOKOHAMA, Yokohama City, Japan, 29 April 2014. (Oral)


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27 April-2 May 2014@European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2013, Austria Center Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

     Dr. Omi, Takahiro iResearch Fellowship of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, Y. and Aihara, K. (2014). Adaptive forecasting of aftershock activity after the main shock, European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2014, Austria Center Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 28 April 2014. (Oral) 


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17-19 March 2014@“Œv”—Œ¤‹†ŠŒ¤‹†‰ï, _Œo‰ÈŠw‚Æ“Œv‰ÈŠw‚̑Θb4, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2014). Statistical inference and simulations for temporal point processes, gDialogue Between Neuroscience and Statistical Science 4h, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 17 March 2014. (Invited lecture)


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9-13 December 2013@2013 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2013). Separating triggered and stress-change induced seismcity, 2013 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 13 December 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Enescu, B.*, Chao, K., Obara, K., Peng, Z., Matsuzawa, T. and Yagi, Y. (2013). Remote Love Wave Triggering of Tremor in the Nankai Subduction Zone: New Observations and Dynamic Stress Modeling, 2013 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 12 December 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2013). Synchronous b-value change and crustal deformation following the 2007 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Japan, 2013 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 9 December 2013. (Poster)


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12-15 November 2013@3rd International Symposium on Innovative Mathematical Modelling,
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2013). Real-time foreshock forecasts and their evaluations, poster presentation, The 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Mathematical Modelling, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 12-15 November 2013. (Poster)


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8-10 November 2013@Ishigaki International Conference on Modern Statistics Theories, Practices, and Education in the 21st Century,
ANA InterContinental Ishigaki Resort, Ishigaki-Shi, Okinawa, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2013). Criticality and Branching Ratios of a Type of Branching Models, Ishigaki International Conference on Modern Statistics Theories, Practices, and Education in the 21st Century, ANA InterContinental Ishigaki Resort, Ishigaki-Shi, Okinawa, Japan, 9 November 2013. (Oral)


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7-9 October 2013@2013 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kanagawa Kenmin Hall and Industry & Trade Center,
Yokohama City, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2013). Real-time probability discrimination of foreshock-type earthquakes (in Japanese), 2013 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kanagawa Kenmin Hall and Industry & Trade Center, Yokohama City, Japan, 8 October 2013. (Oral)

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, Y. and Aihara, K. (2013). Forecasting aftershocks after the main shock by using the ETAS model (in Japanese), 2013 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kanagawa Kenmin Hall and Industry & Trade Center, Yokohama City, Japan, 8 October 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2013). The temporal variation in the b-value of the aftershock sequence of the 2007 Noto Hanto earthquake (in Japanese), 2013 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kanagawa Kenmin Hall and Industry & Trade Center, Yokohama City, Japan, 9 October 2013. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsu'ura, M.*, Noda, A and Terakawa, T. (2013). Strength of plate interfaces and tectonic stress fields in subduction zones (in Japanese), 2013 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kanagawa Kenmin Hall and Industry & Trade Center, Yokohama City, Japan, 8 October 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2013). Non-stationary ETAS models for nonstandard earthquake occurrences (in Japanese), 2013 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Kanagawa Kenmin Hall and Industry & Trade Center, Yokohama City, Japan, 9 October 2013. (Poster)


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19 September 2013@Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2013). Foreshock phenomena and the Båth law implied by generic earthquake clustering, ERI Seismicity Seminar, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 19 September 2013. (Seminar)


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8-11 September 2013@2013 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Osaka University Toyonaka Campus, Toyonaka City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2013). Criticality of a continuous-type branching process: application to earthquake clustering models, 2013 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Osaka University Toyonaka Campus, Toyonaka City, Japan, 11 September 2013. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2013). Foreshocks forecasting by statistical discrimination of earthquake clusters (in Japanese), 2013 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Osaka University Toyonaka Campus, Toyonaka City, Japan, 11 September 2013. (Oral)

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, Y. and Aihara, K. (2013). A state-space modeling for forecasting early aftershock probability from incompletely detected real-time occurrence data (in Japanese), 2013 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Osaka University Toyonaka Campus, Toyonaka City, Japan, 11 September 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2013). A Bayesian analysis of temporal variation in earthquake detection capability (in Japanese), 2013 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Osaka University Toyonaka Campus, Toyonaka City, Japan, 11 September 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2013). The non-stationary ETAS model and its application to the seismicity anomalies induced by the Tohoku-Oki earthquake (in Japanese), 2013 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Osaka University Toyonaka Campus, Toyonaka City, Japan, 11 September 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.*, Ogata, Y. and Uchida, N. (2013). Non-stationary renewal model for repeating earthquakes (in Japanese), 2013 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Osaka University Toyonaka Campus, Toyonaka City, Japan, 11 September 2013. (Oral)


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11-15 August 2013@8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2013). Test seismicity anomalies by using the ETAS model as null hypothesis, 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China, 13 August 2013. (Oral)

Wang, T.*, Zhuang, J., Kato, T. and Bebbington, M. (2013). Assessing the potential improvement in short-term earthquake forecasts from incorporation of GPS data, 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China, 13August 2013. (Oral)

Jia, K.*, Zhou, S., Zhuang, J. and Jiang, C. (2013). Is the 2013 Lushan Ms 7.0 earthquake an aftershock of the 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake on Longmenshan fault, Sichuan, China?, 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China, 13 August 2013. (Oral)

Zöller, G.*, Holschneider, M., Hainzl, S. and Zhuang, J. (2013). What can be learned from earthquake catalogs about the largest expected magnitudes?, 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China, 14 August 2013. (Invited lecture)

Zechar, J.D.*, Hardebeck, J.L., Michael, A.J., Naylor, M., Steacy, S., Wiemer, S. and Zhuang, J. (2013). Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis, 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China, 14 August 2013. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2013). A Prospect of Earthquake Prediction Research, 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China, 10 August 2013. (Pre-Workshop Tutorial)

Ogata, Y. (2013). Real-time foreshock discrimination, 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China, 13 August 2013. (Invited lecture)

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, Y. and Aihara, K. (2013). Estimating the statistical models of earthquake occurrences from the data of incompletely detected earthquakes, 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China, 13 August 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2013). A Bayesian approach to estimate the periodic change in earthquake detection capability and its applications to JMA catalogue, 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China, 13 August 2013. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2013). Analysis of Induced seismicity after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake by non-stationary ETAS models, 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China, 12 August 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iAssistant Prof. of Tokyo Institute of Technology / Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.*, Uchida, N. and Ogata, Y. (2013). Spatio-temporal renewal model for repeating earthquakes and analysis of slip rate on the upper surface of the subducting Pacific Plate, 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei8), Peking University, Beijing, China, 12 August 2013. (Oral)


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19-24 May 2013@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Console, R., Murru, M. and Falcone, G. (2013). Short-term earthquake forecasting experiment before and during the L'Aquila seismic sequence of April 2009, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Enescu, Bogdan iAssociate Prof. of Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba / Visiting Associate Prof. of ISMj

Sawazaki, K.* and Enescu, B. (2013). High-frequency seismogram envelope synthesis of early aftershock sequences (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2013. (Oral)

Shimojo, K.*, Enescu, B., Yagi, Y. and Takeda, T. (2013). Triggered seismicity in Northern Nagano region at short times after the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2013. (Poster)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2013). Research towards practical earthquake forecasting (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2013. (Invited lecture)

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, Y. and Aihara, K. (2013). Estimating statistical models of seismicity under incomplete detection of earthquakes (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2013). A numerical simulation of an aftershock activity with the rate-and-state friction model and secondary aftershock effect (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2013. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsu'ura, M.* and Noda, A. (2013). Geological meaning of residual velocity fields in GPS strain data inversion (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2013. (Oral)

Noda, A.*, Sagiya, T. and Matsu'ura, M. (2013). A direct method for estimating the rigid body motion of crustal blocks from GPS velocity data (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2013. (Poster)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2013). Analysis of Induced seismicity after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake by non-stationary ETAS models (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2013. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iVisiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.*, Ogata, Y. Nadeau, R.M. and Uchida, N. (2013). Spatio-temporal renewal model for repeating earthquakes and analysis of slip rate on plate boundaries (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2013. (Oral)

Nomura, S.*, Uchida, N. and Ogata, Y. (2013). Spatio-temporal renewal model for repeating earthquakes and analysis of slip rate on plate boundaries (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2013. (Poster)


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7-8 May 2013@SCEC/CSEP Workshop on Testing External Forecasts and Predictions,
Davidson Conference Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

     Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2013). History-dependent magnitude forecast by statistical discrimination of foreshocks, SCEC/CSEP Workshop on Testing External Forecasts and Predictions, Davidson Conference Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A., 7 May 2013. (Invited lecture)


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7-12 April 2013@European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2013, Austria Center Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

     Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2013). Analysis of Induced seismicity after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake by non-stationary ETAS models, European Geosciences Union(EGU) General Assembly 2013, Austria Center Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 9 April 2013. (Oral) 


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22-25 January 2013@Second International CORSSA(the Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis) Workshop,
Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

     Ogata, Y. (2013). A prospect of earthquake prediction research, Second International CORSSA Workshop, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 22 January 2013. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

     Iwata, T. (2013). Daily and seasonal variations in earthquake detection capability: quantitative evaluation through Bayesian approach, Second International CORSSA Workshop, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 22 January 2013. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

     Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2013). Analysis of Induced seismicity after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake by non-stationary ETAS models, Second International CORSSA Workshop, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 24 January 2013. (Invited lecture)


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3-7 December 2012@2012 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A.

Dr. Toda, Shinji iVisiting Prof. of ISM / Associate Prof. of The Research Center for Earthquake Prediction (RCEP), Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Universityj

Toda, S.*, Meghraoui, M., Tsutsumi, H., Ferry, M., Haraguchi, T., Mechernich, S. and Okumura, K. (2012). The 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake, its seismic cycle, and postseismic hazard viewed from onshore geologic and geomorphic investigations, 2012 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 7 December 2012. (Invited lecture)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


16-19 October 2012@2012 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hakodate shimin kaikan, Hakodate City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2012). Testing significance of earthquake precursors against earthquake clustering models, 2012 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hakodate shimin kaikan, Hakodate City, Japan, 19 October 2012. (Oral)

Ting Wang*, Zhuang, J., Kato, T. (2012). Exploratory analysis of earthquake precursory information in GPS measurements, 2012 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hakodate shimin kaikan, Hakodate City, Japan, 18 October 2012. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2012). Prospective forecasts and retrospective analysis of triggered seismicity (in Japanese), 2012 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hakodate shimin kaikan, Hakodate City, Japan, 19 October 2012. (Oral)

Omi, T.*, Ogata, Y., Hirata, Y. and Aihara, K. (2012). Real-time estimation of the detection rate of earthquakes, and its application to forecasting of aftershock hazard (in Japanese), 2012 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hakodate shimin kaikan, Hakodate City, Japan, 17 October 2012. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2012). The seasonal variation in detection capability of earthquakes in the JMA catalogue (in Japanese), 2012 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hakodate shimin kaikan, Hakodate City, Japan, 18 October 2012. (Poster)


Dr. Toda, Shinji iVisiting Prof. of ISM / Associate Prof. of The Research Center for Earthquake Prediction (RCEP), Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Universityj

Maeda, S. * and Toda, S. (2012). Relationship between high background seismicity and geologic structure in the northwestern Kii Peninsula (in Japanese), 2012 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hakodate shimin kaikan, Hakodate City, Japan, 19 October 2012. (Oral)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsu'ura, M.* and Noda, A. (2012). Representation of displacement fields in the path integral of strains (in Japanese), 2012 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hakodate shimin kaikan, Hakodate City, Japan, 17 October 2012. (Oral)

Noda, A.*, Kawasato, T., Ohba, M., Watanabe, T., Tajima, R., Sawaii, A. and Matsu'ura, M. (2012). Spatiotemporal variation of slip-deficit rates at the North American-Pacific plate interface off Tohoku inferred from GPS strain data inversion (in Japanese), 2012 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hakodate shimin kaikan, Hakodate City, Japan, 18 October 2012. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2012). Seismicity Anomalies Estimated by Non-Stationary ETAS Models (in Japanese), 2012 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hakodate shimin kaikan, Hakodate City, Japan, 19 October 2012. (Oral)


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9-12 September 2012@2012 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Hokkaido University, Sapporo City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2012). On the criticality of a type of branching processes, 2012 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Hokkaido University, Sapporo City, Japan, 10 September 2012. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2012). Detecting seismicity anomalies with nonstationary ETAS model (in Japanese), 2012 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Hokkaido University, Sapporo City, Japan, 11 September 2012. (Oral)


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9-12 September 2012@2012 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA, U.S.A.

Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iVisiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.*, Ogata, Y. and Nadeau, R.M. (2012). Space-Time Model and Analysis of Repeating Earthquakes in Parkfield Segment, 2012 SCEC(Southern California Earthquake Center) Annual Meeting, Hilton Palm Springs Resort, Palm Springs, CA, U.S.A., 9-12 September 2012. (Poster)


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16 August 2012@Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2012). Space-time point-process models for earthquake occurrences:Residual analysis and stochastic reconstruction, NUS seminar, National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore, 16 August 2012. (Seminar)


13-17 August 2012@AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, Resorts World Convention Centre, Singapore, Republic of Singapore.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Harte, D. and Werner, M. (2012). On the Criticality of Branching Models for Earthquake Occurrences, AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, Resorts World Convention Centre, Singapore, Republic of Singapore, 17 August 2012. (Oral)

Siew, H.–Y. and Zhuang, J.* (2012). Semiparametric Estimation for Modulated Renewal Processes, AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, Resorts World Convention Centre, Singapore, Republic of Singapore, 15 August 2012. (Poster)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


2-4 July 2012@2nd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2012). First-and Second-order Residual Analysis of Spatiotemporal Point Processes and Applications In Model Evaluation, 2nd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, Tsukuba City, Japan, 3 July 2012. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2012). Residual Analysis in Statistical Seismology and Discovering Seismicity Anomalies, 2nd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, Tsukuba City, Japan, 3 July 2012. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iVisiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S. (2012). Space-Time Model for Repeating Earthquakes, 2nd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, Tsukuba City, Japan, 2-4 July 2012. (Poster)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


6-7 June 2012@SCEC CSEP Workshop: Final Evaluation of the Regional Earthquake Likelihood Models(RELM) Experiment and
the Future of Earthquake Forecasting
, Rancho Las Palmas Resort, Rancho Mirage, CA, U.S.A.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2012). Scoring Annual Earthquake Predictions in China, SCEC CSEP Workshop: Final Evaluation of the Regional Earthquake Likelihood Models(RELM) Experiment and the Future of Earthquake Forecasting, Rancho Las Palmas Resort, Rancho Mirage, CA, U.S.A., 7 June 2012. (Invited lecture)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2012). Some Issues and Proposals for Operational Space-Time Forecasting and Their Evaluations, SCEC CSEP Workshop: Final Evaluation of the Regional Earthquake Likelihood Models(RELM) Experiment and the Future of Earthquake Forecasting, Rancho Las Palmas Resort, Rancho Mirage, CA, U.S.A., 6 June 2012. (Invited lecture)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


20-25 May 2012@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2012). Long-term earthquake forecasts based on the ETAS model for short-term clustering, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2012. (Oral)


Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2012). Long-term probability forecast of the regional seismicity that was induced by the M9 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 20 May 2012. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2012). The influence of the daily variation of the detection capability on the completeness magnitude (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2012. (Oral)


Dr. Toda, Shinji iVisiting Prof. of ISM / Associate Prof. of The Research Center for Earthquake Prediction (RCEP), Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Universityj

Toda, S. (2012). Temporal decays of induced inland earthquakes associated with the 2011 M=9.0 Tohokuoki, Japan, earthquake (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2012. (Invited lecture)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsu'ura, M. (2012). The 2011 Megathrust earthquake off Northeast Japan and multiple earthquake cycles in subduction zones (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2012. (Oral)


Dr. Kumazawa, Takao iProject Researcher of ISMj

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2012). The modified ETAS analysis on earthquake swarms induced by the Tohoku earthquake (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 21 May 2012. (Oral)


Dr. Nomura, Shunichi iVisiting Researcher of ISMj

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2012). Bayesian forecast with uncertain occurrence data in a BPT renewal process (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 22 May 2012. (Oral)


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22 March 2012@Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2012). ƒxƒCƒY“Œv‚ÌÅ‘Oü, 2011”N“xŠwpŒð—¬‰ïu‰‰ (in Japanese), The Graduate University for Advanced Studies[SOKENDAI], Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan, 22 March 2012. (Invited lecture) 


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


11-14 March 2012@International symposium on statistical modeling and real-time probability forecasting for earthquakes
on the occasion of celebrating Prof. Yosi Ogata's 40-year research career in statistical seismology,
Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iEmeritus Prof. of ISMj

     Ogata, Y. (2012). Delaunay-based Bayesian seismicity models: Introduction to a program package, International symposium on statistical modeling and real-time probability forecasting for earthquakes, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 14 March 2012. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2012). On the criticality of branching models for earthquake occurrences, International symposium on statistical modeling and real-time probability forecasting for earthquakes, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 13 March 2012. (Invited lecture)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

     Iwata, T. (2012). Daily variation of the detection capability of earthquake and its influence on the completeness magnitude, International symposium on statistical modeling and real-time probability forecasting for earthquakes, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 13 March 2012. (Invited lecture) 


Dr. Toda, Shinji iVisiting Prof. of ISM / Associate Prof. of The Research Center for Earthquake Prediction (RCEP), Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Universityj

Toda, S. (2012). Widespread seismicity excitation and seismic shadow following the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake and its implications for seismic hazard, International symposium on statistical modeling and real-time probability forecasting for earthquakes, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 12 March 2012. (Invited lecture)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsu'ura, M. (2012). Systematic errors in the inversion analysis of GPS array data to estimate interseismic slip-deficit rates at plate interfaces, International symposium on statistical modeling and real-time probability forecasting for earthquakes, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 14 March 2012. (Invited lecture)


Kumazawa, Takao iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

     Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2012). Detecting misfits of the ETAS for seismicity anomalies, International symposium on statistical modeling and real-time probability forecasting for earthquakes, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 13 March 2012. (Invited lecture) 


Nomura, Shunichi iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Nomura, S.*, Ogata, Y. and Nadeau, R. (2012). Space-time models of repeating earthquakes in Parkfield segment, International symposium on statistical modeling and real-time probability forecasting for earthquakes, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 13 March 2012. (Invited lecture)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


1 March 2012@Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2012). Modeling of earthquake occurrence for predicting seismic activity and discovering seismicity anomalies, ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference Series for Young Researchers, The Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Chinzan-so, Tokyo, Japan, 1 March 2012. (Invited lecture) 


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


4-9 December 2011@2011 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2011). Testing significance of earthquake precursors: Against complete randomness? Or against earthquake clustering models?, 2011 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 7 December 2011. (Oral)

Zechar, J.D.*, Hardebeck, J.L., Michael, A.J., Naylor, M., Steacy, S., Wiemer, S. and Zhuang, J. (2011). CORSSA: Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis, 2011 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 5 December 2011. (Poster)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2011). Detection capability of global earthquakes influenced by large intermediate-depth and deep earthquakes, 2011 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 9 December 2011. (Poster)


Dr. Toda, Shinji iVisiting Prof. of ISM / Associate Prof. of The Research Center for Earthquake Prediction (RCEP), Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Universityj

Toda, S.*, Stein, R.S. and Lin, J. (2011). Widespread seismicity excitation following the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake and its implications for seismic hazard, 2011 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 8 December 2011. (Oral)

Hirose, S.*, Toda, S. and Lin, J. (2011). Effect of static stress shadow on seismicity associated with the 2011 M=9.0 great Tohoku, Japan, earthquake, 2011 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 5 December 2011. (Poster)

Stein, R.S.*, Toda, S., Sevilgen, V., Lin, J. and Barrientos, S.E. (2011). The hazard posed by large damaging aftershocks of megathrust megaquakes: Insights from Sumatra, Maule, and Tohoku, 2011 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 5 December 2011. (Oral)

Lin, J.*, Toda, S. and Stein, R.S. (2011). Using the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku earthquake to test the Coulomb  stress triggering hypothesis and to calculate faults brought closer to failure, 2011 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 6 December 2011. (Oral)

Enescu, B.*, Obara, K., Chao, K., Peng, Z., Aoi, S., Toda, S. and Takeda, T. (2011).  Dynamic Versus Static Triggering of Earthquake and Tremor in South-western Japan, Associated With the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, 2011 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 6 December 2011. (Oral)


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27 October 2011@Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2011). Diagnosis of seismic anomalies and stress changes: Case studies from the recent earthquakes in and around Japan, Workshop on Statistical and Physical Modelling of Earthquake Processes, GNS Science, Avalon, Lower Hutt, New Zealand, 27 October 2011. (Invited lecture) 


26 October 2011@Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2011). The M9 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and statistical seismology, Seminar series in honour of David Vere-Jones, Waikanae, New Zealand, 26 October 2011. (Invited lecture) 


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


12-15 October 2011@2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP",
Shizuoka City, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2011). Aseismic slips assumed for the relative quiescence and activation and for the transient anomalies of the geodetic time series of distances between GPS stations (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 13 October 2011. (Invited lecture)

Ogata, Y. (2011). Tohoku earthquake: foreshocks, aftershocks and triggered activities and quiescence for long-term seismic activity in and around Japan (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 14 October 2011. (Oral)

Ogata, Y.* and Katsura, K. (2011). Operational probability foreshock forecasts up until the M9 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 14 October 2011. (Poster)


Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2011). Long-term probability forecasts based on background seismicity, 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 13 October 2011. (Oral)

Nanjo, K.*, Hori. T. and Zhuang, J. (2011). Toward better estimation of crustal stress condition in Japan: A brief introduction, 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 13 October 2011. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iProject Associate Prof. of ISMj

Iwata, T. (2011). The spatial slip distribution of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake estimated from its aftershock distribution and the rate-and-state friction law (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 13 October 2011. (Oral)


Dr. Toda, Shinji iVisiting Prof. of ISM / Associate Prof. of The Research Center for Earthquake Prediction (RCEP), Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Universityj

Toda, S. (2011). Heterogeneity of regional stress and structure in crust found after the 2011 ‚l=9.0 Tohoku-oki, Japan, earthquake (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 13 October 2011. (Oral)

Toda, S.*, Tsutsumi, H., Omata, M. and Kohriya, Y. (2011). Surface rupture and active structures associated with the April 11, 2011 M70 Iwaki earthquake triggered by the M=9.0 Tohoku-oki, Japan, earthquake (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 13 October 2011. (Oral)

Fukushima, Y*, Takada, Y., Hashimoto, M. Toda, S. and Tsutsumi, H (2011). Surface rupture and fault model of the 11 Apr. 2011 Iwaki earthquake (Mw=6.6) (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 13 October 2011. (Oral)

Hirose, S.* and Toda, S. (2011). Static stress shadow on seismicity associated with the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku-oki, Japan, earthquake (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 14 October 2011. (Poster)


Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsu'ura, M.*, Noda, A., Terakawa, T. and Ogata, Y. (2011). Inelastic Deformation of Island-Arc Crust and Generation of Intraplate Earthquakes: Background Tectonic Stress Fields (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 13 October 2011. (Oral)

Terakawa, T.*, Hashimoto, C., Ogata, Y. and Matsu'ura, M. (2011). Mechanism Driving lnduced Seismic Sequences After the 2011 0ff the PacifIc Coast of Tohoku Earthquake (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 12 October 2011. (Oral)


Kumazawa, Takao iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2011). Estimating misfits of the ETAS for seismicity anomalies (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 13 October 2011. (Oral)


Nomura, Shunichi iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2011). Space-time structure of repeating microearthquakes at Parkfield (in Japanese), 2011 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP", Shizuoka City, Japan, 13 October 2011. (Oral)


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3-5 October 2011@CSEP(Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability) Workshop, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2011). Towards dynamic earthquake hazard models: Real time probability forecasts + Early warning + Attenuation models + Cite-condition database, CSEP(Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability) Workshop, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3 October 2011. (Oral) 


24-29 September 2011@ European Science Foundation(ESF) Research Conferences gContinuing Challenges in Earthquake Dynamics: New Methods for Observing and Modelling a Multi-Scale Systemh, Obergurgl University Centre, Obergurgl, Austria.

Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2011). Foreshocks and the Bath law explained by earthquake clustering models, European Science Foundation(ESF) Research Conferences gContinuing Challenges in Earthquake Dynamics: New Methods for Observing and Modelling a Multi-Scale Systemh, Obergurgl University Centre, Obergurgl, Austria, 28 September 2011. (Oral) 


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


4-7 September 2011@2011 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2011). “Œ–k’n•û‘¾•½—m‰«’nk‚Æ“Œv’nkŠw (in Japanese), 2011 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan, 5 September 2011.


Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J (2011). Next-day earthquake forecasts for the Japan region generated by using a statistical model, 2011 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan, 7 September 2011.


Tanaka, Ushio iResearch Fellow of Rikkyo University Center for Statistics and Information / Visiting Researcher of the ISMj

Tanaka, U. (2011). Remark on the Palm intensity of Neyman-Scott cluster processes, 2011 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan, 7 September 2011.

Yamaguchi, K.*, Kanazawa, Y. and Tanaka, U. (2011). —§‹³‘åŠw‚É‚¨‚¯‚é“ŒvŠÖ˜A‰È–Ú‚Ìe-learning “WŠJ‚Æ‚»‚Ì‹³ˆç¬‰Ê‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä (in Japanese), 2011 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan, 7 September 2011.


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8-12 August 2011@Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS) 8th Annual Meeting, Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2011). Seismic and geodetic anomalies preceding the rupture around the focal region: Applications of the ETAS model, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS) 8th Annual Meeting, Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 10 August 2011. (Invited lecture) 


Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. and Nanjo, K.Z.* (2011). Next-day Earthquake Forecasts Generated by the ETAS Model, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS) 8th Annual Meeting, Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 10 August 2011. (Invited lecture) 

Siew, H.–Y.* and Zhuang, J. (2011). Modulated Renewal Models for Inter-event Times of Earthquakes, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society(AOGS) 8th Annual Meeting, Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 10 August 2011. (Oral) 


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


29 July 2011@ Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2011). Gambling scores and evaluation of the performance of earthquake predictions, GNS Sciences, Lower Hutt, New Zealand, 29 July 2011. (Seminar) 


27 July 2011@ Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2011). Testing earthquake precursors: Against complete randomness? Or against clustering models, Seminar series in honour of David Vere-Jones, Waikanae, New Zealand, 27 July 2011. (Seminar) 


15 July 2011@ Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2011). Stochastic reconstruction for spatiotemporal branching processes, School of Mathematics, Statistics, and Operational Researches, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 15 July 2011. (Seminar) 


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


25-27 May 2011@7th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei7), Nomikos Conference Center, Thera (Santorini), Greece.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2011). Anomalous seismic activities before and after the M9 Tohoku-oki Earthquake, 7th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei7), Nomikos Conference Center, Thera (Santorini), Greece, 25 May 2011. (Invited lecture)

Ogata, Y. (2011). Prospective foreshock forecasting experiment during the last 17 years, 7th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei7), Nomikos Conference Center, Thera (Santorini), Greece, 25-27 May 2011. (Poster)


Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssociate Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Vere-Jones, D., Ogata, Y. and Marzocchi, W. (2011). Foreshock phenomena and the Båth law implied by generic earthquake clustering, 7th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei7), Nomikos Conference Center, Thera (Santorini), Greece, 26 May 2011. (Invited lecture)

Zechar, J.D.*, Hardebeck, J.L., Michael, A.J., Naylor, M., Steacy, S., Wiemer, S. and Zhuang, J. (2011). CORSSA: Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis -  Status & Outlook - Discussion, 7th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei7), Nomikos Conference Center, Thera (Santorini), Greece, 26 May 2011. (Invited lecture)


Kumazawa, Takao iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Kumazawa, T.* and Ogata, Y. (2011). Smoothing for the nonstationarity with ETAS clustering, 7th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei7), Nomikos Conference Center, Thera (Santorini), Greece, 25-27 May 2011. (Poster)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssistant Prof. of SILS, Waseda Universityj

Iwata, T. (2011). The estimation of  a slip distribution of  the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake (Mw=9.0) based on the spatial distribution of its aftershocks and rate- and state friction law, 7th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei7), Nomikos Conference Center, Thera (Santorini), Greece, 25 May 2011. (Invited lecture)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


22-27 May 2011@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan.

Prof. Matsufura, Mitsuhiro (Visiting Researcher of ISMj

Matsu'ura, M.*, Noda, A., Terakawa, T. and Ogata, Y. (2011). Inelastic Deformation of Island-Arc Crust and Generation of Intraplate Earthquakes: Basic Ideas (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2011. (Oral)

Matsu'ura, M. (2011). Barriers to Progress in Earthquake Science: The 2011 "Unexplainable" Super-Gigantic Earthquake (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2011. (Invited lecture (Union Session U-23 gThe great Tohoku earthquake: Actions that the Japanese earth and planetary sciences community should takeh))


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13-15 April 2011@Seismological Society of America(SSA) 2011 Annual Meeting, Memphis, U.S.A..

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Nanjo, K.Z.*, Tsuruoka, H., Schorlemmer, D., Falcone, G., Hirata, N., Ishigaki, Y., Jordan, T.H., Kasahara, K., Obara, K., Ogata, Y., Shiomi, K., Yokoi, S. and Zhuang, J. (2011). Recent progress of the CSEP earthquake forecast testing experiment in Japan: Strategy and preliminary results of testing against the aftershock sequence of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake, Seismological Society of America(SSA) 2011 Annual Meeting, Memphis, U.S.A., 14 April 2011. (Oral)

Jordan, T.H.*, Gerstenberger, M.C., Hirata, N., Jackson, D.D., Liukis, M., Maechling, P.J., Marzocchi, W., Nanjo, K.Z., Ogata, Y., Rhoades, D.A., Schorlemmer, D., Zechar, J.D. (2011). Implications of Recent Events for CSEP Testing of Earthquake Forecasts, Seismological Society of America(SSA) 2011 Annual Meeting, Memphis, U.S.A., 15 April 2011. (Oral)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


13-17 December 2010@2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2010). Operational foreshock forecasting: Fifteen years after, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 15 December 2010. (Poster)


Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2010). Purposes and methods of scoring earthquake forecasts, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 15 December 2010. (Poster)

Marzocchi, W.* and Zhuang, J. (2010). Foreshock statistics in Italy, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2010. (Oral)

Michael, A.J.*, Wiemer, S., Zechar, J.D., Hardebeck, J.L., Naylor, M., Zhuang, J. and Steacy, S. (2010). Building the Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis (CORSSA), 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2010. (Oral)

Wang, Qi*, Jackson, D.D., Schoenberg, R. and Zhuang, J. (2010). Uncertainties of Parameter Estimates in Earthquake Clustering Models, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2010. (Oral)


Dr. Sugaya, Katsunori iProject Researcher of ISMj

Sugaya, K.*, Hiramatsu, Y., Furumoto, M., Katao, H. and Ogata, Y. (2010). On the c-values of the off-fault aftershocks triggered by the 1995 Kobe earthquake, Japan, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 15 December 2010. (Poster)


Dr. Chu, Annie iProject Researcher of ISMj

Chu, A.*, Ogata, Y. and  Katsura, K. (2010). An Improved Statistical Solution for Global Seismicity by the HIST-ETAS Approach, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2010. (Oral)


Dr. Bansal, Abhey Ram iNational Geophysical Research Institute, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (NGRI, CSIR) (India)EScientist E1^Fellow of the JSPS Invitation Fellowship Programs for Research in Japan (a long-term program); Visiting Researcher of the ISMj

Bansal, A.R.* and Ogata, Y. (2010). Seismicity activation before the mega-earthquake of 26 December 2004 based on Epidemic type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 15 December 2010. (Poster)


Nomura, Shunichi iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2010). Bayesian forecasting of the recurrent earthquakes and its predictive performance for a small sample size, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2010. (Oral)


Dr. Toda, Shinji iVisiting Prof. of ISM / Associate Prof. of The Research Center for Earthquake Prediction (RCEP), Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Universityj

Toda, S., Stein, R.S. and Beroza, G.C. (2010). A Strong Stress Shadow Effect from the 1992 M=7.3 Landers, California, Earthquake, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 15 December 2010. (Poster)

Stein, R.S., Lin, J., Toda, S. and Barrientos, S.E. (2010). Strong static stress interaction of the 1960 M=9.5 and 2010 M=8.8 Chile earthquakes and their aftershocks, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 15 December 2010. (Oral)

Lin, J., Stein, R.S., Sevilgen, V. and Toda, S. (2010). Stress interaction of strike-slip and thrust faults associated with the 2010 M=7.0 Haiti earthquake, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 17 December 2010. (Oral)

Hirose, S. and Toda, S. (2010). Stress shadow effect found in recent seismic sequences associated with Japanfs large earthquakes, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 16 December 2010. (Oral)

Maruyama, T., Toda, S., Omata, M., Kohriya, Y. and Mori, Y.  (2010). Spatiotemporal variability in surface rupturing behavior of thrust fault: Insights from paleoseismology for the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku, Japan, earthquake, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 13 December 2010. (Poster)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssistant Prof. of SILS, Waseda Universityj

Iwata, T. (2010). An application of rate- and state-friction model to observed aftershock sequences with logarithmical stress evolution in time, 2010 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union(AGU), Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, U.S.A., 15 December 2010. (Poster)


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4-6 November 2010@Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) International Symposium on Statistical Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data,
Conference Hall of The Kamakura Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kamakura City, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2010). Empirical Bayes estimation of the space-time ETAS model with location-dependent parameters for forecasting seismic activity in a wide geophysical region, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) International Symposium on Statistical Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data, Conference Hall of The Kamakura Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kamakura City, Japan, 5 November 2010.


Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Ogata, Y. (2010). Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) International Symposium on Statistical Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data, Conference Hall of The Kamakura Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kamakura City, Japan, 4 November 2010.


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


1-2 November 2010@ERI Workshop on "Earthquake Forecast Systems Based on Seismicity of Japan: Toward Constructing Base-line Models of Earthquake Forecasting", Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji City, Kyoto, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2010). Evaluating probability forecasts of earthquakes by the expected relative entropy, ERI Workshop on "Earthquake Forecast Systems Based on Seismicity of Japan: Toward Constructing Base-line Models of Earthquake Forecasting", Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji City, Kyoto, Japan, 2 November 2010.


Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.* and Ogata, Y. (2010). Evaluating performance of earthquake prediction relative to a baseline model through gambling scoring, ERI Workshop on "Earthquake Forecast Systems Based on Seismicity of Japan: Toward Constructing Base-line Models of Earthquake Forecasting", Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji City, Kyoto, Japan, 2 November 2010.


Dr. Sugaya, Katsunori iProject Researcher of ISMj

Sugaya, K.* and Ogata, Y (2010). The features of seismicity in central Honshu based on the hierarchical@space-time ETAS model, ERI Workshop on "Earthquake Forecast Systems Based on Seismicity of Japan: Toward Constructing Base-line Models of Earthquake Forecasting", Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji City, Kyoto, Japan, 1 November 2010.


Dr. Bansal, Abhey Ram iNational Geophysical Research Institute, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(NGRI, CSIR) (India)EScientist E1^Fellow of the JSPS Invitation Fellowship Programs for Research in Japan (a long-term program); Visiting Researcher of the ISMj

Bansal, A.R.* and Ogata, Y. (2010). Seismicity activation before the mega-earthquake of 26 December 2004 based on Epidemic type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model, ERI Workshop on "Earthquake Forecast Systems Based on Seismicity of Japan: Toward Constructing Base-line Models of Earthquake Forecasting", Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji City, Kyoto, Japan, 1 November 2010.


Dr. Toda, Shinji iVisiting Prof. of ISM / Associate Prof. of The Research Center for Earthquake Prediction (RCEP), Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Universityj

Toda, S.* and Enescu B. (2010). Updated version of the rate/state Coulomb stress transfer model for the CSEP Japan seismicity forecast, ERI Workshop on "Earthquake Forecast Systems Based on Seismicity of Japan: Toward Constructing Base-line Models of Earthquake Forecasting", Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji City, Kyoto, Japan, 1 November 2010.


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


27-29 October 2010@2010 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima City, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2010). Operational Probability Forecast of Foreshocks (in Japanese), 2010 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima City, Japan, 28 October 2010. (Oral)


Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J. (2010). A database of stochastic declustered catalogs, 2010 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima City, Japan, 28 October 2010. (Oral)

Zhuang, J.* and Ogata, Y. (2010). A reference framework for evaluating significance of earthquake predictions, 2010 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima City, Japan, 29 October 2010. (Poster)


Dr. Sugaya, Katsunori iProject Researcher of ISMj

Sugaya, K.* and Ogata, Y. (2010). The feature of seismicity based on the hierarchical space-time ETAS model (in Japanese), 2010 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima City, Japan, 27 October 2010. (Poster)


Dr. Toda, Shinji iVisiting Prof. of ISM / Associate Prof. of The Research Center for Earthquake Prediction (RCEP), Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Universityj

Toda, S.* and Enescu, B. (2010). Rate/state Coulomb stress transfer model for the CSEP Japan seismicity forecast (in Japanese), 2010 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima City, Japan, 28 October 2010. (Oral)

Hirose, S.* and Toda, S. (2010). Seismicity rate decreases associated with coseismic stress decreases in Japan (in Japanese), 2010 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima City, Japan, 27 October 2010. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssistant Prof. of SILS, Waseda Universityj

Iwata, T. (2010). Modelling of aftershock activity with the rate- and state- friction law including the effect of afterslip (in Japanese), 2010 Fall Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima City, Japan, 27 October 2010. (Oral)


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


5-8 September 2010@2010 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Waseda University, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y.* and Adelfio, G. (2010). Hybrid Kernel Estimates of Space-Time Earthquake Occurrence Rates Using the Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence Model, 2010 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 7 September 2010.


Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J (2010). The gambling scoring method for forecast evaluations, 2010 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 7 September 2010.


Dr. Chu, Annie iProject Researcher of ISMj

Chu, A.* and Ogata, Y. (2010). On the Relationship Between Lower Magnitude Thresholds and Bias in ETAS Parameter Estimates, 2010 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 7 September 2010.


Kumazawa, Takao iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y. and Toda, S. (2010). Model Selections for detection of seismicity changes and precursory slips (in Japanese), 2010 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 7 September 2010.


Nomura, Shunichi iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2010). Bayesian forecasting of the BPT model using uncertain occurrence times (in Japanese), 2010 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 7 September 2010.


Tanaka, Ushio iResearch Fellow of Rikkyo University Center for Statistics and Information / Visiting Researcher of the ISMj

Tanaka, U. (2010). A Novel Approach of Second-Order Characteristic to the Prior Open Problem on the Characterization of Fractal Objects, 2010 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 7 September 2010.


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


31 May 2010@International Workshop on Statistical Seismology, Seminar Room 3 (D312A), Institute of Statistical Mathematics,
Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Sugaya, Katsunori iProject Researcher of Institute of Statistical Mathematicsj

Sugaya, K. (2010). Omori's law c-value and the rate-and state dependent friction parameters estimated by the off-fault seismicity activated due to a large earthquake, International Workshop on Statistical Seismology, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan, 31 May 2010.


Dr. Gerstenberger, Matthew (Seismologist of The GNS Science, New Zealand)

Gerstenberger, M. (2010). A new generic model for aftershock occurrence, International Workshop on Statistical Seismology, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan, 31 May 2010.


Dr. Jiang, Changsheng (Assistant Prof of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration)

Jiang, C. (2010). The background seismicity of Ordos block in China, International Workshop on Statistical Seismology, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan, 31 May 2010.


Dr. Harte, David iDirector of The Statistics Research Associates Limited (SRA), New Zealandj

Harte, D. (2010). Characterising New Zealand Seismicity Using Various Forms of the ETAS Model, International Workshop on Statistical Seismology, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan, 31 May 2010.


Nomura, Shunichi iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKEN-DAI)j

Nomura, S. (2010). A Bayesian predictor of recurrent earthquakes based on BPT model with slip data, International Workshop on Statistical Seismology, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan, 31 May 2010.


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


23-28 May 2010@Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan.

Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2010). Space-time heterogeneity in aftershock activity (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2010. (Oral)


Dr. Zhuang, Jiancang iAssistant Prof. of ISMj

Zhuang, J.*, Zechar, J.D., Jiang, C., Console, R., Murru, M. and Falcone, G. (2010). Applications of the gambling score in evaluating earthquake predictions and forecasts, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2010. (Oral)


Dr. Chu, Annie iProject Researcher of ISMj

Chu, A. (2010). Comparison of ETAS parameter estimates across different global tectonic zones, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2010. (Oral)


Kumazawa, Takao iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Kumazawa, T.*, Ogata, Y. and Toda, S. (2010). Precursory seismic anomalies and transient crustal deformation prior to the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 28 May 2010. (Oral)


Nomura, Shunichi iPh.D. Student of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKEN-DAI)j

Nomura, S.* and Ogata, Y. (2010). A Bayesian predictor of recurrent earthquakes based on BPT model with slip data (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 26 May 2010. (Oral)


Dr. Toda, Shinji iVisiting Prof. of ISM / Associate Prof. of The Research Center for Earthquake Prediction (RCEP), Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Universityj

Toda, S.*, Enescu B. and Stein, R. (2010). CoulombExpress: Near-realtime forecasts of earthquake-induced stress transfer and seismicity for prospective testing, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 24 May 2010. (Oral)


Dr. Iwata, Takaki iAssistant Prof. of SILS, Waseda Universityj

Iwata, T. (2010). Effect of secondary aftershocks on the p-value in the Omori-Utsu formula with the rate- and state-friction model (in Japanese), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba City, Japan, 25 May 2010. (Poster)


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24 May 2010@Dr. Sugaya, Katsunori iProject Researcher of ISMj

Sugaya, K. (2010). Stress dependency of c-value in induced seismicity (in Japanese), The 2nd 2010 Meeting of Earthquake Forecast System based on Seismicity of Japan, Makuhari Messe, International Conference Hall, Japan, 24 May 2010.


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


21 May 2010@Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2010). Modeling of temporal and spatial nonhomogeneity for space - time processes, The Spring Korean Statistical Society Annual Meeting, Statistics Center (Daejeon), Daejeon, Korea, 21 (20-22) May 2010. (Keynote lecture (IL-SONG lecture))


à–¾: à–¾: à–¾: BD14996_


16 March 2010@Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2010). Significant improvements of the space-time ETAS model for forecasting of accurate baseline seismicity, The 3rd SCEC-ERI joint workshop "Earthquake Hazards in Urban Areas" and "Toward Constructing Forecast Systems of Earthquakes", Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 16 (16-17) March 2010. (Invited lecture)


9 March 2010@Prof. Ogata, Yosihiko iProf. of ISMj

Ogata, Y. (2010). Researches on seismicity by statistical models -A review-, Seismology for the blue earth and the white continent -A symposium on solid earth around Antarctic-, National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, 9 (8-9) March 2010. (Special Invited lecture)