Open Market License 条件のもとで公開されているソフト

  1. DEBB
  3. DALL
  4. formaTool
  5. ARdock
  6. MatEx-2D
  7. SSI32 RNG


Copyright_OML 1996 石黒真木夫


プログラムの虫とりにあたっては, 異常が検知された時点の少し以前からの 動きを調べることが役に立つ.

普通に行われるのは, プログラム中での中間結果を出力させて, その値の動 きを追跡する方法であるが, このような出力の量があまりにも膨大になって しまうことがしばしばである. 異常が起こるしばらく前からの値だけを出力 するようにするには,

  1. 異常が起きたときの記録を参照しながら計算を進めるように プログラムを作っておき,
  2. 異常な動作の記録のすこし前に「前方注意」の記述を書き加 えることができて,
  3. それをプログラムが読み取ってから精密な出力を出す
DEBB はこのような事を可能にするためのソフトである.


DEBB package

There are eight files including README.
M. Ishiguro/ 2000.1.17
  1. README : Latest announcement
  2. bug.F : FORTRAN version DEBB package
  3. debb.dvi : dvi file of the manual
  4. debb.pdf : pdf file of the manual
  5. bugsort : perl script to sort parallel machine output
  6. C/cbug.c : C version `bug' and `sbuggle'.
  7. C/cbug.h : a header file required by cbug.c
  8. C/cbug.declare.h : a header file required by cbug.c


Copyright_OML 1996 石黒真木夫


REMTERMは、公衆電話回線を通じての WS 使用を可能とするシステムである.
一般に公衆回線からのログインを許すと、それが意図しない、あるいは悪意 のあるユーザの侵入経路となり得るが, 本システムはユーザ名及びパスワー ドによるユーザチェックや、あらかじめ登録された電話番号へのコールバック などの方法により不法な侵入者を回避する.


  1. 公衆電話回線を通じて計算機にログインすることができる.
  2. あらかじめ登録されているユーザはコールバックを要求することができる.
  3. 外部からの不法なログインを防止するため、ユーザ名及びパスワードに よるチェックをおこなう. このユーザ名及びパスワードは、UNIXで使用し ているものではなく、本システム独自に登録/抹消が行なえる.
  4. telnetで UNIXにログインしたときとおなじ作業環境が提供される.
  5. あらかじめ設定された一定の時間で通信を強制的に打ち切る.
  6. あらかじめ設定された一定時間以上REMTERMシステムと端末の間で情報 のやりとりがない場合, 強制的に通信を打ち切る.
  7. 一旦通信を終了した後, あらかじめ設定された時間が経過するまで 同一ユーザーによるログインを拒否するようにできる.
  8. 使用状況の集計機能, どのユーザがいつ接続し,何分間使用したか等の情報 を集計し、簡単なレポートを作成する機能, がある.


remterm/doc : 設定・使用マニュアルなど
remterm/src : ソ−スプログラム( C )
をサブディレクトリ−として含むディレクトリ− remterm から
tar -cf remterm.tar remterm
compress -cv remterm.tar > remterm.tar.Z
uuencode remterm.tar.Z remterm.tar.Z > remterm.tar.Z.uu
の手順で remterm.tar.Z.uu を作り, この先頭にコメントを書き加えて remterm.pack を構成してある.


DALL: Davidon's Algorithm for Log Likelihood Maximization
--- A subroutine for statistical model builders ---
Copiright_OML 1996, 1999 Makio Ishiguro & Hirotugu Akaike

A subroutine for the log likelihood maximization is proposed. It is an implementation of Davidon's variance algorithm with a numerical derivative evaluation procedure. It is designed for use of statistical model builders. It is originally coded in FORTRAN. Now C version is available. Numerical examples are given.
Key Words:
Statistical modeling, log likelihood, AIC,
Numerical optimization, Davidon's variance algorithm,
Numerical differentiation, MLE, FORTRAN, parallel
computation, Open Market License


Ishiguro, M. and Akaike, H. (1989). DALL: Davidon's Algorithm for Log
Likelihood Maximization --- A FORTRAN subroutine for statistical
model builders --, Computer Science Monographs No.25, The Institute
of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo


DALL package

Latest news:
  1. example3.f and dall_pack.c are replaced by revised versions, respectively. Related patch files dall.0-1.patch and cdall.0-1.patch are placed. This revision is to remove a bug. Read first parts of revised codes and patch files for the detail. Those who has the original versions can update his/hers using the patch files. (2000.11.10 M. Ishiguro)
Now, there are 12 files in this directory including this README.
M. Ishiguro/ 2000.11.10
  1. README : Latest announcement
  2. example3.f : log likelihood subroutines and main program for the third example and DALL routine in FORTRAN
  3. dall.0-1.patch : patch for example3.f
  4. : postscript file of the manual
  5. dall.pdf : pdf file of the manual
  6. MPI/example3.mpi.f : MPI version with Hessian computation subroutine
  7. MPI/dall.env : environ setting file
  8. C/gauss.c : log likelihood subroutines and main program for the third example in C
  9. C/dall_pack.c : DALL routine in C
  10. C/cdall.0-1.patch : patch file for dall_pack.c
  11. C/nrutil.h : a header file required by dall_pack.c
  12. C/Makefile : sample makefile for C version for Unix environment
DALL package 

There are eight files in this directory including this README.
M. Ishiguro/ 1999.10.21

 file              : contents
 README            : Latest announcement 
 example3.f        : log likelihood subroutines and main program for 
                     the third example and DALL routine in FORTRAN           : postscript file of the manual 
 dall.pdf          : pdf file of the manual
 C/gauss.c         : log likelihood subroutines and main program for 
                     the third  example in C
 C/dall_pack.c     : DALL routine in C
 C/nrutil.h        : a header file required by dall_pack.c 
 C/Makefile        : sample makefile for C version for Unix environment 

4. formaTool

Copyright_OML 1997 石黒真木夫


さまざまな書式の文書を作成し, それに記入する作業を支援する ソフトのマニュアルの LaTeX ソースファイルであるが, このファイルを 適当に書き換えることによってかなり多様な文書様式を
  1. 容易に用意し,
  2. 能率的に fill in
できる. なかなか便利である.


format.tex : マニュアル / 書式の原型

5. ARdock

ARdock : An auto-regressive model analyzer
Copyright_OML 1999 Makio Ishiguro , Hiroko Kato & Hirotugu Akaike


ARdock packge concerns model fitting and interpretation of the linear multivariate time series and system.

The complete ARdock package is composed of a printable monograph, ardock.dvi, that contains all the necessary mathematical formulas; a source file, ardock.F, that contains all the necessary computational routines; and a few subsidiary files.

A model, E-MARTS model is proposed for the purpose of system analysis. Model fitting is performed by the least squares method via Householder transformation and the numerical maximization of the log likelihood whose calculation is realized by applying the Kalman filtering technique.

This package is so designed that it can readily be used by the users interested in analyzing their own data, and also serves as a bank of subroutines for the general use by statistical model builders.


ARdock package

    Latest news:
 2. ardock.F version v.1 is replaced by version v.2. Related patch files
    ardock.0-2.patch and ardock.1-2.patch are added. 
    Those who has old versions can update his/hers by applying the
    ardock.0-2.patch to the original ardock.F
    ardock.1-2.patch to the version v.1 obtained by applying
    ardock.0-1.patch to the original ardock.F
    (2000.11.21 M. Ishiguro)

 1. ardock.F is replaced by a revised version. Related patch file
    ardock.0-1.patch file is added. This revision is to remove a bug.
    Read first parts of ardock.F and ardock.0-1.patch for the detail.
    Those who has the original version can update his/hers using the
    patch file. (2000.11.10 M. Ishiguro)
There are 11 files in this directory including this README.
M. Ishiguro/ 2000.11.21
  1. README: Latest announcement
  2. ardock.F: main program and subroutines
  3. ardock.env: common setting
  4. sample.dat: sample data
  5. ardock.dvi: dvi file of the Computer Science Monograph(CSM)
  6. ardock.pdf: pdf file of the Computer Science Monograph(CSM)
  7. Makefile: A prototype 'makefile' for Unix environment
  8. TUTORIAL.TXT: See Section 5.4.6 of CSM
  9. ardock.1-2.patch: to update version v.1 to version v.2
  10. ardock.0-2.patch: to update the original version to version v.2
  11. ardock.0-1.patch: to update the original version to version v.1


The object file is obtained by the following procedure:
  1. If necessary, set appropriate values to parameters summarized in the following Tables 4a, 4b and 4c.
  2. Define appropriate parameters for C pre-processor summarized in Table 4d.
  3. Apply C pre-processor.
  4. Compile by a FORTRAN compiler
* In Unix environment, Steps 3 and 4 are performed by simply
  executing make command, in the directry where three files 'ardock.F',
  'ardock.env' and 'Makefile' are placed. Then you will get the executable
  file ardock.

[Test run of ardock]

Execute ardock command, in the directry where three files 'ardock', 'sample.dat' and 'TUTORIAL.TXT'.

Table 4a.  Parameters of ardock.F
 parameter& standard setting &  meaning
 MAXN     &             2000 &  maximum data length 
 MAXCH    &               10 &  maximum number of channels 
 MAXF     &               80 &  frequency domain grid count
 MAXLAG   &               20 &  maximum AR model order 
 MAXPAR   &              200 &  maximum number of free parameters of a
* First sixteen lines of ardock.F

c#define MPI
c#define QMPIFH

#define MAXN 2000 
#define MAXCH 10 
#define MAXF 80
#define MAXLAG 30 
#define MAXPAR 200

#define IOUNIT 18 
#define KEEPUNIT 99 
#define TUTUNIT 98 
#define BUGLOG 91
#define BUGMAP 92   

Table 4b. Parameters in ardock.env
 parameter& standard setting &  meaning
 MPIPROCS &                1 &  number of parallel processors 
 NWORK    &          1000000 &  size of real type work area 
 IWORK    &            10000 &  size of integer type work area 
* ardock.env
       parameter (mpiprocs = 1)
       dimension mPIL ( MPIPROCS ) , mPIB ( MPIPROCS )
       common  /commpi/ iNFO , mYID , nPROCS , mPI , mPIL , mPIB 
       parameter (nwork=1000000,iwork=10000)
       eal*8 wK ( NWORK )
       integer iWK ( IWORK )
       common  /comwork/  wK , iWK , limflag 
* Work areas necessary for the execution of subroutines
  are taken in the common work areas wk and iwk.  
* If user's computer is a parallel machine, set 'mpiprocs' value

Table 4c. I/O unit number assignment
 parameter& standard setting & related file(s) 
 IOUNIT   &              18  &  data file, AR file etc. 
 KEEPUNIT &              99  &  @KEEP.KEY    
 TUTUNIT  &              98  &  TUTORIAL.TXT 
 BUGMAP   &              92  &      
 BUGLOG   &              91  &  bug.log 

Table 4d. user dependent parameter setting for C pre-processor
 parameter  & end-user    &  modifier       & author     
 ARDOCKLINK & define (*1) &  define (*2)    &  define (*2)
 MPI        &   (*3)      &   (*3)          &  define (*3)
 QMPIFH     &   (*6)      &   (*6)          &    (*6)
 MODIFIER   &  ---        & "MODIFIER" (*4) & "MODIFIER"  
 AUTHOR     &  ---        &  ---            &  define (*5)
(*1) The first line of the distributed file is '#define ARDOCKLINK'. 
     End-users should not erase this line.
(*2) Those parts  marked by \#ifdef ARDOCKLINK --- \#endif
     are to customize subroutines for ARdock.
     To reuse those subroutines un-define the parameter ARDOCKLINK.
(*3) The second line of the distributed file is 'c\#define MPI'. 
     If user's computer is a MPI-parallel machine, 
     activate this line as a directive by removing first 'c'.
     Those parts marked by \#ifdef MPI--- \#endif are for parallel
(*4) The third line of the distributed file is 

     'c\#define MODIFIER "MODIFIER"'. Activate this line as a directive
     for C pre-processor by removing first 'c'. Those parts marked 
     by \#ifdef MODIDIER --- \#endif are
     parts for modifiers. End-users have nothing to do with those parts. 
(*5) Those parts marked by \#ifdef AUTHOR --- \#endif are 
     parts for the authors' private version.
     We are not obliged to give any
     explanation  concerning the parts for 'author'.  
(*6) Define if your compiler requires [include "mpif.h"] 
     instead of [include (mpif.h)].

So far, the test of ARdock is successfully done in environments
summarized in the following Table.

Table 5. Computation Environments
Hardware               & Operating System       & Compiler 
HITACHI SR8000         & HI-UX/MPP              & FORTRAN90 
HP9000V2250            & HP-UX 11.0             & HP Fortran 90 
IBM R/6000 SP          & AIX Version 4          & AIX XL Fortran 
SGI Origin 2000/4-DS-I & IRIX Release 6.4 IP27  & FORTRAN90 
SPARCstation 5         & Sun OS 4.1.4-JLE 1.1.4 & g77 version0.5.23

6. MatEx-2D Tools

Copyright_OML 2004 ISHIGURO, Makio, the Institute of Statistical Mathematics SAITO, Muneyoshi, Mathematical Systems Inc.

MatEx-2D Tools is a package of tools for the display and conversion of mathematical documents written in MatEx-2D, the 2-dim. language for mathematical expressions.
Key Words:
Mathematical expression, 2-dimensional language, HTML, TeX, Open Market License


Ishiguro,M. and Saito, M. (2004). MatEx-2D, the 2-dim. Language for Mathematical Expression, Statistical Computing Technical Report RSC-032, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics.



7. SSI32 RNG

SSI32: Simplified Shift-Integer (32-bit) random number generator

Copyright_OML 2008 Hirotake Yaguchi

SSI32 generates 32-bit random numbers nonrecursively, that is, generates the k-th random number directly, and is suitable for parallel computations. On MPI we recommend mpisize>=4. The algorithm is based on the mechanism of cancellation errors of numerical computations which can be recognized as chaos mappings mathematically. Theoretical background and results of statistical tests of randomness of SSI32 are found in

H. Yaguchi and I. Kubo : A new nonrecursive pseudorandom number generator based on chaos mappings. Monte Carlo Methods Appl. Vol. 14 No. 1 (2008), pp. 87-102.
Note: SSI32 requires a C compiler which can treat 64-bit long long int. (We tested SSI32 on bcc32(after 5.6), icl, gcc, icc and cl.)


  2. SSI32rand.c:
    SSI32 random number generator
  3. SSI32sampleMPI_1.c:
    sample code(1) of using SSI32 on MPI (simply generate successive mpisize*10 random numbers)
  4. SSI32sampleMPI_2.c:
    sample code(2) of using SSI32 on MPI (count hexa-decimal characters appeared in hexa-decimal representations of successive 0x400000000 random numbers)
