Open Market License 条件のもとで公開されているデータ

  1. 物理乱数 ISM-PRN-98-01a
  2. 物理乱数 ISM-PRN-98-01b
  3. 物理乱数 ISM-PRN-98-01c
  4. じゃんけんデータ ( Janken Data Package )

1. 物理乱数 ISM-PRN-98-01a

Copyright_OML 1998, 統計数理研究所 統計計算開発センター

このデータは統計数理研究所 ISMLIB において無償で配布されている ものであり, Open Market License for data(Version:OML-DT-E-1996) の条項を遵守することと,この文章を上の著作権表示と併せて表示する ことを条件に,自由に使用,コピーあるいは再配布することができる.
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ISM-PRN-98-01a (N=800000, 3MB)

ISM-PRN-98-01a (N=8000000, 32MB)


2. 物理乱数 ISM-PRN-98-01b

Copyright_OML 1998, 統計数理研究所 統計計算開発センター

このデータは統計数理研究所 ISMLIB において無償で配布されている ものであり, Open Market License for data(Version:OML-DT-E-1996) の条項を遵守することと,この文章を上の著作権表示と併せて表示する ことを条件に,自由に使用,コピーあるいは再配布することができる.
*(OML は , により入手することができる.)
注意:各ファイルの先頭にはコピーライトが記述されています。これは削除しないで ください。読み取りにあたってはご注意下さい。


ISM-PRN-98-01b (N=800000, 3MB)

ISM-PRN-98-01b (N=8000000, 32MB)


3. 物理乱数 ISM-PRN-98-01c

Copyright_OML 1998, 統計数理研究所 統計計算開発センター

このデータは統計数理研究所 ISMLIB において無償で配布されている ものであり, Open Market License for data(Version:OML-DT-E-1996) の条項を遵守することと,この文章を上の著作権表示と併せて表示する ことを条件に,自由に使用,コピーあるいは再配布することができる.
*(OML は , により入手することができる.)
注意:各ファイルの先頭にはコピーライトが記述されています。これは削除しないで ください。読み取りにあたってはご注意下さい。


ISM-PRN-98-01c (N=800000, 3MB)


4. Janken Data Package

Copyright_OML 2000 , M. Ishiguro & S. Sato
The Institute of Statistical Mathmatics

This data package can be obtained from ISMLIB( of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics without any charge. On the conditions that terms of the OPEN MARKET LICENSE for data (version:OML-DT-E-1996, are observed, this data package can be used freely. On the condition that this note is attached as it is, Janken Data Package can be redistributed. Appropriate reference must be made at the time of publishing results obtained using this data package.

Janken is a game played by Japanese children. Every Japanese children know how to play this game. Even adult people play the game in some occasion. Actually this game is believed to be originated in China. Though there is a wide variation, it is played by two players in its simplest form.

Players synchronize their hands up-and-down motion by shouting together the words 'Jan---Ken---Pon'. In each game, when they call 'Pon' every player make any of the shape of 'Stone', 'Scissors' or 'Paper' by their hands. They have to make the shape at the same instant. 'Stone' is stronger than the 'Scissors'. 'Scissors' is stronger than the 'Paper'. 'Paper' is stronger than the 'Stone'. One who showed the stronger hand wins the game/session. Delaying ones motion is the most serious violation of the rule. The reason why the delaying of the motion is forbidden will be clear. This foul play is called Ato-dashi (Delayed-showing).

In 1999, ISM gave a program for children. Janken is chosen as a topic through which the way of statistical thinking can be introduced effectively.

20 PC's are prepared and a specially prepared Janken playing software is loaded. Instead of making shape with their hands, children made their choice by clicking the mouse on any one of three patterns representing Stone, Scissors and Paper on the screen. One important point was how to remove children's suspicion about PC's Ato-dashi. This problem was solved by showing a number which announces PC's next hand before hand. It is so designed that this number is clearly seen if one watches carefully, but the number is not very obvious so that the player can choose their hands not violating the rule. In the introductory lecture the role of the 'announcing number' was explained.

Children are invited to play games and some introductory talk about statistics with a little bit of Markov chain was given.

This software game is designed for two players (computer and the player). The 'match' is over if one gets hundred points first. One point is added when one wins a game/session. It means that in one match about 300 clicks are necessary. We had been worrying that this is a too heavy tasks for children. But we had to demonstrate the power of statistics. Statistics can beat children only when a sufficient number of data are supplied. After all our worry turned out to be groundless. Children enjoyed clicking and playing the game very much. And the strength of Statistics was impressive enough!

We took the log/records of the games, which are collected here. Some data are also collected during the preparation stage.

Five types('a', 'c', 'd', 'e' and 'f') of algorithms are prepared. First four type('a','c','d' and 'e') algorithms have adjustable parameters. With differentiating the setting of the parameters, there are 10 algorithms a0, a1, c0, c1, c2, d0, d1, e0, e1 and f0. 'a' type algorithm does not have learning ability. 'c' type algorithm provides a simple learning ability. c0, c1 and c2 differ in their levels of randomization. 'c0' employs the non-randomized optimal strategy. 'd' type algorithm provides a sophisticated learning ability and a set of CATDAP type models. 'd1' employs largely randomized strategy. 'e' type algorithm is a deterministic strategy. 'f0' is an extension of 'd0' with more models some of which require a heavy numerical optimization computation. Details about these algorithms are given in "A study of Janken Data as Two Dimensional Tri-nomial Time Series", Resarch Memorandom No. 759 of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics ( in Japanese).

The name of the files in this package have the form gcp.xm.nn, where 'xm' is the code of the algorithm with which the player fought and 'nn' is the sequential number.

Format of data is simple. A file is composed of three parts divided by lines 'DATASTARTINGLINE' and '-1 -1'. Data between the 'DATASTARTINGLINE' and '-1 -1' is a N x 2 matrix, where N is data length. The first and the second columns of the matrix represent hands of human player and the software, respectively. Here, 1, 2 and 3 denote the 'Stone', 'Scissors' and 'Paper', respectively. Everything above 'DATASTARTINGLINE' and below '-1 -1' are free memo.

A perl script 'batch.prl' is contained. It can be modified to conduct a systematic analysis of data in this package.

As explained above, the 'announcing number' was shown always on the screen. Some games were played with 'post-it' on the number. It is possible that some player may try ato-dashi in some games.

 Open Market License for data(version:OML-DT-E-1996)

 0. In the following, 'Copyright_OML notice' means 'the copyright 
    notice with a statement saying that the said data is made
    public under this Open Market License for data'.
 1. On the condition that 'Copyright_OML notice' and attached 
    statements are copied as they are, all of the said data can
    be copied or redistributed. 
 2. Any portion of the data can be extracted and used freely.
 3. Appropriate reference must be made at times of publishing 
    results of the study of the data.  

[ Files ]

