
Software Products List

TIMSAC (TIMe Series Analysis and Control)

- Main features -

Package of programs for analysis, prediction and control of time series.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Analysis of channel records of brain wave
  • Analysis of economic data
  • Optimal control of plants
  • Implementation of ship's autopilot
  • Analysis of seismological data

BAYSEA (BAYesian SEasonal Adjustment)

- Main features -

Computer program for realizing a decomposition of a time series into trend, seasonal and irregular components.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Seasonal adjustment of economic time series

CATDAP (CATegorical Data Analysis) and CATDP for Windows

- Main features -

A program for the selection of variables that explain well the structure of categorical data.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Analysis of multi-dimensional contingency tables

NOLLS1 (NonLinear Least Square method 1)

- Main features -

A program for nonlinear least square methods.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Analysis of materials for a nuclear reactor
  • Design of plats
  • Pharmacokinetics for a new drug
  • Analysis of the respiratory organ by using sonic echo
  • Spectrum analysis in X-ray spectroscopy

QUANT (QUANTification theory)

- Main features -

Programs for the quantification theories of type I, II, III.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Survey of behavior of the younger generation
  • Analysis of clinical data
  • Prediction of elections
  • Effect of advertisement
  • Data analysis in educational psychology

DALL (DAvidon's algorithm for Log Likelihood maximization)

- Main features -

Davidon's variance algorithm subroutine customized for maximum likelihood.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Analysis of medical data
  • Analysis of multi-dimensional non-stationary data

ARdock (dock for AR models)

- Main features -

A dialogue system for system analysis.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Analysis of industrial plants
  • System analysis
  • Analysis of chemical processes in human bodies

STATS (STate-space Analysis of Time series)

- Main features -

Programs for time series with various characteristics (non-stationarity, non-Gauss, non-linearity, missing values and outliers, etc. ) with the aid of state space models.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Seasonal adjustment of economic data
  • Interpolation of missing values
  • Estimation of non-stationary spectrum
  • Non-Gaussian smoothing

TIMSAC for Windows

- Main features -

TIMSAC programs implemented on MS-Windows.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Analysis of brain wave
  • Prediction of sales
  • Prediction of stock price
  • Analysis of seismological data

DLL and Shared Libraries of TIMSAC

- Main features -

TIMSAC programs implemented on MS-Windows.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Analysis of brain wave
  • Prediction of sales
  • Prediction of stock price
  • Analysis of seismological data


- Main features -

A program of TIMSAC84 for time series decomposition (seasonal adjustment) . WebDECOMP can be used through our Webpage and eDECOMP is an add-in software for Excel.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Seasonal adjustment

Jasp (Java based Statistical Processor)

- Main features -

An experimental statistical analysis system written in the Java language.

- Typical examples of application -

  • Explanatory data analysis
  • Developing new computational statistical methodology
