Project to Create the Network of Excellence
Science of Risk NOE
Next Generation Simulation Science NOE
Survey Science NOE
Statistics for Artificial Intelligence NOE
Service Science NOE
The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
The Study of the Japanese National Character
International Comparative Studies on National Characters
For Those Working with Our Survey Projects



Founded on the accomplishments in social research by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics spanning over half a century including the Study of the Japanese National Character and the cross-national comparative research on national characteristics, the Survey Science Center was established in January of 2011 in order to facilitate further growth of the aforementioned sets of research as well as the establishment of networking ties with both domestic and international research organizations and the increase in the capacity to make contributions to wider society by creating what we call the NOE (Network Of Excellence). Through the corresponding five projects, the Survey Science Center aims to: strengthen the intellectual foundation of survey science; develop methodologies for survey research in a sustainable manner; improve public awareness and literacy about social research; accumulate data from survey research at the national scale; and facilitate mutual understanding between different countries. The Center hopes to function as the hub of activities for the respective types of aforementioned research agendas.