On June 29, Service Science NOE will hold a seminar.

The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Service Science NOE (Network Of Excellence) will hold a seminar on spatial statistical modeling and its applications to international politics, urban planning, and environments as follows. RSVP to hm2@ism.ac.jp if you are interested to attend.

Date: 6/29, 14:00-15:30

Place: 4F Lounge (D420),

The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tachikawa, Japan See http://www.ism.ac.jp/access/index_e.html for access directions.


Application of spatial statistical modeling to social sciences:

1) The Market for Youth Services in Phoenix

2) Dynamic Social Network Analysis of the Formation of International Environmental Regimes

3) Hedonic analysis of environmental factors and disaster risk using a multi-level spatial econometric model


1),2) Prof. Josef Galaskiewics (University of Arizona)

3) Dr. Yoshiki Yamagata (National Institute for Environmental Studies)