#7.30B H01 -
01 Compared with ten years ago, do you think the standard of living of Americans as a whole is:
1)  Much better
2)  Slightly better
3)  Same
4)  Slightly worse
5)  Much worse
6)  Other
7)  DK/NA

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total % N
‚i‚`i“ϊŒnj 31.6 40.3 13.1 9.7 4.4 1.0 | 100 206
Male 32.1 47.7 9.2 6.4 3.7 0.9 | 100 109
Female 30.9 32.0 17.5 13.4 5.2 1.0 | 100 97
20-39 12.8 43.6 20.5 12.8 7.7 2.6 | 100 39
40-59 31.4 41.4 12.9 8.6 5.7 | | 100 70
60- 39.2 38.1 10.3 9.3 2.1 1.0 | 100 97
Otheri“ϊŒnˆΘŠOj 26.5 36.4 9.5 18.7 5.4 2.7 0.7 100 294
Male 27.7 40.6 9.7 16.1 4.5 1.3 | 100 155
Female 25.2 31.7 9.4 21.6 6.5 4.3 1.4 100 139
20-39 19.4 48.6 4.2 23.6 2.8 | 1.4 100 72
40-59 24.6 31.7 11.9 21.4 7.1 2.4 0.8 100 126
60- 34.4 33.3 10.4 11.5 5.2 5.2 | 100 96
Caucasian(mainland) 27.6 34.3 15.2 16.2 3.8 2.9 | 100 105
Honolulu residents 27.2 38.1 10.7 16.0 5.3 2.2 0.4 100 449