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Top 5 Weekly Downloads (Across all Journals)
(1562) Comparison of bulk sea surface and mixed layer temperatures
(621) Spatial variation of the crustal stress field along the Ryukyu-Taiwan-Luzon convergent boundary
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 
(48) Ongoing transients in carbonate compensation
(46) Nitrogen and carbon interactions between boreal soils and lakes
(39) Impact of climate change and variability on the global oceanic sink of CO
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 
(42) Seismic tremor at the 9°50′N East Pacific Rise eruption site
(36) Nonlinear attenuation and rock damage during strong seismic ground motions
(33) Real contacts and evolution laws for rate and state friction
(32) Effects of normal stress perturbations on the frictional properties of simulated faults
Geophysical Research Letters 
(102) Cryo-hydrologic warming: A potential mechanism for rapid thermal response of ice sheets
(82) Global depletion of groundwater resources
Journal of Geophysical Research — Atmospheres 
(82) Primary and secondary organic aerosols in urban air masses intercepted at a rural site
(80) Chemistry-climate model simulations of spring Antarctic ozone
(63) Evolution of individual snowflakes during metamorphism
(60) Decline and recovery of total column ozone using a multimodel time series analysis
Journal of Geophysical Research — Biogeosciences 
(60) Carbon cycle data assimilation with a generic phenology model
(42) A validation of heat and carbon fluxes from high-resolution land surface and regional models
(20) The arctic freshwater system: Changes and impacts
(16) Ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes after disturbance in forests of North America
Journal of Geophysical Research — Earth Surface 
(49) The perfect debris flow? Aggregated results from 28 large-scale experiments
(44) Inception of stream incision by seepage erosion
(33) Turbulence characteristics of flow over a series of 2-D bed forms in the presence of surface waves
(18) Tectonics, fracturing of rock, and erosion
Journal of Geophysical Research — Oceans 
(1562) Comparison of bulk sea surface and mixed layer temperatures
(461) Satellite-based high-resolution global optimum interpolation sea surface temperature data
(238) A diurnal-cycle resolving sea surface temperature product for the tropical Atlantic
(142) Observations of near-inertial current variability on the New England shelf
Journal of Geophysical Research — Solid Earth 
(621) Spatial variation of the crustal stress field along the Ryukyu-Taiwan-Luzon convergent boundary
Journal of Geophysical Research — Planets 
(41) Sinuous gullies on Mars: Frequency, distribution, and implications for flow properties
(30) Numerical modeling of Martian gully sediment transport: Testing the fluvial hypothesis
(25) Event and conditions that produced the iron meteorite Block Island on Mars
(21) Geologic context of proposed chloride-bearing materials on Mars
Journal of Geophysical Research — Space Physics 
(43) Seasonal and hemispheric variations of the total auroral precipitation energy flux from TIMED/GUVI
(38) Long-term change in thermospheric temperature above Saint Santin
(32) Correlation between the ionospheric WN4 signature and the upper atmospheric DE3 tide
(30) Ensemble, water isotope–enabled, coupled general circulation modeling insights into the 8.2 ka event
Radio Science 
(12) Numerical and experimental study of the voltage excited along a slotline by a current source
(9) An FFT-based Kirchhoff integral technique for the simulation of radio waves in complex environments
Reviews of Geophysics 
(43) A comprehensive approach to monitoring volcano deformation as a window on the eruption cycle
(15) Subduction zones
(13) Atmospheric bridge, oceanic tunnel, and global climatic teleconnections
Space Weather 
(30) Space Weather in Focus: A Decade in Review
(17) Forecasting Solar Cycle 24 using the relationship between cycle length and maximum sunspot number
(16) Spacecraft Charging and Mitigation
(9) Proposed U.S. Space Weather Budget for Fiscal Year 2011 Would Fund Key Programs
(36) The
(21) Lithospheric structure of the Gorringe Bank: Insights into its origin and tectonic evolution
Water Resources Research 
(92) Hydrodynamic factors affecting the persistence of the
(53) Isotopic evolution of snowmelt: A new model incorporating mobile and immobile water