Workshop: Topics in Advanced Monte Carlo Methods

March, 9-10 2016

The Institute of Statistical Mathematics

Tachikawa, Tokyo


Seminar Room 4 (3F): D312B

Yukito Iba (ISM)
Koji Hukushima (University of Tokyo, Komaba)

Abstract of Invited Lecture

Arnaud Doucet (Oxford)

TALK 1: New MCMC methods to perform Bayesian inference in latent variable models

Pseudo-marginal methods have become very popular in statistics over the past 5-10 years to perform inference in latent variable models such as state-space models. However, in many scenarios, their computational complexity is essentially of order T^2 at each iteration when one has T data points. We will show that it is possible to obtain an alternative algorithm of computational complexity T (up to logarithmic factors) to address similar problems. In our numerical examples, the efficiency of computations is increased relative to the pseudo-marginal algorithm by several orders of magnitude.

TALK 2: Transport-based ideas for Monte Carlo simulation

A measurable function T mapping R^d to itself such that $T(X)\sim\pi_{1}$ if $X\sim\pi_{0}$ is called a transport map transporting the measure $\pi_{0}$, e.g. a prior distribution, to $\pi_{1}$, e.g. a posterior distribution. If one could obtain an analytical expression for a transport map from any $\pi_{0}$ to any $\pi_{1}$ then this could be straightforwardly applied to sample from any distribution. One would map draws from an easy-to-sample distribution $\pi_{0}$ to the target distribution $\pi_{1}$ using this transport map. Although it is usually impossible to obtain an explicit transport map for complex target distributions, we show here how to build a tractable approximation of a novel transport map. This is achieved by moving samples from $\pi_{0}$ using an ordinary differential.

March 9 (Wed.)

Arnaud Doucet (Oxford)
TALK 1: New MCMC methods to perform Bayesian inference in latent variable models


Yukito Iba (ISM) and Shinichi Takayanagi(SOKENDAI)
Sampling time-reversed path ensembles

March 10 (Tur.)

Arnaud Doucet (Oxford)
TALK 2: Transport-based ideas for Monte Carlo simulation

(lunch break)

Masayuki Ohzeki (Kyoto Univ)
Accelerated Langevin Dynamics and its applications

Kazutaka Takahashi (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
Optimization of Markov process violates detailed balance condition


Hidemaro Suwa (Univ. of Tokyo)
Irreversible Quantum Monte Carlo Algorithm and Unbiased Spectral Gap Estimation

Koji Hukushima (Univ. of Tokyo)
Event-chain Monte Carlo algorithm for continuous spin systems

iba at