Mixed Factors Analysis

Option Dialog

Clicking "Mixed Factors Analysis" in menu, run the input parameter wizard. User is then required to specify the following parameters:


After specifying all parameters and pressing the "Finish" button, the Mixed_Factors_Analysis.exe runs on. If the process is completed, the messages shown in below appear on the DOS-windows.

At first, experimental parameters specified by user are notified, for example, Max and Min factor dimension, number of relevant genes to be selected.

Going a layer than that, user can view the process of EM algorithm for a combination of each factor dimension and number of clusters and initial parameters. The statements such as "* -C" or "* -OF" represent states of the convergence for the EM algorithm, "in convergence" or "occurrence of over-fitting", respectively.

Furthermore, a most suitable combination of factor dimension and the number of clusters are also shown, in this example, the optimal factor dimension and the number of clusters are equal to 7 and 5.

Subsequently, the calibrated clusters are shown. Each cluster is separated with the blank lines. Note that all samples in one clusters are ordered according to the degree of the belongings that are measured by the magnitude of Maharanobis distance between the sample points and the corresponding group centeroid.

Finally, the created six files that summarize some results of the mixed factors analysis and the folder locations are notified.. Description of the six files are in turn given through this tutorial, e.g. Model Selection, Clustering, Data Compression and Relevant Module Detection.

Figure 1: Output files creadted by the mixed factros analysis

Messages appeared in DOS window (Mixed_Factors_Analysis.exe)