What is Mixed Factors Analysis ?

In below, we describe a belief introduction of the mixed factors analysis. For more details, see our papers,


In gene expression profiling based on microarray experiments, each array measures expression values of several thousands genes for a tissue sample. A goal of the cluster analysis is to find groups in a given set of tissue samples on the basis of a large number of genes. Major difficulty in this problem is that the number of tissues to be grouped is much smaller than the dimension of feature vector which is equal to the number of genes involved. In such a case, conventional model-based clustering using finite mixture models, e.g. Gaussian mixture, leads to overfitting during the density estimation process. The mixed factors analysis was originally aimed at resolving the problem of curse of high-dimensionality faced at gene expression analysis. A parametric model referred to as the mixed factors model is a central in this context and performs a parsimonious parameterization of Gaussian mixture model. As a result of this modeling, we can avoid the occurrence of overfitting even when the dimension of data is more than several thousands and the number of sample is less than one hundred.

2.Mixed Factors Model

We let
x ( j ) be a d-dimensional feature vector which contains the expression values of d genes for the j-th tissue sample ( j = 1,・・・,N ). In gene expression profiling, the dimension of data typically rangies from 100 to 10000. A basic idea underlying the mixed factor analysis is to relate the high-dimensional feature vectors to the q-dimensional factor variables f ( j ), j = 1,・・・,N in the following way:


q<d, and the e( j ) is the Gaussian observational noise as e( j ) 〜 N(0, r I). The matrix A of order d ×q contains the factor loadings.

A key idea of the mixed factors modeling is to parsimoniously describe the group structure of data throughout the factor variables. To this end, we assume that the factor variables are distributed according to the finite mixture model as

Here, the H( f( j ) ; u_g, V_g) denotes the Gaussian density function with mean vector u_g and covariance matrix V_g. The mixing proportions are given by b_1, ・・・,b_G. We construct the mixed factors model by combining (1) and (2).

The mixed factors model represents the unconditional distribution of data by the G-components Gaussian mixture with the following parsimonious parameterization:

This parameterization possibly avoids the overfitting occurred in the parameter estimation by choosing an appropriate factor dimension q despite of the quite huge dimension of data.

Remark:Parameter Constrains

Parameters to be estimated from data consist of A, r and b_g, u_g, V_g for all g. However, a direct estimation of these parameters leads to the lack of identifiability due to the issue of rotational ambiguity. For detail, see Yoshida et al. (2004). To avoid such problem, we impose q ×q restrictions on the parameters; (a) diagonality of the covariance matrix, V_g = diag(v_{1g},・・・v_{qg}); (b) orthogonality of factor loadings A' A= I. Imposing orthogonality on the factor loading matrix offers a linear mapping of data, A'x ( j ), onto the q-dimensional subspace, having an observational equation,

This equation states the fact that the compressed data A'x( j ) are distributed according to the Gaussian mixture as

This expression gives us an interesting view about the mixed factors model. Roughly speaking, in the parameter estimation, q-directions in the projection matrix A should be chosen so that the compressed data are likely to be the Gaussian mixture in the form of (3). More formal discussions including the linkage to the Fisher's discriminant analysis and the principal component analysis are given in our paper Yoshida et al. (2005).

3.Module Transcriptional-based Clusters

In cellular systems, each gene is expressed either by itself or in combination with some other genes. Figure 1 displays the expression patterns of a variety of small round blue cell tumor tissues against to the 16 module
gene sets. These sets are automatically identified with the mixed factors analysis. All genes in a particular set tend to exhibit very similar expression patterns.

In the mixed factors analysis, the expression patterns of the existing transcriptional modules are extracted and compressed into the low-dimensional factor space via q-variates in A'x( j ) as follows:

It is expected that a part of d-genes that is representative to the presence of molecular subtypes is extracted with the linear mapping. A causal link from the calibrated clusters to the biological knowledge can be elucidated through the inspection of the relevant genes.

4.Mixed Factors Analysis

For a given dataset, the mixed factors model can be fitted based on the maximum likelihood estimation. The ArrayCluster computes the maximum likelihood estimator by using the EM algorithm. The algorithmic details are omitted here, see Yoshida et al.(2004) .

Once the parameter has been estimated, our method offers some useful applications to gene expression analysis. The following is a flowchart of the mixed factors analysis:

Figure 1: A number of module transcriptionals identified by the mixed factors analysis

This work was carried out in the laboratory of Tomoyuki Higuchi, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Research Organization of Information and Systems, and the laboratory of Satoru Miyano, DNA Information Analysis, Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo.

Developers; Tomoyuki Higuchi, Ryo Yoshida, Seiya Imoto, Satoru Miyano
Copyright; (C) 2005- Tomoyuki Higuchi (C) 2005- Ryo Yoshida (C) 2005- Seiya Imoto (C) 2005- Satoru Miyano (C) 2005- The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Research Organization of Information and Systems (C) 2005- Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo