平成302018)年度 一般研究1実施報告書













ヨシダ ナカヒロ

吉田 朋広


Yoshida Nakahiro





職  名





確率過程に対する統計推測、極限定理、機械学習の理論研究、および統計的モデリングを行った。[A] 統計推測の漸近理論に関して、確率過程の統計推測理論、部分疑似尤度解析、スパース推定の擬似尤度解析、安定Levy過程の有効推定、安定Levy過程駆動型の確率過程に対するベイズ事後分布の計算方法、ウエーブレットによるリードラグ解析、神経連絡の推定、簡約データによる確率微分方程式のハイブリッド推定、ウイナー汎関数のガウス近似、多重スカラハド積分に対する混合型中心極限定理、局所安定レビ過程で駆動される確率微分方程式に対する非ガウス型擬似尤度推定について研究した。[B] 極限定理に関して、ボラティリティの推定における極限定理、非エルゴード系での漸近展開、フラクショナルブラウン運動の汎関数の分布の漸近展開、摂動法による漸近展開、点過程の漸近展開を研究した。[C] 学習理論に関して、深層学習の汎化誤差をカーネル法の観点から考察し、その汎化誤差を導出した。さらに、その応用として深層ニューラルネットワークの圧縮方法を考案した。また、マルチプルカーネル学習を従来のスパース正則化だけでなく一般の正則化について考察し、その汎化誤差を解析した。[D] 金融保険における統計学的方法の研究に関して、リミットオーダーブックのモデリング、保険数理に現れる破産関連リスク量の数理解析、及び統計理論の構築、破産時の損害額をベースにした動的リスク尺度の提案と、破産確率に対する漸近推測論の研究を行った。



A. Jasra, K. Kamatani, and H. Masuda. Bayesian inference for Stable Levy driven stochastic differential equations with high-frequency data, Accepted at SJS

Brouste, A., Masuda, H.: Efficient estimation of stable Levy process with symmetric jumps. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, Volume 21,Issue 2, 289-307 (2018).[doi: 10.1007/s11203-018-9181-0]

Hayashi, T., Koike, Y.: Wavelet-based methods for high-frequency lead-lag analysis. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, Volume 9, Issue 4, 1208-1248 (2018).

Iwasaki, T., Hino, H., Tatsuno, M., Akaho, S., Murata, N.:Estimation of neural connections from partially observed neural spikes, Neural Networks, Volume 108, 172-191 (2018)

Kaino, Y. and Uchida, M. (2018b). Hybrid estimators for stochastic differential equations from reduced data. Special 20th anniversary issue. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, Volume 21, Issue 2, 435-454.

Kaino, Y. and Uchida, M. (2018a). Hybrid estimators for small diffusion processes based on reduced data. Metrika, Volume 81, Issue 7, 745-773.

Koike Y.: Gaussian approximation of maxima of Wiener functionals and its application to high-frequency data.Annals of Statistics, Volume 47, Issue 3, 1663-1687 (2019).

Koike, Y., Tanoue, Y.: Oracle inequalities for sign constrained generalized linear models. Econometrics and Statistics, to appear.

Koike, Y.: Mixed-normal limit theorems for multiple Skorohod integrals in high-dimensions, with application to realized covariance. Electronic Journal of Statistics, to appear.

Masuda, H.: Non-Gaussian quasi-likelihood estimation of SDE driven by locally stable Levy process. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Volume 129, Issue 3, 1013-1059 (2019).[doi: 10.1016/j.spa.2018.04.004] arXiv:1608.06758

Oshime, T., Shimizu, Y.: Parametric inference for ruin probability in the classical risk model, Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 133,28-37, 2018.

Shimizu, Y., Tanaka, S.: Dynamic risk measures for stochastic asset processes from ruin theory, Annals of Actuarial Science, vol. 12, no. 2,249-268, 2018.

Sonoda, S., Nakamura, K., Kaneda, Y., Hino, H., Akaho, S., Murata, N.,Miyauchi, E., Kawasaki, M.: EEG dipole source localization with information criteria for multiple particle filters, Neural Networks,Volume 108, 68-82 (2018)

Suzuki, T.: Fast Learning Rate of Non-Sparse Multiple Kernel Learning and Optimal Regularization Strategies. Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 12, Number 2 (2018), 2141--2192.

Suzuki, T.: Fast generalization error bound of deep learning from a kernel perspective. AISTATS2018, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 84:1397--1406, 2018.

Mori, Y.and Taiji Suzuki: Generalized ridge estimator and model selection criteria in multivariate linear regression. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, volume 165, pages 243--261, May 2018.

Yoshida, N.:Partial quasi likelihood analysis.Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science.June 2018, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 157-189. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42081-018-0006-6

Kamatani, K.: Bayesian inference for stable Levy driven stochastic differential equations with high-frequency data, ERCIM 2018, Pisa, Italy, 15th December.

Koike, Y.: Testing the absence of lead-lag effects in high-frequency data. EcoSta 2018. Hong-Kong, China,2018.6.19.

Koike, Y.: Asymptotic Mixed Normality of Realized Covariance in High-Dimensions. IMS-APRM 2018. Singapole,2018.6.29.

Koike, Y.: Gaussian approximation of maxima of Wiener functionals and its application to high-frequency data.10th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society. Dublin, Ireland, 2018.7.17.

Koike, Y.: Testing the Residual Sparsity of a High-Dimensional Continuous-Time Factor Model. CEQURA Conference 2018. Munich, Germany, 2018.10.4.

Koike, Y.: Testing the residual sparsity of a high-dimensional continuous-time factor model. CMStatistics 2018.Pisa, Italy, 2018.12.15.

Koike, Y.: On implementation of high-dimensional covariance estimation in YUIMA package. 4th Yuima Users Workshop. Tokyo, Japan, 2019.1.29.

Koike, Y.: De-biasing the graphical Lasso in high-frequency data. ASC2019. Tokyo, Japan, 2019.1.30.

Koike, Y.: High-dimensional covariance estimation in YUIMA package. The 2nd YUIMA Conference, Rome,Italy, 2018.3.25.

Masuda, H.: Optimal stable regression. APRM 2018, Singapore, 2018.6.29.

Masuda, H.: Locally stable regression with unknown activity index. CMStatistics 2018, Pisa, Italy, 2018.12.15.

Shimizu, Y.: Asymptotically normal estimators of ruin probability under Levy insurance risks, The 22th International congress on Insurance:Mathematics and Economics, Sydney, Australia, July 16, 2018

Shimizu, Y.: A dynamic risk measure from Ruin Theory: Gerber-Shiu analysis, CEQURA Conference on Advances in Financial and Insurance Risk Management, Munich, Germany, October 4, 2018

Shimizu, Y.: Asymptotically normal estimators of ruin probability under Levy insurance risks, CFE-CMStatistics 2018, Pisa, Italy, December 15, 2018

Suzuki, T.: Estimating nonlinear tensor product in infinite dimensional functional space by kernel and neural network models.IMS-APRM2018. Oral presentation.26th/Jun/2018. National University of Singapore.

Yoshida, N.:Quasi Likelihood Analysis Of Ratio Models And Limit Order Book.Dynstoch 2018.Porto, Portugal. 2018.6.7.

Yoshida, N.:Partial quasi likelihood analysis.The 5th Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacifim Rim Meeting (APRM). National University of Singapore.2018.6.29.

Yoshida, N.:Approaches to asymptotic expansion. Asymptotic Expansion and Malliavin Calculus. Paris, France. 2018.11.16.

Yoshida, N.:Global jump filters and quasi likelihood analysis for volatility.CMStatistics 2018. Pisa, Italy.2018.12.15.

Yoshida, N.:Global jump filters and quasi likelihood analysis for volatility. ASC2019: Asymptotic Statistics and Computations. Tokyo, Japan. 2019.1.30.

Yoshida, N.:Asymptotic expansion revisited: toward reconstruction of the asymptotic term. The Second YUIMA Conference. Rome, Italy. 2019.3.22.

Eguchi, S., Masuda, H.: Data driven time scale in Gaussian quasi-likelihood inference, to appear in Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, arXiv:1801.10378.

Jasra, A., Kaamatani, K., Masuda, H.: Bayesian inference for stable Levy driven stochastic differential equations with high-frequency data, to appear in Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, arXiv:1707.08788

Koike, Y.: High-dimensional central limit theorems for homogeneous sums. arXiv:1902.03809 (2018).


テーマ:"ASC2019: Asymptotic Statistics and Computations"
場所:東京大学 数理科学研究科
参加者数: 30人





内田 雅之


荻原 哲平


鎌谷 研吾


栗木 哲


小池 祐太


佐藤 整尚


清水 泰隆


鈴木 大慈


中谷 朋昭


林 高樹


増田 弘毅


村田 昇


山下 智志
