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#8.2e Is 'Democracy' good?
(Hand card) What do you think of 'Democracy'? Which of the following best matches your opinion?
1It is good
2It depends on the time and circumstances
3It is not good
4Other(Specify)5 D.K.
Target : Tohoku        
Ques. No.gooddepends onnot goodOtherD.K.Total
XIII (2013)*        
XII (2008)*        
XI (2003)*        
X (1998)*        
IX (1993)K32a63311-5100( 148)
VIII (1988)*        
VII (1983)*        
VI (1978)*        
V (1973)K35a36503-11100( 272)
IV (1968)32a39492-11101( 311)
III (1963)27a33493-15100( 273)
II (1958)*        
I (1953)*        
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics