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#7.18e Happiness in future
Do you think people will become more happy, or more unhappy?
1More happy2More unhappy3No change
4Other(Specify)5 D.K.
Target : VI (1978) Total/Gender/AgeTotal/Gender/Age
More happyMore unhappyNo changeOtherD.K.Total
6 Metro cities
302225419100( 297)
Pop.:200K-362124514100( 495)
Pop.:100K-392120515100( 196)
Pop.:50K-391721518100( 280)
Pop.:-50K401526712100( 150)
Rural401525416100( 495)
3516201019100( 83)
Tohoku4392751599( 169)
Kanto37192441599( 536)
Chubu(East)332920316101( 147)
Chubu(West)421125319100( 205)
Kinki352618517101( 349)
Chugoku381923614100( 124)
Shikoku342027218101( 56)
Kyushu361331515100( 244)
Grades 1-9
391622419100( 818)
Grades 10-1236202451499( 748)
College/University332227612100( 324)
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics