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#7.18e Happiness in future
Do you think people will become more happy, or more unhappy?
1More happy2More unhappy3No change
4Other(Specify)5 D.K.
Target : V (1973) City/Region/EducationCity/Region/Education
More happyMore unhappyNo changeOtherD.K.Total
302824415101( 668)
Females242424523100( 871)
212927321101( 379)
30-39233026417100( 388)
40-49292622617100( 326)
50-5932192352099( 237)
60-69331721425100( 138)
70 and over351821323100( 71)
Males 20s
212929219100( 163)
Males 30s302923513100( 157)
Males 40s323017615100( 158)
Males 50s392318317100( 93)
Males 60s302333212100( 60)
Males 70+412427-8100( 37)
Females 20s202925323100( 216)
Females 30s193227319100( 231)
Females 40s262226719100( 168)
Females 50s281726722100( 144)
Females 60s361212536101( 78)
Females 70+291215638100( 34)
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics