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#5.23* Basis of salary: ability vs. term of service
When a company decides on salaries and wages, do you think a person's service to the company from past to present should be stressed in making the decision? Or do you think they should only consider the person's current abilities in this decision?
1They should stress the person's service to the company from past to present in deciding
2They should consider the person's current abilities only
3Other(Specify)4 D.K.
Target : Shikoku        
Ques. No.Service to the companyCurrent abilitiesOtherD.K.Total
XIII (2013)*       
XII (2008)*       
XI (2003)K18582888102( 40)
X (1998)*       
IX (1993)*       
VIII (1988)*       
VII (1983)*       
VI (1978)*       
V (1973)*       
IV (1968)*       
III (1963)*       
II (1958)*       
I (1953)*       
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics