
International Research Exchange

Historically, statistical science has developed in response to the need for statistical ideas and methods to be exploited in other fields of science and industry. Therefore the Institute has established a systematic way to promote cross-disciplinary research projects either at a domestic or an international scale (see the previous chapter).

The Institute has also pushed forward research collaboration with a wide variety of foreign institutions including universities and governmental agencies.

Since 1988, the Institute has entered into special relationship with the following institutes to conduct programs on academic exchange and facilitate joint research projects;

The Institute has also been active in organizing international conferences and workshops. In 2003-2004, 13 international symposia were held under the auspices of the Institute;

The Institute actively encourages researchers to come to talk or give lectures and also to stay for collaboration with the staff. As shown in the list below, the Institute has received 81 visitors from 23 different countries. Of these researchers, 40 entered into a visiting research fellowship including a visiting professorship. Another list follows showing all the colloquia that were given by foreign visitors.
