

日時:2007 11 1 () 13:30 から 11 3 () 12:00

会場:統計数理研究所 2階会議室正面玄関を入って左階段上り、所長室前)

日比谷線【広尾】下車 (徒歩7分)
  〒106-8569 東京都港区南麻布4-6-7  電話:03(3446)1501(代表)
地図と交通に関しては次の URL をご覧下さい。
統数研 HP http://www.ism.ac.jp/

                    11 1 () 午後

    13:30-14:20 Muneya Matsui (Keio Univ.)

       Generalized fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes


    14:30-15:20 Tatsuhiko Saigo (National Taiwan Univ.)NR Shieh (National Taiwan Univ.) and Hiroshi Takahashi (Riken)

         Operator semi-selfsimilar processes induced by multi-dimensional random walk in multi-dimensional random scenery


    15:40-16:30 Seiji Hiraba (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.)

          Markov particle systems associated with multi-dimensional absorbing stable motion

                    11 2 () 午前

     10:10-11:00 Shuya Kanagawa (Musashi Inst. of Tech.)

           Numerical analysis of reflecting Brownian motion and applications


     11:10-12:00 Makoto Maejima (Keio Univ.)

          The limits of nested subclasses of several classes of infinitely divisible distributions are identical
              (to the closure of the class of stable distributions)    [Joint work with Ken-iti Sato]

Lunch break12:00-13:30                                 

                    11 2 () 午後

     13:30-14:20 Zbigniew J. Jurek (Univ. ofWroclaw)

             1-dim Ising models and selfdecomposable characteristic functions

     14:30-15:20  Yuji Kasahara (Univ. of Tsukuba)

          A limit theorem for occupation times of Lamperti’s stochastic processes


      15:40-16:30  Atsushi Takeuchi (Osaka City Univ.)

          Derivatives of logarithmic densities for SDEs with jumps


      16:40- Short communication

           Shigeo Takenaka (Okayama Univ. of Sci.)


                    Conference dinner 18:30-   plates

                    11 3 () 午前

     10:00-10:50  Takaaki Shimura (I.S.M.)

          Questionable results on convolution equivalent distributions

     11:00-11:50  Takahiko Fujita (Hitotsubashi Univ.)

            Special values of the Riemann zeta function and Cauchy variables

研究代表者         岐阜大学 山室 考司  yamamuro@gifu-u.ac.jp
会場責任者         統計数理研究所 志村 隆彰   shimura@ism.ac.jp  http://www.ism.ac.jp/~shimura/