The MOU signing ceremony was held on March 6th, 2015

The Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) signed two Memorandum of Understandings (MOU). One is between the Institute of Forest and Wildlife Research and Development of the Forestry Administration, Cambodia and ISM, and the other is between the Institute of Forestry, Phokara of Tribhuvan University, Nepal and ISM.

The signing ceremony was held at ISM on March 6th, 2015. Mr. Chheng Kimsun, Director General of the Forestry Administration of Cambodia and Prof. Sokh Heng, Director of the Institute of Forest and Wildlife Research and Development, visited from Cambodia. Assoc. Prof. Bir Bahadur Khanal Chhetri, Deputy Dean of the Institute of Forestry, Phokara of Tribhuvan University and Assist. Prof. Shreekanta Sharma Khatiwada visited as well from Nepal.

Prof. Higuchi, Director-General, Prof. Tsubaki, Vice Director-General, Prof. Nakano, Prof. Yoshimoto and Dr. Okamoto (URA) of ISM attended the signing ceremony.
Mr. Kimsun presented the souvenir to Prof. Higuchi at the end of the ceremony.

Then Prof. Higuchi explained the outline of ISM to visitors. After that visitors enjoyed discussion and the facility tour. They showed a great interest in the research activities and facility at ISM.
Cooperating with these organizations through MOUs, ISM will promote joint research projects including activities on Risk Research NOE, and expect to expand research networks with Asian countries.

Prof.Sok Heng&Prof.Higuchi

Prof. Sokh Heng (from Cambodia) and Prof. Higuchi signing the MOU.


Assoc. Prof. Bir Bahadur Khanal Chhetri (form Nepal) and Prof. Higuchi shaking their hands with the MOU.


Mr. Chheng Kimsun, Direcotr of the Forestry Administration of Cambodia presents the souvenir to Prof. Higuchi.


Commemorative Photo


Presentation of ISM by Prof. Higuchi


Facility Tour (in front of one of the supercomputing system [C])

( NOE Promotion Unit )

NOE (Netwrok Of Excellence) Project at ISM