第7回 統計的機械学習セミナー (2012.7.2)

第7回 統計的機械学習セミナー/The 7th Statistical Machine Learning Seminar
(主催:統計数理研究所 統計的機械学習NOE・統計的機械学習研究センター)

日時 2012年7月2日(月) 15:00-18:00
会場 統計数理研究所 セミナー室5(3階D313, D314)

1. Matthew Parry (Otago University, New Zealand)

title: The entropy of scoring rules

abstract: A scoring rule is a principled way of assessing a
probabilistic statement. As such, it finds uses in forecasting and
statistical inference. The key requirement of a scoring rule is that
it rewards honest statements of ones beliefs.

Associated with each scoring rule is a concave entropy. Conversely, we
may (almost) think of each concave entropy as generating a scoring
rule. The obvious question is then what features of the entropy are
transferred to the scoring rule. I report on recent work on extensive
entropies and local entropies. Local entropies are particularly
interesting in that they give rise to scoring rules that can assess
probability models whose normalization is unknown or is not feasible
to compute. I will discuss an application to Bayesian inference for
doubly intractable distributions.

2. Ben Calderhead (University College London, UK)

title: A Sample of Differential Geometric MCMC Methods

abstract: Markov chain Monte Carlo methods enable samples to be drawn
from arbitrary probability distributions, and advances in such
algorithms have fuelled the rapid expansion in the use of Bayesian
methodology over the last 20 years. However, one of the enduring
challenges in MCMC methodology is the development of proposal
mechanisms that make moves distant from the current point, yet are
accepted with high probability and at low computational cost.

In this talk I will introduce locally adaptive MCMC methods that
exploit the natural underlying Riemannian geometry of many statistical
models [1].Such algorithms automatically adapt to the local
correlation structure of the model parameters when simulating paths
across the manifold, providing highly efficient convergence and
exploration of the target density for many classes of models. I will
provide examples of Bayesian inference using these methods on a
variety of models including logistic regression, log-Gaussian Cox
point processes, stochastic volatility models and Bayesian estimation
of dynamical systems described by nonlinear differential equations.

I will then discuss some very recent research in this area, which
extends the applicability of Riemannian Manifold MCMC methods to
statistical models that do not admit an analytically computable metric
tensor. [1] demonstrate the application of this algorithm for
inferring the parameters of a realistic system of highly nonlinear
ordinary differential equations using a biologically motivated robust
Student-t error model, for which the expected Fisher Information is
analytically intractable.

I will conclude with an overview of the outstanding opportunities and
challenges that lie ahead at this vibrant intersection between
differential geometry and Monte Carlo methodology.

[1] M. Girolami and B. Calderhead, Riemann Manifold Langevin and
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Methods (with discussion), Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology),
73:123-214, 2011