セミナー(講演者:Marie Huskova 教授 (チェコ・カレル大学))開催のご案内

2013年9月6日(金)、統計数理研究所3階セミナー室5(D313室)にて、チェコ・カレル大学のMarie Huskova 教授をお招きし、セミナーを開催します。
Marie Huskova 教授はノンパラメトリック、変化点問題の理論研究で有名な女性研究者です。




統計数理研究所 3階 セミナー室5 (D313)


Marie Huskova (チェコ・カレル大学)


Change Point Analysis: Robust and Rank Based Procedures and Applications


Change point analysis concerns procedures on stability of statistical models. The basic scheme can be formulated as follows: a sequence of observations $Y_1,\dots,Y_n$ obtained at the ordered time points $t_1<\dots<t_n$ such that the first $m$ observations follow a certain statistical model and after the $m$-th observation the model changes and the remaining $n-m$ observations follow another model. The point $m$ is unknown and is called change point. The problems are to detect changes (to test $H_0$: no change vs. $H_1$: there is a change), to identify the location of such a change (estimate $m$) and estimate model before and after a change $m$.
There are numerous applications in meteorology, climatology, hydrology or environmental studies, econometric time series, statistical quality control among others.
After an introduction the talk will focus on robust and rank based procedures for detection of changes. Their description will be accompanied by theoretical properties and simulation results.
The last part of the talk will concern robust sequential procedures for detection of changes in Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM). Theoretical results together with an application to real data set will be presented.