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#8.9 How to express social dissatisfaction
(Hand card) Supposing that you had some dissatisfaction with society. What attitude would you take?
1Take it into account when you go to vote
2Take other legal action like making a petition, collecting signatures, demonstrating, going on strike, etc.
3Possibly, in some circumstances, resorting to illegal measures
4Not doing anything, even if you did have some dissatisfaction
5Other(Specify)6 D.K.
Target : VIII (1988) City/Region/EducationCity/Region/Education
Take it into account when you go to voteTake other legal actionResorting to illegal measuresNot doing anythingOtherD.K.Total
4874371299( 805)
30456001100( 343)
30-3942824602100( 371)
40-4948743803100( 368)
50-5944734312100( 337)
60-6948424124101( 257)
70 and over3653425899( 148)
Males 20s
31475612101( 153)
Males 30s508338-2101( 151)
Males 40s528533-2100( 169)
Males 50s49843612100( 159)
Males 60s59533112101( 110)
Males 70+561331955101( 63)
Females 20s284364-1100( 190)
Females 30s3671520399( 220)
Females 40s45634313101( 199)
Females 50s3952491399( 178)
Females 60s3931492599( 147)
Females 70+22-459511101( 85)
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics