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#7.4 Improve the country or make people happy
(Hand card) Please choose from among the following statements the one with which you agree most.
1If individuals are made happy, then and only then will the country as a whole improve
2If the country as a whole improves, then and only then can individuals be made happy
3Improving the country and making individuals happy are the same thing
4Other(Specify)5 D.K.
Target : VII (1983) City/Region/EducationCity/Region/Education
Individuals -> countryCountry -> individualsCountry = individualsD.K.OtherTotal
27294022100( 988)
3421411299( 410)
30-3925284313100( 511)
40-4926304004100( 512)
50-5920353816100( 413)
60-6919403803100( 245)
70 and over18353719100( 165)
Males 20s
35214023101( 184)
Males 30s27254423101( 239)
Males 40s2734360299( 208)
Males 50s22353823100( 185)
Males 60s2427461199( 91)
Males 70+2038372299( 81)
Females 20s34224301100( 226)
Females 30s233143-4101( 272)
Females 40s2428430499( 304)
Females 50s18343918100( 228)
Females 60s164732-5100( 154)
Females 70+153237-1599( 84)
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics