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#7.18d Affluence in future
Do you think people will become more affluent, or do you think they will become worse off?
1More affluent2Worse off3No change
4Other(Specify)5 D.K.
Target : V (1973) City/Region/EducationCity/Region/Education
More affluentWorse offNo changeOtherD.K.Total
4328182899( 668)
Females343120312100( 871)
38312128100( 379)
30-39343420310101( 388)
40-4940331827100( 326)
50-5937281931299( 237)
60-69491717314100( 138)
70 and over371820620101( 71)
Males 20s
4228211799( 163)
Males 30s3929184999( 157)
Males 40s47311516100( 158)
Males 50s422820-10100( 93)
Males 60s52201738100( 60)
Males 70+43271938100( 37)
Females 20s35332129100( 216)
Females 30s313621111100( 231)
Females 40s32352148100( 168)
Females 50s342819614101( 144)
Females 60s471417319100( 78)
Females 70+29921932100( 34)
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics