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#4.13b Depend on parents after marriage?
(Hand card) What about a daughter going off to get married? Which would you think better in that case?
1If things go wrong for you in some way, you should always come and consult us first
2From now on, even if things go wrong for you, you shouldn't depend on your parents
3Other(Specify)4 D.K.
Target : VIII (1988) City/Region/EducationCity/Region/Education
Come and consultShouldn't dependOtherD.K.Total
583912100( 805)
59381199( 343)
30-39613532101( 371)
40-49613622101( 368)
50-59573922100( 337)
60-69603712100( 257)
70 and over484147100( 148)
Males 20s
6038-2100( 153)
Males 30s64331199( 151)
Males 40s574012100( 169)
Males 50s534332101( 159)
Males 60s6236-2100( 110)
Males 70+464635100( 63)
Females 20s593821100( 190)
Females 30s593542100( 220)
Females 40s633322100( 199)
Females 50s603523100( 178)
Females 60s593821100( 147)
Females 70+493858100( 85)
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics