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#1.4d* Employment status
(Hand Card) Have you worked at a paying job during the last week? Which of the following applies to you?
(Work includes being self-employed, assisting in farm/agricultural work, piecework at home, and part-time work or odd jobs, but not housework or attending school.)
1(Have had some sort of job) I was primarily working
2( '' ) I did some work but mostly housework and other non-paying activities
3( '' ) I did some work while attending school
4(Have never had a job) I was on a leave
5( '' ) I was looking for a job
6( '' ) I was doing housework
7( '' ) I was attending school
8( '' ) I'm retired or living on a pension
9Other(Specify)10 D.K.
Target : 70 and over        
Ques. No.Pri- mar- ily workHouse- work and workStu dy and workOn Lea veLook- ing for jobHouse- workStu dyRe- tiredOth- ersD. K.Total
 K+M167-1025-472098( 635)
XIII (2013)K41a175-2-24-483099( 315)
 M41a159-1027-472-101( 320)
 K+M189-2-29040-098( 447)
XII (2008)KF6a188-3-30040-1100( 230)
 MF6a1910-2-28-41--100( 217)
XI (2003)*             
X (1998)*             
IX (1993)*             
VIII (1988)*             
VII (1983)*             
VI (1978)*             
V (1973)*             
IV (1968)*             
III (1963)*             
II (1958)*             
I (1953)*             
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics