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#1.4d Employment status
a) (Hand card) Have you worked at a paying job during the last week? Which of the following applies to you?
(Work includes being self-employed, assisting in farm/agricultural work, piecework at home, and part-time work or odd jobs, but not housework or attending school.)
1(A)(Have had some sort of job) I was primarily working
2(B)( '' ) I did some work but mostly housework and other non-paying activities
3(C)( '' ) I did some work while attending school
4(D)(Have never had a job) I was on leave
5(E)( '' ) I was looking for a job
6(F)( '' ) I was doing housework
7(G)( '' ) I was attending school
8 Other (elderly etc.) [specify: ]
9 D.K.
Target : IX (1993) City/Region/EducationCity/Region/Education
Primarily workHousework and workStudy and workOn leaveLooking for a jobHouseworkStudyingOtherD.K.Total
7146111341-101( 583)
30-396117-1120-00100( 639)
40-496817-1013-0099( 901)
50-59601602119-20100( 730)
60-694212-6126013-100( 620)
70 and over188-5-300391101( 265)
Males 20s
840701-61-99( 283)
Males 30s980-10--0-99( 272)
Males 40s971-00--1099( 406)
Males 50s9200221-3-100( 329)
Males 60s643-1011-21-100( 318)
Males 70+288-10-1153-101( 116)
Females 20s5874112530-99( 300)
Females 30s3329-1235--1101( 367)
Females 40s4529-1024-0099( 495)
Females 50s342901033-1098( 401)
Females 60s1823-215205-101( 302)
Females 70+107-1-52-28199( 149)
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics