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#1.4c Occupation
(Hand card) Which describes the kind of work you do?
1(A)Farmers, lumbermen and fishermen6(F)Blue-collar workers
2(B)Shop and factory proprietors7(G)Housewives
3(C)Professionals8(H)Students and no occupation
4(D)Managers and officials9 D.K.
5(E)White-collar workers
Target : XII (2008) City/Region/EducationCity/Region/Education
Farm- ers, lumber- men and fisher- menShop and fac- tory pro- pri- etorsPro- fes- sion- alsMan- agers and offi- cialsWhite- collar work- ersBlue- collar work- ersHouse- wivesStu- dents and no occu- pa- tionD. K.Total
0310-26369160100( 353)
30-39171122729174199( 533)
40-49110119262893299( 540)
50-593166121331134199( 729)
60-69613325192821299( 700)
70 and over118211528386100( 447)
Males 20s
156-2351-141101( 166)
Males 30s2101252641-50101( 240)
Males 40s2127182731-22101( 261)
Males 50s4207221030-61100( 361)
Males 60s81564523-372100( 326)
Males 70+13102138-57599( 208)
Females 20s-113-29241717-101( 187)
Females 30s1410127203242101( 293)
Females 40s1915124261842100( 279)
Females 50s113611632262299( 368)
Females 60s511105165372100( 374)
Females 70+861--35322699( 239)
  (C) 2017 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics