Vol.58, No.1 (2010) Contents

Special Topic: A Study of the Japanese National Character in Two Decades of Heisei Era
On the Special Topic "A Study of the Japanese National Character in Two Decades of Heisei Era"
..........Takashi NAKAMURA (58, 1-2)
Semiparametric Estimation under Nonresponse in Survey and Sensitivity Analysis : Application to the 12th Survey of the Japanese National Character
..........Takahiro Hoshino (58, 3-23)
Two-stage Non-response Bias Adjustment Using Variables on the Survey-orienting Character for the Survey on the Japanese National Character
..........Takahiro TSUCHIYA (58, 25-38)
Contemporary Japanese Religious Mind - Based on Survey Data from the Japanese National Character and Other Cross-national Surveys
..........Fumi HAYASHI (58, 39-59)
Memories of a Statistical Study on the Japanese National Character : Looking Back on 36 Years of Being a Researcher at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
..........Yoshiyuki SAKAMOTO (58, 61-82)
Comprehensive References of Research Based on the Japanese National Character Survey
.......... (58, 83-111)

Optimal Aggregation of Adjacent Forest Stands through Traditional Spatially Constrained Harvest Scheduling Approach
..........Atsushi YOSHIMOTO, Masashi KONOSHIMA and Hirokazu YANAGIHARA (58, 113-126)
A Remark on Projection Estimator
..........Yoichi NISHIYAMA (58, 127-130)
Uniform Rate of Convergence of Smoothed Nelson-Aalen Estimator
..........Yoichi NISHIYAMA (58, 131-135)