Procedure for registering a Research Memorandum
Revised June 30, 2010
A Research Memorandum (Res. Memo) is a technical report of research results aimed at the public. In order to register a Res. Memo. it is required that the content of the report should be recognized as part of research activities at The Institute of Statistical Mathematics and that the author should be an instructor, invited instructor, joint researcher, visiting researcher, or post graduate of the statistics major at the Department of Statistical Science, School of Mathematical and Physical Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies.
1. Registration of the Res. Memo.
(1) Obtain a reference number
When a report has been completed, obtain a registration number at the editorial office (Room No.D310, extension No.8531) for registration.
(2) Application for registration
  (a) Print out the registration form (registration.doc) then type in the designated items (refer to the above) to complete the application form.
  (b) In order to prepare a submission file, download samples of both the application file (resm.txt) and the WebFile (resm.htm) from the Website.
Note 1:
(1) The applicant should be able to answer questions about the registered report (Res.Memo)
(2) If the report is written in a language other than English, an English translation of the title and the abstract should be included in the registration application form.
(3) Key words must be written only in English
(4) If the author's name is written in non­roman letters, spell out the name in roman letters ( roman letter are those used in English, French, German, and so on; non­roman letter are Chinese characters, Krill letters and so on)
(5) The English name of the organization should be included.
(6) The file name for the application file should be resm***.txt. (*** indicates the registration number)
2. Bookbinding of the Res. Memo.
Both the front cover and the body must be printed on A4­size paper according to the following binding procedures:
(1) Front cover with a window frame (both front and back covers should be obtained at the editorial office.)
(2) Title page
The following items should be written inside the window frame of the front page. A standard title page can be used. It can be printed out with the application form. In case the author prefers his original title page, the style should be similar to the standard type. The printing style of the following items should be in the same position as on the standard page.
(a) Research memorandum No. (Register number)
(b) Registration date according to the western calendar
(c) Title
(d) Author's (co­author's)name
(3) Body
The title, author's name, author's organization name, keywords, and the abstract should be written in front of the body.
(4) Back cover
3. Open to the Internet Website
The title, author's name, author's organization name, keywords, and abstract are to be open on the Website of the Institute. The Center for Information on Statistical Science at the Institute will post the files on its Website. It is the responsibility of the individual to put the body of the report on line. If the author wishes the manuscript file to be linked with the Center's Website, consult with the person in charge at the Group 3 of Engineering and technical services Section.
Note 2: WebFile
(1) In order to conceal the secret information of the paper, the author can revise the abstract written in the application form or in the manuscript when it is put into the WebFile.
(2) If the author prepares the application form using the application file, the WebFile will be automatically produced. It can be revised after completion. If an author wishes to create his/her own form, download the resm.htm from the Website and amend it as necessary. The file name should be resm***.htm(*** indicates the registration number).
(3) The WebFile should be written using the HTML.
(4) Roman letters should be used for the WebFile. Please see "Note (1)."
4. Submission of the complete manuscript and other forms
The items described below should be submitted within one week after obtaining the registration number.
Please submit the following to the editorial office:
(1) Two complete and bound manuscripts.
(2) An application file (resm***.txt)
(3) One copy of the registration form
(4) The WebFile(resm***.htm)
(5) A printed copy of the WebFile from a browser.
 (The application file and the WebFile should be submitted on via e-mail (
5. To change the content of the paper after registration is prohibited.