
Colloquia by Foreign Visitors (2003 - 2004)

Speaker(Country) Title Date
Falush, D. (Germany) Traces of human migrations in Helicobacter pylori populations. 2003. 1. 6
Janovsaka, D. (Czech) Givens' transformation applied to quaternion valued vectors. 2003. 1.23
Mayer, P. (Czech) A modification of iterative aggregation/disaggregation method. 2003. 1.23
Thorne, J. (U.S.A.) Protein evolution with dependence among codons due to tertiary structure. 2003. 1.30
Aris-Brosou, S. (U.S.A.) Bayesian tests of molecular phylogenies: how they work and compare with likelihood-based approaches. 2003. 1.30
Kim, J.-H. (Korea) Assessing the practical significance of the proportional odds assumption. 2003. 2. 5
Sang, T. (U.S.A.) Evolution of oryza: phylogenetics, population genetics, and genomics. 2003. 2. 8
Zhong, Y. (China) Some statistical issues on molecular evolution. 2003. 2.19
Jimenez, J. C. (Cuba) Nonlinear time series modeling-1: Linear estimation of continuous- discrete linear state space models with multiplicative noise. 2003. 3. 6
Jimenez, J. C. (Cuba) Nonlinear time series modeling-2: Local linearization filters for nonlinear continuous-discrete state space models with multiplicative noise. 2003. 3.13
Jimenez, J. C. (Cuba) Nonlinear time series modeling-3: An approximate innovation method for the estimation of diffusion processes from discrete data. 2003. 3.20
Hyvarinen, A. (Finland) Independent component analysis and applications to brain science. 2003. 4.10
Kosarev, E. L. (the Russian Federation) Program package for signal recovery from noisy data by maximum likelihood method and its application in physics. 2003. 4.22
Dolbilin, N. P. (the Russian Federation) The Kac--Ward determinant. 2003. 5.29
Nishisato, S. (Canada) A definition of information in multivariate analysis through categorical representation of data. 2003. 6.20
Dolbilin, N. P. (the Russian Federation) Complexity of tile shapes in regular and random tilings. 2003. 6.25
Tutuncu, R. (U.S.A.) Potential-reduction methods and continuous trajectories for linear programming. 2003. 7.22
Shedlock, A. (U.S.A.) Statistical approaches to conservation biology and comparative genomics: Part 1: Bayesian assignment of elephant microsatellite alleles to a geographic origin. Part 2: Estimation of ancestral amniote genome structure using BAC library scanning and macro-array hybridization. 2003. 7.24
Soong, F. K. (Taiwan) Optimal clustering of multivariate normal distributions using K-L divergence and its application to HMM adaptation. 2003. 7.25
Zheng, X. (New Zealand) An adaptive estimation of forecast error statistic for non-linear Kalman filtering data assimilation with imperfect models. 2003. 7.25
Faybusovich, L. (U.S.A.) Calculation of universal barrier functions for cones generated by Chebyshev systems over finite sets. 2003. 7.31
Yukich, J. E. (U.S.A.) Limit theory for random sequential packing. 2003. 8.18
Doi, J. A. (U.S.A.) Comparison of exact unconditional methods for the difference of two binomial proportions. 2003. 9. 1
Deza, M. (France) (k,l)-product and Goldberg-Coxeter construction. 2003. 9.12
Sen, P. K. (U.S.A.) Bioinformatics: Some challenging statistical problems. 2003.11. 4
Gatesy, J. (U.S.A.) Hidden support in phylogenetic supermatrices. 2003.11. 4
Bosch-Bayard, J. (Cuba) fMRI data analysis based on the innovation approach. 2003.11.12
Petkovic, M. (Serbia and Montenegro) Solving polynomial equations. 2003.11.12
Petkovic, L. (Serbia and Montenegro) Complex interval arithmetic and its applications. 2003.11.12
Deza, M. (France) Zigzag structure of simple polyhedra. 2003.12. 2
Velden, M. (Spain) Recent development of correspondence analysis. 2003.12. 3
Cuturi, M. (France) Kernels derived from probabilistic models. 2003.12.22
Mueller, M. (Mexico) Extracting subtle correlations from multivariate time series. 2004. 1.27
Dutour, M. (Israel & France) Polycycles and their boundaries. 2004. 2. 2
Senecal, S.(France) Markov chain and sequential Monte Carlo in signal processing: applications to Bayesian estimation for independent component analysis and satellite communication. 2004. 2. 4
Zdunek, R.(Poland) Image reconstruction methods from limited-data tomography. 2004. 2.18
Aston, J.(U.S.A.) Tensor based statistical algorithms for partial volume correction in neuroimaging. 2004. 2.26
Aston, J.(U.S.A.) A t-distributed airline model for seasonal adjustment. 2004. 2.27
Olson, J.(Sweden) Open reading frame categorization by cellular automata and genetic algorithms. 2004. 3. 9
Fung, W.-K.(China) Estimation and sensitivity analysis in partial linear models for longitudinal data. 2004. 3.17
Janovska, D. (Czech) Givens' transformation for quaternion- valued matrices. 2004. 3.23
Mayer, P.(Czech) A modification of a class of IAD methods. 2004. 3.23
Rump, S. M. (Germany) Computer-assisted proofs and self- validating methods. 2004. 3.23
Brown, E. (U.S.A.) State-space modeling of point process systems with applications to information encoding by neural systems. 2004. 3.24
Cuturi, M. (France) Semigroup kernels on finite sets. 2004. 4.13
Bhattacharyya, C. (India) Minimax probability machine. 2004. 6.14
Bhattacharyya, C.(India) Robust optimization approaches for feature selection and classification. 2004. 6.18
Riera, J. (Cuba) A bottom-up approach for fMRI and NIRs fusion. 2004. 7.30
Faybusovich, L.(France) Jordan algebras and interior-point algorithms of optimization. 2004. 8.24
Bozdogan, H.(U.S.A.) Misspecification resistant model selection using information complexity. 2004. 8.27
Lee, T. (Korea) Tree-structured survival model for AIDS in Korea. 2004. 9. 2
Mahmoud, H.(U.S.A.) Polya process and random sprouts. 2004. 9. 8
Benjamini, Y.(Israel) Controlling the false discovery rate in statistical genetics. 2004. 9. 9
Hill, S. I.(U.K.) An overview of multi-category classification using support vector methods. 2004. 9.10
Ramik, J. (Czech) Duality in linear programming with fuzzy coefficients and possibility- necessity relations(1). 2004. 9.14
Ramik, J. (Czech) Duality in linear programming with fuzzy coefficients and possibility- necessity relations(2). 2004. 9.14
Inselberg, A. (Israel) Visualization and data mining of high dimensional datasets. 2004.10.29
Vert, J.-P. (France) Supervised graph inference. 2004.11. 5
Nishisato, S. (Canada) Correlation between categorical variables. 2004.11.15
Waddell, P. J.(U.S.A.) Alternative methods of analyzing gene expression data, including criterion based trees and MDS, plus correspondence analysis. 2004.12.13
Senecal, S. (France) Some recent advances in Markov chain and sequential Monte Carlo methods. 2004.12.15
Gales, M. (U.K.) SVMs, score-spaces and maximum margin statistical models. 2004.12.16
Byrne, W. (U.K.) Current research in statistical machine translation. 2004.12.16
Bilmes, J. A.(U.S.A.) Graphical models in speech and language. 2004.12.22
Seo, T.-K. (Korea) Estimating absolute rates of synonymous and non-synonymous nucleotide substitution in order to characterize natural selection and date species divergence. 2004.12.22
Shedlock, A.(U.S.A.) Genomic trends in amniote evolution inferred from BAC end sequence analysis of non-avian reptiles. 2004.12.22

